will007's Wishlist
Unique skin system
Easy setup of skins for each item in a separate file, no longer have to dig through a long configuration file. User-friendly interface. You can view skins apparel directly on the player. The ability to add skins to favorites, so as not to dig and find any every time. Automatic load images skins trading platform. For rights you can enable auto-install the skin on the subject no skin is selected in the interface. Add some skins for certain people on rights. Also in the config, you can download all the skins from the marketplace (Automatically add them to the date and upload a picture) I also added the already generated date of pictures and skins from the trading platform.
Config { "Add a skin to the cfg automatically?(true = yes)": false, "Rights to use the skins system": "lskins.use", "Install the skin automatically on items where there is already a skin?(true = yes)": false, "Rights to use default skins": "lskins.usedefault", "Setting up payment for opening": { "Enabled(true = yes)": false, "How to pay?(Scrap, ServerRewards, Economics)": "Scrap", "The price for opening the interface (If 0, then free)": 10, "Price per change of one skin (If 0, then free)": 10 }, "Items with these skins cannot be exchanged.": [ 12341234 ], "Rights to use unique skins": { "lskins.prem": [ 2668297561, 2649480126, 2599664731 ] } }
Data "615766181": { "Enabled skin?(true = yes)": true, "Is this skin from the developers of rust or take it in a workshop?": true, "Name skin": "Digital Camo AK47" },
Lang { "NEEDMORESCRAP": "Not enough scrap in the inventory!", "NEEDMOREMONEY": "Insufficient funds in the account.", "LABLEMENUTEXT": "SKIN MENU", "INFOCLICKSKIN": "Click on the item\nyou want to install the skin on", "FAVSKINSLABLE": "FAVOURITE SKINS", "ADAPTINTERFACELABLE": "ADAPT\n<size=10>THE SIZE OF THE SKINS INTERFACE</size>", "NOPERMUSE": "You don't have the rights to use the command!" }
Commands ChatCommand: /skin ConsoleCommand(only admin) Permission lskins.admin lskins add skinid lskins addcollection collectionid lskins remove skinId -
XSkinMenu - beautiful menu of skins for your server.
- Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions.
- Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XSkinMenu
- There is a lang ru/en/uk/es.
- Sound effects when interacting with the menu.
- Setting up item categories.
- Setting skins for each item.
- Blacklist of skins. You cannot change the skin of an item if it has a skin from the black list. [ For example: fire gloves, fire ax ]
- The ability to change skins for items in inventory, when crafting, when removing a skin and on installed items/constructions.
- The ability to change the skin of items/constructions installed by a friend.
- The ability to change the skin on the active item. [ The item the player is holding ]
- Automatic change of skins after entering the player's inventory. [ You can customize skins once and run with them ]
- Ability to change skins for items after the player respawns.
- Ability to display selected skins on the main page.
- The player can customize the menu/skins.
- Custom menu/skins customization by permishenes.
- Console commands for easy setting of items and skins.
- Setting up UI layers for easy interaction with the menu.
- Convenient removal of skins through the UI. [ Both admin and player ]
- Logs for loading/reloading skins in the server console. [ Can be disabled in config ]
- Setting default skins.
When a player enters the server and he is not in the data, the skins specified in the config will be automatically selected for him. You can force the same skins for all players. For example skins of your project. To prevent the player from choosing a different skin, simply do not give permission for it. - Automatic reload of images after wipe. [ To fix a common problem with dark squares in images after a wipe. ]
- The ability to customize Admin/Vip skins. Access to them is by permission only.
[ They are not available to ordinary players. If the player picks up an item with a skin that they don't have access to, the item will simply reset its skin. ]
- The ability to move item skins from regular to VIP, from VIP to regular, etc. in the UI.
- The ability to add/remove collections of skins from the Steam workshop.
- Button to enable/disable UI admin functionality. [ For comfort. ]
- UI button for easy transition from the XSkinMenu menu to the XBuildingSkinMenu menu. [ And vice versa. ]
- Display item/skin pages. [ Can be disabled in the config. ]
- The ability to use skins with a spray can.
- The ability to enable/disable sound effects in the menu.
