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Own Casino Premium 1.6.0

$10.00 $8.00
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Chit Show


I've been waiting a long time for this.
Thanks for helping me out, and thanks for this plugin NooBlet!

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La flecha de la ruleta que marca el número ganador sale a la derecha, en lugar de hacia arriba como aparece en la foto.



8 hours ago, Dana Caballero Medina said:

La flecha de la ruleta que marca el número ganador sale a la derecha, en lugar de hacia arriba como aparece en la foto.

¿Puede darme una lista de sus complementos en su servidor y tal vez una captura de pantalla del edificio en el que lo pegó? y la dirección de la brújula a la que estabas mirando para que pueda volver a escribir tu problema.(google translate)




With this, is it possible to allow other payments for the poker table. What I mean is that normally you can only use Scrap, but I have a skinned version of blood as a type of upgrading currency on my server. So basically, is it possible to allow me to use blood for poker?



3 minutes ago, ChristopherS said:

With this, is it possible to allow other payments for the poker table. What I mean is that normally you can only use Scrap, but I have a skinned version of blood as a type of upgrading currency on my server. So basically, is it possible to allow me to use blood for poker?

it has never been planned to change the normal state of game state concerning the gambling side . but ill look into it

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2 minutes ago, NooBlet said:

it has never been planned to change the normal state of game state concerning the gambling side . but ill look into it

Hey NooBlet,

Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I totally understand if this is not possible. My case is an edge case at best. Thank you for being willing to look into this though! 


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Thank you so much for your help today, I'm going to have this installed at the start of the next wipe. You honestly need commending for the help and time that you've given me today.

There is one small thing that I've spotted and that is the name of the sofa. The name for that is "DUBBLE", but I think it should be Double. 

Again, thank you. It's so refreshing to receive such great help from a plugin developer. I'm genuinely excited for what you can bring to this in the future.,


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May I add a suggestion. 

Now I don't know if this can be done, but do you think it's possible to make payouts only come from the box. What I mean is that for the casino owner, it's all just profit to them. If the person wins and there's nothing in the box they get paid. If they loose then the owner gets paid out. 

I'm unsure if this is possible given my assumption that this will be coded into the game to work how it currently does, but I think if there was a way to make it that the owner had to payout, then this could become an actual business to them rather than a money making machine.




ill keep that in mind .... as i hope you understand what if the first customer drops a 1000 on 20 and win . that means owner need s21000 to payout ::::::::d bankrupt on first go :D:D:D:D:D .

might be an issue.

but will look into something that might work


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just as an update .......

ive been so buzy on TheRedButton .... i hardly had time to work on casino .

yes . im still working on the owner being able to gamble for free collecting his own losses ..... so expect that to change soon 

also still working on getting hook into slots payouts...

Feel free to DM me if you need anything to make this Plugin work better for your server ...... 

as i always say we all enjoy rust . why not make it better:D:D:D



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Hey NooBlet!

I greatly appreciate being given this update, and really really look forward to what the future will bring with this plugin!


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So as it turns out . detecting who bet where . is not as easy as assumed originally.


so as the rise of supports ,DM's and requests for the owner of casino that abuse scrap losses .

I've decided to completely remove owner and anyone associated with the wheel from betting at all at that wheel


this code will be implemented tonight . (12hour from now)

any concerns or request surrounding this . please feel free do let me know via Discord (NooBlet#1804) or DM's or here

i hate that we have to block players like this . bc i know there's a lot of players out there that play legit and don't abuse this.


Sad day indeed🥺



Fusion 3.64


@NooBletDoes this plugin offer all size poker tables or just the large?
Also are you planning on adding the blackjackmachine?

I'm currently using place anything and it does what i need.
But I like the concept of the collection box as well as altering the permitted items for betting.

The answers won't make or break my decision on the purchase.
It'll just set the changes to my server.


Posted (edited)

it does not offer all sizes but . i can add a size variable for the owner no problem . Blackjackmachine . do you mean the train cart..... ill spend some time this weekend on some changes ....


and i thank you for the contact .. great input . ive been so busy with the new projects , but will be putting some time into your idea this weekend . look out for the update



Edited by NooBlet

Posted (edited)

can we get the new blackjack static added to the plugin ? blackjackmachine.static is the prefab to spawn it in


Edited by ELF


9 hours ago, ELF said:

can we get the new blackjack static added to the plugin ? blackjackmachine.static is the prefab to spawn it in


Yes this weekend im aading stuff to own casino

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Fusion 3.64


On 11/23/2022 at 9:27 PM, NooBlet said:

it does not offer all sizes but . i can add a size variable for the owner no problem . Blackjackmachine . do you mean the train cart..... ill spend some time this weekend on some changes ....


and i thank you for the contact .. great input . ive been so busy with the new projects , but will be putting some time into your idea this weekend . look out for the update



Thank you for your response.
That would be a great addition.
While the standard does exactly what a 3 person table does, some players just like to have the variety.
And yes, I do mean from the train cart.

Currently I'm just having them spawn at the outpost using MonumentAddons.
Placement has been a little janky with PlaceAnything.
At least for me. I probably need to adjust something.

I'll be picking this up shortly and starting the server adjustment over on my test.


Posted (edited)

I took the trouble to create better icons, maybe you can use them for the plugin.

Couch Terminal 2er

Chair Terminal 1ner

Poker Table 6er

Blackjack Machine


Edited by MeinRust
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Posted (edited)

Could we get were players can pick up  the Blackjack table up with the hammer like the rest? 

Edited by ELF


hitting it with the hammer should do it



it did not work 



Blackjack, Slot Machine, dont give money? 

Tablepoker not possible change scrap 



all scrap box losses is only for wheel ..... rest facepunch coded a bit different . but i am working on a solution to get that to work as well....

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Hi =D

add % profit

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