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  1. Here's a quality of life addition that would be nice on the home page to add the bases easily. rb.config add "Easy Bases" mrtrixye1 mrtrixye2 mrtrixye3 mrtrixye4 mrtrixye5 mrtrixye6 mrtrixye7 mrtrixye8 mrtrixye9 mrtrixye10 mrtrixye11 mrtrixye12 rb.config add "Medium Bases" mrtrixym1 mrtrixym2 mrtrixym3 mrtrixym4 mrtrixym5 mrtrixym6 mrtrixym7 mrtrixym8 mrtrixym9 mrtrixym10 mrtrixym11 mrtrixym12 rb.config add "Hard Bases" mrtrixyh1 mrtrixyh2 mrtrixyh3 mrtrixyh4 mrtrixyh5 mrtrixyh6 mrtrixyh7 mrtrixyh8 mrtrixyh9 mrtrixyh10 mrtrixyh11 mrtrixyh12 rb.config add "Expert Bases" mrtrixyex1 mrtrixyex2 mrtrixyex3 mrtrixyex4 mrtrixyex5 mrtrixyex6 mrtrixyex7 mrtrixyex8 mrtrixyex9 mrtrixyex10 mrtrixyex11 mrtrixyex12 rb.config add "Nightmare Bases" mrtrixyn1 mrtrixyn2 mrtrixyn3 mrtrixyn4 mrtrixyn5 mrtrixyn6 mrtrixyn7 mrtrixyn8 mrtrixyn9 mrtrixyn10 mrtrixyn11 mrtrixyn12
    Our players are enjoying the bases in this pack, as they offer new and fun raid base options. Would recommend
  2. Wraith

    Raidable Bases

    Hi, I was wondering if it’s possible to add additional categories for purchasing raid bases. Currently, our players can buy options like easy, medium, hard etc, but we also have ship raid bases which we’d like to give players the option to purchase such as ‘Ship Easy,’ ‘Ship Hard,’ ‘Water Easy,’ or ‘Water Hard.’ Is this something that can be implemented, or is it something we can modify on our end?
  3. We've encountered the same issue with scientists getting stuck in mid-air. If a player doesn’t complete the event, the scientists remain suspended even after it finishes. On a side note, is there a way to spread them out? They tend to cluster together, perhaps they could form a circle around the crate instead?
  4. Wraith

    adding custom items

    That's great news, thanks for the quick update!
  5. Wraith

    adding custom items

    I am having the same problem. Any news on a possible update for this?


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