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  1. Thanks for your reply KingSizeKevin, I have downloaded the 1.1.0 version of MonumentNames and the 1.4.6 version of Puzzle Points but I have this issue below now! (15:27:33) | Failed to call hook 'OnCardSwipe' on plugin 'PuzzlePoints v1.4.6' (InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.) at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNextRare () [0x00013] in <e3aa8db986d7457ca73f10110f1283f5>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[T].MoveNext () [0x0004a] in <e3aa8db986d7457ca73f10110f1283f5>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PuzzlePoints.OnCardSwipe (CardReader cardReader, Keycard card, BasePlayer player) [0x00076] in <fccb1fc1331d4e15b1e1e11d8f67e3f9>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.PuzzlePoints.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x001a9] in <fccb1fc1331d4e15b1e1e11d8f67e3f9>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
  2. Hi! How to use Monuments Names with Puzzle Points plz ? I installed both plugins but it always shows me 'harbor 1' instead Large Harbor .. Thanks in advance! EDIT : in fact, when I launch the plugin, it does not create a Monument Names.json file in the config directory ..
  3. @aimacak : 1 - no, 2 - Yes I have the file but it has been downgraded to 187 octets, 3 - I did not change anything about raidable bases permissions!
  4. Hi! I did not change anything since weeks around oxide in my server and today my /rb ladder and lifetime stats have both disappeared and I do not know why! Any idea plz ? Thanks!
  5. Re, I set Divide Rewards Among All Raiders to false but it seems not working .. Did I miss something? I'd like teams are not sharing rewards and by the way, who gets the reward? The first who has attacked the base? Thanks! EDIT : "Only Award Owner Of Raid": true, I just saw I have to set this right?
  6. Oh yes, sorry! my bad, I was mistaken! Thanks for your reply anyway!
  7. Hi! It seems we no longer see informations when we hit a base for seeing how long time remains? Do not know if I am clear, maybe the Christmas update or it is me? Thanks
  8. Re, Thanks for your reply! I did not know that plugin ..
  9. Hi! I have created an oxide group named 'raidabandoned' I gave that group abandonedbases.immune permission (with "Lifetime (Days)": "none",) So I have created a server rewards command (o.usergroup add $player.name raidabandoned) which means the player who buys it makes its base immune for all the remaining wipe but I was wondering whether or not there is a way to give that player only a certain amount of immune days for buying that command? After that, I'd like the player is deleted from the raidabandoned group or/and have to buy a new command to make his base immune at new, don't know if it is clear .. Thanks!
  10. Hi! I found out a bug maybe : When the timer has expired and the player base is converted into a raidable base when I shoot at it, the message marker is wrong : it shows [Owner] FreeManStars [Abandoned Base] it should be [Raider] FreeManStars [Abandoned Base]
  11. Hi! Just to let you know that we can still enter an abandoned base radius while another is raiding it .. EDIT : (14:31:08) | [Abandoned Bases] CHELOVEKOV (765..) base has been abandoned at (-496.11, 56.74, 638.71) (L10) by Crispy Chris (765..) should be : [Abandoned Bases] CHELOVEKOV (765..) has raided the abandoned base at (-496.11, 56.74, 638.71) (L10) owned by Crispy Chris (765..) no?
  12. Re, I forgot to mention this earlier : A base has turn abandoned and I enter it but when I saw the name of the player, I looked in my .json file and I remembered I had changed to make tests my "Lifetime (Days)": "2", instead 3. So I o.unloaded the plugin and reloaded it without breaking anything except 1 metal door with its code lock and I have been rewarded with 1 ServerRewards point. I do not think it is normal, maybe a bug? Just for your info!
  13. Hi! Is there a way to change, or maybe in a next update, to choose a color for : "Change Marker Color On First Entity Destroyed": true, It will be cool to be able choosing the marker color that appear on the map too. What about this below ? "Marker Format With Owner Name": "[Owner] {0} {1}", "Marker Format With Raider Name": "[Raider] {0} {1}", It seems not working in any case with the raider name, nothing appeared in the marker like with raidable bases. Thanks! EDIT : Sorry for the previous post, I read it but I did not remember it
  14. Hi! Do we no longer see who are the owners when we hit a base now? EDIT : For your info, when you leave a raidable base, the "you have left a raidable PVE base" is displayed 7 times instead 1 time. EDIT1 : "Marker Format With Raider Name": "[Raider] {0} {1}", seems not working?
  15. Hi! Voli is the owner, chelovekov is the raider, I looked into /lang files but it is only in the plugin/.cs file. Why do it tells the owner has raided the base with the raider in the console? It is not normal! (08:52:55) | [Abandoned Bases] Voli (765611.........) has raided the base with CHELOVEKOV at (-602.17, 3.37, -1650.94) (K25) owned by Voli (765611......)


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