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Monument Names API 1.2.7

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About Monument Names API


This plugin returns details about a specific monument when passed a short name or prefab.

Often times we work with plugins that output short names like airfield_1 or sphere_tank, but really we want the screen display to be names like Airfield and Dome.


For Devs

string displayName = MonumentNames?.Call("API_GetDisplayName", _shortName);
string displayName = MonumentNames?.Call("API_GetDisplayNameFromPrefab", _prefabName);
string shortname = MonumentNames?.Call("API_GetShortNameFromPrefab", _prefabName);
string gridPos = MonumentNames?.Call("API_GetGridPos", _shortName);
string v3pos = MonumentNames?.Call("API_GetPos", _shortName);
float distance = MonumentNames?.Call("API_DistanceFrom", "airfield_1", player.transform.position);
string monument = MonumentNames?.Call("API_ClosestMonument", player.transform.position);





AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED  You do not need to touch the config, it will automatically sync to the monuments on your specific map.  You may want to edit your own display names, so you can edit those here (although, they're fairly tight already).

  "Monuments": [
      "Monument ID": "ferry_terminal_1_L20",
      "Monument Display Name": "Ferry Terminal",
      "Monument Short Name": "ferry_terminal_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/ferry_terminal_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "L20",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-213.02, 1.25, -1105.30)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "harbor_1_X11",
      "Monument Display Name": "Large Harbor",
      "Monument Short Name": "harbor_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/harbor_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "X11",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(1655.16, 1.45, 113.02)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "harbor_2_W3",
      "Monument Display Name": "Small Harbor",
      "Monument Short Name": "harbor_2",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/harbor_2.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "W3",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(1450.50, 0.73, 1320.03)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "fishing_village_c_R3",
      "Monument Display Name": "Fishing Village",
      "Monument Short Name": "fishing_village_c",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_c.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "R3",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(803.33, 0.00, 1368.77)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "fishing_village_b_O22",
      "Monument Display Name": "Fishing Village",
      "Monument Short Name": "fishing_village_b",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_b.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "O22",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(269.77, 0.00, -1460.29)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "fishing_village_a_W18",
      "Monument Display Name": "Fishing Village",
      "Monument Short Name": "fishing_village_a",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/fishing_village/fishing_village_a.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "W18",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(1481.65, 0.00, -935.24)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "desert_military_base_a_O19",
      "Monument Display Name": "Desert Military Base A",
      "Monument Short Name": "desert_military_base_a",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/military_bases/desert_military_base_a.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "O19",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(239.12, 10.31, -984.28)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "arctic_research_base_a_F4",
      "Monument Display Name": "Arctic Research Base",
      "Monument Short Name": "arctic_research_base_a",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/arctic_bases/arctic_research_base_a.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "F4",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-962.44, 42.01, 1106.98)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "launch_site_1_I11",
      "Monument Display Name": "Launch",
      "Monument Short Name": "launch_site_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "I11",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-539.72, 51.96, 80.33)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "bandit_town_Q10",
      "Monument Display Name": "Bandits",
      "Monument Short Name": "bandit_town",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/bandit_town.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "Q10",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(584.70, 37.27, 229.98)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "compound_K15",
      "Monument Display Name": "Outpost",
      "Monument Short Name": "compound",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/compound.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "K15",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-339.99, 31.29, -459.98)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "nuclear_missile_silo_D18",
      "Monument Display Name": "Nuclear Missile Silo",
      "Monument Short Name": "nuclear_missile_silo",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/nuclear_missile_silo.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "D18",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-1243.12, 29.83, -951.74)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "junkyard_1_U22",
      "Monument Display Name": "Junkyard",
      "Monument Short Name": "junkyard_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/junkyard_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "U22",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(1112.20, 43.39, -1429.89)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "stables_a_T14",
      "Monument Display Name": "Stables",
      "Monument Short Name": "stables_a",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/stables_a.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "T14",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(1057.69, 4.37, -335.64)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "water_treatment_plant_1_L6",
      "Monument Display Name": "Water Treatment Plant",
      "Monument Short Name": "water_treatment_plant_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "L6",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-100.13, 21.99, 812.20)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "trainyard_1_R17",
      "Monument Display Name": "Trainyard",
      "Monument Short Name": "trainyard_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/trainyard_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "R17",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(727.38, 17.42, -804.67)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "military_tunnel_1_G16",
      "Monument Display Name": "Military Tunnel",