- The ability to change item skins when picked up by the player.
- The ability to select UI configuration:
Default menu. Comfort menu. Comfort menu. [ + ] - Skin kits. [ Default and personal. ]
- Default kits are customized in the config. Personal kits are created by the player himself. [ Sets can be completely disabled. ]
- Ability to delete personal kits.
- The ability to see all the skins of the kit.
- Three ways to apply skin kits:
Only change the skins in the inventory. Only install skins in the menu. Change the skins in the inventory + Install skins in the menu. - Ability to zoom in on skins. [ It's easy to see the skin. ]
- Displaying the name of skins.
- Skin search. [ Name or ID ]
- Ability to add a skin/collection via UI.
- Item redirection. [ Item -> DLC, DLC -> DLC, DLC -> Item ]
- Ability to allow players to use skins from their Steam inventory if those skins are on the Admin/VIP list.
xskinmenu.use - access to the menu. xskinmenu.setting - access to settings. xskinmenu.craft - access to changing the skin when crafting. xskinmenu.entity - access to change the skin of installed items/constructions. xskinmenu.item - access to change the skin on the active item. xskinmenu.inventory - access to change skins in the inventory. [ When the player selects a skin from the menu. ] xskinmenu.give - access to automatically change skins for items that enter the player inventory by any means. xskinmenu.pickup - access to automatically change skins on items picked up by the player. xskinmenu.skinchange - access to skin selection/removal of selected skins. [ On the menu. ] xskinmenu.spraycan - access to the use of skins through a spray can. xskinmenu.playeradd - access to add skin/collection via UI. xskinmenu.defaultkits - access to default skin kits. xskinmenu.customkits - access to personal skin kits. xskinmenu.kitN - number of personal sets. [ Settings in config. ] xskinmenu.adminskins - access to Admin skins. xskinmenu.vipskins - access to VIP skins. xskinmenu.admin - access to admin functionality. Commands
/skin - open the skins menu. /skinkit - open the skin kits menu. /skinentity - change the skin of an installed item/construction. [ The player must approach the object and write a command. ] /skinitem - change the skin on the active item. [ The player must hold the object in his hands and write the command. ] skinimage_reload - reload all images. skinimage_stop - stop loading/reloading images. xskin2 add2 000000 ... - add several(maximum 15) skins, without specifying a shortname. xskin2 remove2 000000 ... - remove several(maximum 15) skins, without specifying a shortname. [ Automatic shortnames detection. ] xskin add <item shortname> <skinID> - add a new skin to the list of item skins. xskin remove <item shortname> <skinID> - remove a skin from the list of skins of an item. xskin list <item shortname> - see a list of item skins. xskin clearlist <item shortname> - clear the list of item skins. xskin_c addcollection 000000 - add a collection of skins from the steam workshop. xskin_c removecollection 000000 - remove a collection of skins from the steam workshop. [ There is a check for repetition and emptiness of lists ] API
private void AddToBlacklist(ulong skinID, string pluginName) - to add the skin to the blacklist. private void AddToBlacklist(List<ulong> skinIDs, string pluginName) - to add a list of skins to the blacklist. Config
{ "Steam settings": { "Steam API Key": "" }, "General settings": { "Generate/Check and add new skins accepted by developers or made for twitch drops": true, "Generate/Check and add new skins added by developers [ For example, a skin for hazmatsuit ]": false, "Propagate blacklisted skins to repair bench": true, "Forbid changing the skin of an item that is not in the config": false, "Change skins to items after player respawns": true, "Enable default skin kits": true, "Enable personal skin kits": true, "1.1 Reset Admin skins from items if they are used by a player without permission": true, "1.2 Do not reset Admin skin if the player has it in the Steam inventory": true, "2.1 Reset Vip skins from items if