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Customizable Protection 2.1.11

   (3 reviews)
Message added by 0xF,

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YaMang -w-


preview video have ??


Posted (edited)

Please add to the config the movement of the icon, for example, to the right of the belt. To the left of my belt I have a backpack icon. And, please, tell me by example how to set up a custom item, using the example of trousers. 
By the way. It seems to have figured out how to add a custom item, but for some reason it is added alone. Ie, I specify three in the settings, after restarting the plugin, the first two are deleted, only the last one is added.

Добавьте, пожалуйста, к конфигу перемещение иконки, к примеру, справа от пояса. Слева от пояса у меня иконка рюкзака. И, пожалуйста, подскажите на примере, как кастомный предмет настроить, на примере брюк. Спасибо.
Кстати. Вроде разобрался, как добавить кастомный предмет, но он почему-то один добавляется. Т.е. в настройках указываю три, после перезапуска плагина первые два удаляются, остается, только последний добавленный.

Edited by TOP-ic


14 hours ago, YaMang-w- said:

preview video have ??

No, not yet, but I'm going to make one soon.



7 hours ago, TOP-ic said:

Please add to the config the movement of the icon, for example, to the right of the belt. To the left of my belt I have a backpack icon. And, please, tell me by example how to set up a custom item, using the example of trousers. 
By the way. It seems to have figured out how to add a custom item, but for some reason it is added alone. Ie, I specify three in the settings, after restarting the plugin, the first two are deleted, only the last one is added.

Добавьте, пожалуйста, к конфигу перемещение иконки, к примеру, справа от пояса. Слева от пояса у меня иконка рюкзака. И, пожалуйста, подскажите на примере, как кастомный предмет настроить, на примере брюк. Спасибо.
Кстати. Вроде разобрался, как добавить кастомный предмет, но он почему-то один добавляется. Т.е. в настройках указываю три, после перезапуска плагина первые два удаляются, остается, только последний добавленный.

OK, moving the button will be added in the next update.

I understand you are trying to add some of your items and they get deleted from you? Maybe the problem is that you are putting the new item in the wrong place or not putting a comma.

In the attached config I added trousers with 100 bullet protection, look where there is a comma between them.


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The functionality of this plugin seems to be very useful.
I was wondering if it's possible to modify weapon damage based on the weapon's SkinID
  and have it work in a similar way as this plugin does in the inventory system.
If it's possible, I believe it would make for a very interesting RPG server.
Also, I would be more than happy to purchase it.

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, KUKU said:

The functionality of this plugin seems to be very useful.
I was wondering if it's possible to modify weapon damage based on the weapon's SkinID
  and have it work in a similar way as this plugin does in the inventory system.
If it's possible, I believe it would make for a very interesting RPG server.
Also, I would be more than happy to purchase it.

You mean make a plugin to adjust weapon damage, with the same info panel? Sounds interesting, maybe I'll do such a thing.
I had an idea to make a similar plugin for weapons, where you could customize everything possible for weapons, but at the moment I'm busy with another plugin, a fully customizable menu.

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time, and I have a lot to do, so I'm trying to spend it more wisely.

I'll hold on to your idea and implement it later, I suggest you follow my profile so you don't miss out.

Edited by 0xF
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Is this defense percentage at most 100%? Is it a game restriction or can higher values be set? For example, Bullet: 300.0 instead of the highest Bullet: 100.0. I wonder if it's possible to have a higher percentage of defense and then increase the dodge probability of various damages



If the defense parameter value is set to a negative number and the set setting option is not displayed in the game, setting it to a positive number can display it normally



Does the defense of custom weapons and custom defense plugins cover the original attributes of the game, or does it add defense to the original basic attributes?



5 hours ago, ColdB said:

Is this defense percentage at most 100%? Is it a game restriction or can higher values be set? For example, Bullet: 300.0 instead of the highest Bullet: 100.0. I wonder if it's possible to have a higher percentage of defense and then increase the dodge probability of various damages

There is such a function, for this you need to disable the parameter in the config, but at the moment the ability to go beyond, because it has not been tested after the update 2.0.

