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winter36's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Gas Power Station"


    Gas Power Station

    Gas-fired power plant with a mini puzzle to solve which is well kept.
    Puzzle Help
    Turn on the 4 electrical panels of the central and replace the fuse upstairs to power the door to finally descend into the cellar, beware of electric shocks, you only have 20 seconds to pass. if you can't find the fuses to replace, help yourself with the electrical cables...
    rest of the puzzle every 30min once triggered
    ------------ French ------------
    Central electrique a gas avec un mini puzzle a resoudre qui est bien garder.
    Aide pour le puzzle
    - Rallumer les 4 tableaux electrique de la central et remplacer le fusible à l'étage pour ralimenter la porte pour enfin descendre dans la cave attention aux décharges électrique vous n'avez que 20 secs pour passer. si vous trouvez pas les fusibles à remplacer aidez-vous des câbles électriques...
    reste du puzzle toute les 30min une fois declencher
  2. More information about "The Prison - Rustcoon City"


    The Prison - Rustcoon City

    Find a way out... but dont do it alone. It could be a problem and youll be there... forever!
    Green & Recard Puzzle
    Power Up the Prison on the Outside Get into the Control Room and fuse & fuel the Lift Take the lift to the Cell Stage and find... your way down You cant take the lift down. Door will not Open. Someone made a way down... you just need to find it!
  3. More information about "LopLop Original Met - Brewery"


    LopLop Original Met - Brewery

    One drunken guy from the street started his trip to claim the ladder to be the best brewer in Rustcoon City. Loplop Original Met - get drunk... and vomit!
    Blue Card Puzzle
    2x Green Crates

    Prefab with whole Scene like seen in the RustEdit Screenshot.
    Also one House with Accessoires inside
  4. More information about "Abandoned Hangars | Custom Monument By Shemov"


    Abandoned Hangars | Custom Monument By Shemov

    Custom abandoned hangars is ready to go, the puzzle needs a red card and a fuse to get into the full loot.
    There is radiation; Great detail; There is underground rooms; Optimized FPS. General Info:
    Prefabs count: 3249; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Alpha&Height&Splat&Topology. Loot:
    Barrels: 72; Food boxes: 4; Ordinary crates: 6; Random crates: 3; Military crates: 3; Elite crates: 3. Other information:
    I recommend you to familiarize yourself with my map
    I make custom prefabs to order. Discord: shemov#6310
  5. More information about "Vault Tec"


    Vault Tec

    An apocalyptic monument from the Fallout game. It has excellent detail and optimization with robots. Inside you can find a good loot, a puzzle with a fuse and a red card. There is average radiation in the garbage pit.
    Size: Medium Prefab Count: ~2322 Features:
    Fallout atmosphere Loot (Elit Crate, Military Crate, Normal Crate, barrel) Multiple levels to explore Installation Modifiers: Topology, Height, Splat A puzzle with a fuse and a red card More Info My Profile
    MadMappers Discord
    Required Dependencies: https://github.com/k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit


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