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ToastyKills 1.0.5

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About ToastyKills


  • A lightweight configurable kill feed plugin that displays kill feed data styled in toasts, which disappear after a set time (default 8 secs).
  • Admins can configure everything about the styling, including size, screen position, font and colour.
  • Players can toggle the toasts on/off with a chat command.
  • Incredibly easy config file.



toastykills.view: allows players to view kill toasts.
toastykills.commands: allows players to use chat commands.
toastykills.admin: allows players to admin plugin.


Chat Commands

/tko - disables kill feed
/tk - enables kill feed



  "ToastyKillsOn": "Toasty Kills On",
  "ToastyKillsOff": "Toasty Kills Off",
  "NoPerms": "You don't have the {0} permission to use this command"



  "Max Simultaneous Toasts": 10,
  "Toast Display Settings": {
    "Toast Base Y": 0.98,
    "Toast Base X": 0.8,
    "Toast Height": 0.03,
    "Toast Font Height": 12,
    "Toast Width": 0.198,
    "Toast Gap": 0.002,
    "Toast Manual Color Override (if you know what you are doing)": false,
    "Toast Manual Background Color": ".1 0.1 0.1",
    "Toast Manual Font Color": "1 1 1",
    "Is Active (true/false)": true,
    "Toast Cooldown (seconds)": 8.0
  "Players Settings": null,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 3






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