they are used by a player without permission": true, "2.2 Do not reset Vip skin if the player has it in the Steam inventory": true, "List of commands to open the menu - 1": [ "skin" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 2": [ "skinkit" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 3": [ "skinentity" ], "List of commands to open the menu - 4": [ "skinitem" ], "Blacklist of skins that cannot be changed. [ For example: fire gloves, fire hatchet ]": [ 1742796979, 841106268 ], "List Admin skins": { "rifle.ak": [ 2428514763, 2431899986, 2802928155, 2551895055, 2957212973, 2976404884 ], "smg.mp5": [ 2468526014, 2966579723, 2590028692, 2354313222, 2558124512, 2432107615, 2351278756 ], "metal.facemask": [ 2976455803, 2972755707, 2960187815, 2963852242, 2462021937, 1658894467, 1539950759 ] }, "List Vip skins": { "hatchet": [ 2940068053, 2891473448, 1567848320, 1414450116, 1306286667, 1277610054, 1679923378 ], "pickaxe": [ 2940068876, 1672711156, 1624825406, 2637131316, 2837147224, 2775081117 ], "box.wooden.large": [ 1686318599, 1651859603, 1566044873, 1547157690, 1882223552, 2068573115, 2388451898 ] } }, "Default player settings": { "Change item skin in inventory after selecting skin in menu": true, "Change item skin in inventory after removing skin in menu": true, "Change skin on installed items/constructions [ /skinentity ]": true, "Allow friends to change the skin on items/constructions you installed [ /skinentity ]": true, "Change item skin when it is placed in the inventory by any means": true, "Change item skin only when pickup": false, "Do not reset item skin for which no skin is selected when it enters the inventory": false, "Change item skin when crafting": true, "Use skins with a spray can": true, "Enable sound effects in the menu [ Clicks ]": true, "[ True - Comfort menu | False - Default menu ]": false }, "Default skin kits setting": { "Blackout": { "metal.facemask": 2105454370, "metal.plate.torso": 2105505757, "hoodie": 2080975449, "pants": 2080977144, "shoes.boots": 2090776132, "coffeecan.helmet": 2120618167, "roadsign.jacket": 2120615642, "roadsign.kilt": 2120628865, "roadsign.gloves": 2530894213, "burlap.gloves": 2090790324, "jacket": 2137516645, "rifle.l96": 2473291137, "rifle.ak": 2128372674, "rifle.lr300": 2151920583, "rifle.bolt": 2363806432, "rifle.semiauto": 2267956984, "smg.mp5": 2887642987, "smg.thompson": 2393671891, "smg.2": 2879438786, "crossbow": 2178956071, "bow.hunting": 2192571819 }, "Whiteout": { "metal.facemask": 2432948498, "metal.plate.torso": 2432947351, "hoodie": 2416648557, "pants": 2416647256, "shoes.boots": 2752873720, "coffeecan.helmet": 2503956851, "roadsign.jacket": 2503955663, "roadsign.kilt": 2469019097, "roadsign.gloves": 2469031994 }, "Forest Raiders": { "metal.facemask": 2551475709, "metal.plate.torso": 2551474093, "hoodie": 2563940111, "pants": 2563935722, "shoes.boots": 2575506021, "coffeecan.helmet": 2570227850, "roadsign.jacket": 2570233552, "roadsign.kilt": 2570237224, "roadsign.gloves": 2575539874 }, "Desert Raiders": { "metal.facemask": 2475428991, "metal.plate.torso": 2475407123, "hoodie": 2503910428, "pants": 2503903214, "shoes.boots": 2510093391, "coffeecan.helmet": 2496517898, "roadsign.jacket": 2496520042, "roadsign.kilt": 2496523983, "roadsign.gloves": 2510097681, "rifle.ak": 2525948777, "smg.thompson": 2537687634, "rifle.semiauto": 2522121227 } }, "Permissions settings. Maximum number of personal skin kits": { "xskinmenu.kit12": 12, "xskinmenu.kit9": 9, "xskinmenu.kit6": 6, "xskinmenu.kit3": 3 }, "GUI settings": { "Layer UI - [ Overlay - above inventory | Hud - under inventory (to view installed skins without closing the menu) ]": "Overlay", "Refresh UI page after skin selection": true, "Refresh UI page after skin removal": true, "Display selected skins on homepage": false, "Display button to reset, all selected skins": true, "Display pages": true, "Display the button - Comfort menu [ + ]": true, "Close the menu by tapping on an empty area of the screen": false, "Icon - Kits": "assets/icons/clothing.png", "Icon - XBuildingSkinMenu": "assets/icons/construction.png", "Icon - Zoom": "assets/icons/add.png", "Material_background_0": "assets/icons/greyout.mat", "Color_background_0": "0 0 0 0", "Color_background_1": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.95", "Color_background_2": "0.217 0.221 0.209 0.95", "Color_background_3": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.975", "Color_background_4": "0.257 0.261 0.249 1", "Active category color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Inactive category color": "0 0 0 0", "Category button color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Settings buttons color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Button color (icons)": "1 1 1 0.75", "Item/skin block color": "0.517 0.521 0.509 0.5", "Selected skin block color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Active next/reset button color": "0.35 0.45 0.25 1", "Color of inactive next/reset button": "0.35 0.45 0.25 0.4", "Next/reset active button text color": "0.75 0.95 0.41 1", "Text color of inactive next/reset button": "0.75 0.95 0.41 0.4", "Active back button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 1", "Back button color": "0.65 0.29 0.24 0.4", "Active back button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 1", "Back button text color": "0.92 0.79 0.76 0.4" }, "Menu settings": { "Enabled parameter icon": "assets/icons/check.png", "Disabled parameter icon": "assets/icons/close.png", "Enabled parameter color": "0.53 0.77 0.35 0.8", "Disabled parameter color": "1 0.4 0.35 0.8" }, "Category settings - [ Item shortname | Default item skin ]": { "weapon": { "gun.water": 0, "pistol.revolver": 0, "pistol.semiauto": 0, "pistol.python": 0, "pistol.eoka": 0, "shotgun.waterpipe": 0, "shotgun.double": 0, "shotgun.pump": 0, "bow.hunting": 0, "crossbow": 0, "grenade.f1": 0, "smg.2": 0, "smg.thompson": 0, "smg.mp5": 0, "rifle.ak": 0, "rifle.lr300": 0, "lmg.m249": 0, "rocket.launcher": 0, "rifle.semiauto": 0, "rifle.m39": 0, "rifle.bolt": 0, "rifle.l96": 0, "longsword": 0, "salvaged.sword": 0, "mace": 0, "knife.combat": 0, "bone.club": 0, "knife.bone": 0 }, "construction": { "wall.frame.garagedoor": 0, "door.double.hinged.toptier": 0, "door.double.hinged.metal": 0, "door.double.hinged.wood": 0, "door.hinged.toptier": 0, "door.hinged.metal": 0, "door.hinged.wood": 0, "barricade.concrete": 0, "barricade.sandbags": 0 }, "item": { "locker": 0, "vending.machine": 0, "fridge": 0, "furnace": 0, "table": 0, "chair": 0, "box.wooden.large": 0, "box.wooden": 0, "rug.bear": 0, "rug": 0, "sleepingbag": 0, "water.purifier": 0, "target.reactive": 0, "sled": 0, "discofloor": 0, "paddlingpool": 0, "innertube": 0, "boogieboard": 0, "beachtowel": 0, "beachparasol": 0, "beachchair": 0, "skull.trophy": 0, "skullspikes": 0, "skylantern": 0 }, "attire": { "metal.facemask": 0, "coffeecan.helmet": 0, "riot.helmet": 0, "bucket.helmet": 0, "deer.skull.mask": 0, "twitch.headset": 0, "sunglasses": 0, "mask.balaclava": 0, "burlap.headwrap": 0, "hat.miner": 0, "hat.beenie": 0, "hat.boonie": 0, "hat.cap": 0, "mask.bandana": 0, "metal.plate.torso": 0, "roadsign.jacket": 0, "roadsign.kilt": 0, "roadsign.gloves": 0, "burlap.gloves": 0, "attire.hide.poncho": 0, "jacket.snow": 0, "jacket": 0, "tshirt.long": 0, "hazmatsuit": 0, "hoodie": 0, "shirt.collared": 0, "tshirt": 0, "burlap.shirt": 0, "attire.hide.vest": 0, "shirt.tanktop": 0, "attire.hide.helterneck": 0, "pants": 0, "burlap.trousers": 0, "pants.shorts": 0, "attire.hide.pants": 0, "attire.hide.skirt": 0, "shoes.boots": 0, "burlap.shoes": 0, "attire.hide.boots": 0 }, "tool": { "fun.guitar": 0, "jackhammer": 0, "icepick.salvaged": 0, "pickaxe": 0, "stone.pickaxe": 0, "rock": 0, "hatchet": 0, "stonehatchet": 0, "explosive.satchel": 0, "hammer": 0, "torch": 0 }, "transport": { "snowmobile": 0 } } } -
Loot Table & Stacksize GUI
By The_Kiiiing in Plugins
Say goodbye to configuration and data files. This plugin lets yo edit the loot of (almost) every lootable object directly over a custom UI. It also includes a graphical stack size editor thus making it ideal for anyone who is not familiar with editing config files.