      "Monument Short Name": "military_tunnel_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/military_tunnel_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "G16",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-826.01, 5.75, -657.21)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "powerplant_1_G8",
      "Monument Display Name": "Power Plant",
      "Monument Short Name": "powerplant_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/powerplant_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "G8",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-906.01, 35.42, 549.87)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "radtown_small_3_O3",
      "Monument Display Name": "Sewer Branch",
      "Monument Short Name": "radtown_small_3",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/medium/radtown_small_3.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "O3",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(314.38, 10.86, 1285.44)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "mining_quarry_c_D14",
      "Monument Display Name": "HQM Mining Quarry",
      "Monument Short Name": "mining_quarry_c",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/mining_quarry_c.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "D14",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-1290.29, 18.62, -300.68)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "mining_quarry_b_J3",
      "Monument Display Name": "Stone Mining Quarry",
      "Monument Short Name": "mining_quarry_b",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/mining_quarry_b.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "J3",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-497.27, 13.02, 1330.88)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "stables_b_P14",
      "Monument Display Name": "Stables",
      "Monument Short Name": "stables_b",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/stables_b.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "P14",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(391.61, 27.32, -289.40)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "mining_quarry_a_J7",
      "Monument Display Name": "Sulfur Mining Quarry",
      "Monument Short Name": "mining_quarry_a",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/mining_quarry_a.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "J7",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-496.12, 59.65, 656.91)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "sphere_tank_R6",
      "Monument Display Name": "Dome",
      "Monument Short Name": "sphere_tank",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/sphere_tank.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "R6",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(707.41, 30.99, 895.82)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "satellite_dish_N9",
      "Monument Display Name": "Satellite Dish",
      "Monument Short Name": "satellite_dish",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/satellite_dish.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "N9",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(129.90, 44.86, 374.96)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "warehouse_V4",
      "Monument Display Name": "Mining Outpost",
      "Monument Short Name": "warehouse",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/warehouse.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "V4",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(1284.18, 15.79, 1219.98)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "warehouse_F7",
      "Monument Display Name": "Mining Outpost",
      "Monument Short Name": "warehouse",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/warehouse.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "F7",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-986.19, 38.93, 779.58)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "supermarket_1_O7",
      "Monument Display Name": "Supermarket",
      "Monument Short Name": "supermarket_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/supermarket_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "O7",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(325.29, 37.62, 711.28)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "supermarket_1_N20",
      "Monument Display Name": "Supermarket",
      "Monument Short Name": "supermarket_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/supermarket_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "N20",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(92.43, 3.09, -1148.61)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "warehouse_L13",
      "Monument Display Name": "Mining Outpost",
      "Monument Short Name": "warehouse",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/warehouse.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "L13",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-168.46, 19.62, -140.44)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "gas_station_1_G14",
      "Monument Display Name": "Oxums",
      "Monument Short Name": "gas_station_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/gas_station_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "G14",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-898.03, 5.72, -368.48)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "gas_station_1_Q16",
      "Monument Display Name": "Oxums",
      "Monument Short Name": "gas_station_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/gas_station_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "Q16",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(585.36, 22.12, -620.00)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "supermarket_1_K9",
      "Monument Display Name": "Supermarket",
      "Monument Short Name": "supermarket_1",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/roadside/supermarket_1.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "K9",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(-326.59, 46.46, 448.36)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "underwater_lab_b_N0",
      "Monument Display Name": "Underwater Labs B",
      "Monument Short Name": "underwater_lab_b",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/underwater_lab/underwater_lab_b.prefab",
      "Monument Grid Position": "N0",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(144.43, -49.99, 1748.15)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "OilrigAI_AB3",
      "Monument Display Name": "Small Oil",
      "Monument Short Name": "OilrigAI",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "OilrigAI",
      "Monument Grid Position": "AB3",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(2165.13, 0.00, 1247.34)",
      "Is Active": true
      "Monument ID": "OilrigAI2_O27",
      "Monument Display Name": "Large Oil",
      "Monument Short Name": "OilrigAI2",
      "Monument Prefab Name": "OilrigAI2",
      "Monument Grid Position": "O27",
      "Monument Vector 3 Position": "(271.99, 0.00, -2175.00)",
      "Is Active": true
  "BlackList": [


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