I have information about what will happen in case of overstepping. If the protection value is less than 0 you will take extra damage, if it is greater than 0 you will have health regeneration. I think it will be possible to cover each other protection, like hoodie and metal breastplate, but I still need to add the parameter of maximum going out of bounds.


Posted (edited)

5 hours ago, ColdB said:

Does the defense of custom weapons and custom defense plugins cover the original attributes of the game, or does it add defense to the original basic attributes?

The plugin covers protection.

Edited by 0xF


will you be adding support for other activities such as mining stats/cutting trees/fishing and more for both weapon and clothing?



I wrote to support, but the message disappeared there. The plugin spams a lot with errors.
07.05.2023 12:10:44] [Oxide] 12:10 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnClothingItemChanged' on plugin 'CustomizableProtection v2.0.2' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.CalculateProtection (BasePlayer player, HitArea hitArea) [0x001fa] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.UpdatePlayerProtection (BasePlayer player) [0x0000d] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.OnClothingItemChanged (PlayerInventory playerInventory, Item item) [0x0000c] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0059c] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 
   at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 
   at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0


Posted (edited)

37 minutes ago, TOP-ic said:

I wrote to support, but the message disappeared there. The plugin spams a lot with errors.
07.05.2023 12:10:44] [Oxide] 12:10 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnClothingItemChanged' on plugin 'CustomizableProtection v2.0.2' (KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) [0x0001e] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.CalculateProtection (BasePlayer player, HitArea hitArea) [0x001fa] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.UpdatePlayerProtection (BasePlayer player) [0x0000d] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.OnClothingItemChanged (PlayerInventory playerInventory, Item item) [0x0000c] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CustomizableProtection.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0059c] in <4a67d60b3d6c400f9532248cf6fdd2c9>:0 
   at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0 
   at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0 
   at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0

Thanks for reminding me, I will be releasing a fix soon

Edited by 0xF
  • Like 1


Is it possible to reduce the durability of armor when attacked by NPCs on TruePVE server?



hello, the data in the config is different from the data on the monitor screen. I tried different ways ver.2.1



46 minutes ago, gena said:

hello, the data in the config is different from the data on the monitor screen. I tried different ways ver.2.1

Hello. The data is taken from the config.

  • Like 1

Posted (edited)

Hello, how can I use official clothing data instead of custom configured data

I tried to modify the custom project to the official default data, 

but it seems that it is not as I expected. The cold value of 58 is -25 ° C in snowy mountains

Edited by Kk

Posted (edited)

15 hours ago, Kk said:

Hello, how can I use official clothing data instead of custom configured data

I tried to modify the custom project to the official default data, 

but it seems that it is not as I expected. The cold value of 58 is -25 ° C in snowy mountains

What you see in the settings files are completely official and have not been modified in any way. The ColdExposure parameter is specific, as this parameter is a kind of temperature protection, i.e. a large value will be hot, a small value will be cold, but again, the values that are initially set are original.
Also, be careful Cold is NOT a defense against cold, but a defense against cold damage (there's a big difference).  If you need protection from cold, use ColdExposure

Edited by 0xF


I have set several clothes with unique attributes and placed them in the Custom folder, but I don't want to use the data in the plugin Default because it doesn't match the official data. Is there a way to close it?



38 minutes ago, Kk said:

I have set several clothes with unique attributes and placed them in the Custom folder, but I don't want to use the data in the plugin Default because it doesn't match the official data. Is there a way to close it?

There is no such possibility. All settings of default items are taken directly from the game items and fully correspond to them. Perhaps you feel the difference due to the fact that the plugin has its own system of registering damage from bots or on bots working from the bone in which hit and armor that is worn in that place, as in the original game damage to bots and bots has a common damage system and completely ignores the armor worn.