Do not use in combination with any other stack size controller or loot plugin.
NEW with version 2.1.7: Direct Loot Refresh
Players with the permission loottable.test can use a button to directly refresh the loot in the crate they are currently looting.
User friendly GUI - no need to edit config files Loot configuration for every prefab in the game Stack size controller supports individual stack sizes for every prefab Support for custom items Support for third party plugins Fully backwards compatible with version 1.x.x Default config included for every prefab Configuration for Smelting Speed, Recycler Speed and Efficiency Supply Drop configuration
Supported prefabs:
Crates, Barrels NPCs Trees, Ores, Animal corpses Excavator, Quarries Christmas Presents, Eggs, Loot Bags Collectables like Hemp, Corn, etc.
Additional Configuration:
Smelting Speed Supply Drop Recycler Speed / Efficiency
loottable - Open the Loottable UI loottable reload - Manually refresh loot
loottable.edit - Required to use the Loottable UI
Required Dependencies (Oxide only):
Image Library: https://umod.org/plugins/image-library
This plugin fully supports translation. Out of the box only english is included. For item names to be translated, the plugin https://umod.org/plugins/rust-translation-api is required. English translations are located in /oxide/lang/en/Loottable.json
For Developers:
Loot Api:
Developers can use the Loot Api to register loot profiles for custom NPCs or other plugin related loot.
It is highly recommended to use the provided wrapper to access the API. Documentation is also included:
Loot Api Example:
// This example uses the non-static version of the Loot Api private LoottableApi loottableApi; void OnServerInitialized() { loottableApi = new LoottableApi(this); timer.In(5f, () => { loottableApi.ClearPresets(); loottableApi.CreatePresetCategory("Crates"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_locked", "Locked Crate", "crate_hackable"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_elite", "Elite Crate", "crate_elite"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_military", "Military Crate", "crate_military"); loottableApi.CreatePreset("c_normal", "Normal Crate", "crate_normal"); loottableApi.CreatePresetCategory("NPCs"); loottableApi.CreatePreset(true, "npc_cargo", "Cargo Ship NPC", "npc_militunnel"); loottableApi.CreatePreset(true, "npc_control", "Control Center NPC", "npc_militunnel"); }); } void SpawnNpc() { // Spawn NPC here ScientistNPC npc; // Assign a loot preset to the NPC loottableApi.AssignPreset(scientist, "npc_control"); } void SpawnCrate() { // Spawn crate here LootContainer crate; // Assign a preset to the crate if (loottableApi.AssignPreset(container, "c_locked")) { // The container has been filled with loot return; } else { // The container is not handled by Loottable // Default loot logic goes here } } The resulting configuration page would look like this:
Custom Items API:
Developers can use the Custom Items Api to add a custom item to the Loottable item list. If an item is marked as persistent it will remain in the custom item list until it is removed by ClearCustomItems. All non-persistent items will be removed after the plugin that registered them has been unloaded.
(void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) ClearCustomItems(Plugin plugin) //(v1.0.27 or higher)
(object) OnContainerPopulate(LootContainer container) This hook is called every time a loot container is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that crate.
(object) OnCorpsePopulate(LootableCorpse corpse) This hook is called every time an npc corpse is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that corpse.