Posted (edited)

Only now have hands reached the plugin update from July 8. And I don't understand anything, do I need to redo all the settings again? I added a bunch of items, set up getting them through other plugins. I have updated it now and nothing is working. But before the update, it still worked stably. Tell me how to set up the items now, I can't. 
In the custom folder, I added a file with an item, named it pants-1.json, configured it with its coefficients, another plugin gives this item, and it is the default settings. What am I doing wrong?

Только сейчас дошли руки до обновления плагина от 8 июля. И я не понимаю, мне опять нужно переделывать все добавленный предметы? Я добавил кучу предметов, настроил их получение через другие плагины. И вот обновил плагин, и ничего не работает. Но до обновления, он же стабильно работал. Подскажите, как настроить все с нуля.
В папке data\custom добавил файл с предметом, назвал его pants-1.json, настроил его со своими коэффициентами, другой плагин выдает это предмет, а он с дефолтными настройками. Что я делаю не так? Спасибо!

Edited by TOP-ic


9 minutes ago, TOP-ic said:

Only now have hands reached the plugin update from July 8. And I don't understand anything, do I need to redo all the settings again? I added a bunch of items, set up getting them through other plugins. I have updated it now and nothing is working. But before the update, it still worked stably. Tell me how to set up the items now, I can't. 
In the custom folder, I added a file with an item, named it pants-1.json, configured it with its coefficients, another plugin gives this item, and it is the default settings. What am I doing wrong?

Только сейчас дошли руки до обновления плагина от 8 июля. И я не понимаю, мне опять нужно переделывать все добавленный предметы? Я добавил кучу предметов, настроил их получение через другие плагины. И вот обновил плагин, и ничего не работает. Но до обновления, он же стабильно работал. Подскажите, как настроить все с нуля.
В папке data\custom добавил файл с предметом, назвал его pants-1.json, настроил его со своими коэффициентами, другой плагин выдает это предмет, а он с дефолтными настройками. Что я делаю не так? Спасибо!

After you have added an item, in another plugin you need to specify in the "shortname" field the name to .json
In your case, you need to specify "pants-1" in the "shortname" field, skin id as desired.
If you need a more specific example, provide the config of the plugin you want to customize, I will show you how it should look like.

После того кого как вы добавили предмет, в другом плагине вам необходимо указать в поле "shortname" название до .json
В вашем случае, необходимо в поле "shortname" указать "pants-1", айди скина по желанию.
Если вам необходим более конкретный пример, предоставьте конфиг плагина который вы хотите настроить, я покажу как это должно выглядеть.



3 minutes ago, 0xF said:

After you have added an item, in another plugin you need to specify in the "shortname" field the name to .json
In your case, you need to specify "pants-1" in the "shortname" field, skin id as desired.
If you need a more specific example, provide the config of the plugin you want to customize, I will show you how it should look like.

После того кого как вы добавили предмет, в другом плагине вам необходимо указать в поле "shortname" название до .json
В вашем случае, необходимо в поле "shortname" указать "pants-1", айди скина по желанию.
Если вам необходим более конкретный пример, предоставьте конфиг плагина который вы хотите настроить, я покажу как это должно выглядеть.

В принципе я так и делал, но была проблема у плагина , который выдает этот предмет, т.к. он работает только по скинам. Блин, а нельзя как-то сделать, как и раньше или в настройках дать выбор, по скинам работать или по шортнеймам?
In principle, I did so, but there was a problem with the plugin that gives out this item, because it only works on skins. Damn, can't you do something like before or give a choice in the settings, work on skins or on shortnames?


Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, TOP-ic said:

В принципе я так и делал, но была проблема у плагина , который выдает этот предмет, т.к. он работает только по скинам. Блин, а нельзя как-то сделать, как и раньше или в настройках дать выбор, по скинам работать или по шортнеймам?
In principle, I did so, but there was a problem with the plugin that gives out this item, because it only works on skins. Damn, can't you do something like before or give a choice in the settings, work on skins or on shortnames?

Эта версия больше не работает по скинами, теперь она использует систему уникальных идентификаторов. Покажите конфиг вашего плагина.

Edited by 0xF

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