(object) OnCustomAirdrop(SupplySignal signal) This hook is called every time a custom supply drop is about to be delivered. Returning a non-null value will cancel the custom supply drop.
Outdated documentation for Version 1:
New with version 1.0.27:
Custom Items can now be created and edited directly in the GUI. They can be created from any existing item and modified in the Item Select menu
You can now create and load backups of your configuration. Commands (F1 or Server Console):
loottable.backup load <name> - Load backup with the given name from the backups folder (will wipe your current configuration) loottable.backup create <name> - Create backup of everything with the given name Backups will be created in the data/Loottable/backups folder. To load a backup, the backup file needs to be present in that folder. When creating backups in the in-game console, the permission loottable.debug is required.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT LOAD BACKUPS FORM SOURCES YOU DO NOT TRUST, they might cause harm to your server
New with version 1.0.16:
Custom Items:
Now you can add custom items used by other plugins directly to your loot table. Other plugins can can register these items using the api (documentation below).
Overview of crates and their current loot table
Stacksize Editor
loottable - Open the editor loottable refresh - Manually refresh crate loot loottable flags - List available flags (explained below) loottable flags <name> <1|0> - Enable / disable a certain flag loottable reload_vanilla_profiles - Manually re-download vanilla loot profiles (only for debuging)
loottable.edit - Required to use the editor
There are flags to disable some limits in the editor. Only enable these flags if you really need to as they might cause unexpected behavior of the editor. There are currently 3 flags available:
Debug If enabled, the Debug flag provides more detailed information about errors and other actions in the editor. Don't enable this flag unless you want your console full of spam.
UnlockGatherMultiplier allows you to use gahter multipliers less than one and higher than 1000. Note that multipliers less than one might lead to unexpected results in some cases.
DisableItemLimit Probably the safest flag to use is DisableItemLimit as it simply lets you set stack sizes and every other item amount in the editor as high as 2,147,483,647 which is the biggest possible value of a 32-bit integer.
UnlockFurnaceMultiplier lets you use any value as the furnace speed multiplier. Don't enable this flag unless you know what you are doing, since the default value range from 0.1 to 100 should cover most use cases and larger values might impact server performance.
UnlockItemMultiplier unlocks the multiplier when multiplying a loot table.
DisableStackingHooks will disable all stacking related hooks. Enable if you encounter problems when stacking items.
RefreshLootOnExit controls if all crates get refreshed after closing the editor or when reloading the plugin. Enable this only for testing, there might be an increase in entities.
Refer to the Commands section for more information about enableing flags.
Vanilla Configurations:
Since version 1.0.7 there are vanilla loot profiles available for most crates and NPCs. These profiles can be loaded using the "Load default loot table" button at the top center of the editor.
The vanilla loot profiles in the editor might not exactly match the vanilla loot distribution of the game as it uses a completely different loot distribution system than Rust. These profiles rather serve as a reference point for custom loot profiles.
Important for Carbon users:
In order for this plugin to work with carbon, Harmony references need to be enabled. This can be done with the following command:
c.harmonyreference 1
Required Dependencies (Oxide only):
Image Library: https://umod.org/plugins/image-library
Custom Items API:
Add a custom item to the item list. If an item is marked as persistent it will remain in the custom item list until it is removed by ClearCustomItems. All non-persistent items will be removed after the plugin that registered them has been unloaded.
(void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName) (void) AddCustomItem(Plugin plugin, int itemId, ulong skinId, string customName, bool persistent) //(v1.0.27 or higher) (void) ClearCustomItems(Plugin plugin) //(v1.0.27 or higher) Example:
Its recommended to delay the call a little bit to make sure Loottable is loaded
private void Init() { timer.In(1f, () => { Loottable?.Call("AddCustomItem", this, -946369541, 2664651800, "High Quality Fuel"); }); }
(object) OnContainerPopulate(LootContainer container) This hook is called every time a loot container is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that crate.
(object) OnCorpsePopulate(LootableCorpse corpse) This hook is called every time an npc corpse is about to be populated with loot. Returning a non-null value prevents the plugin from spawning loot into that corpse.
(object) OnCustomAirdrop(SupplySignal signal) This hook is called every time a custom supply drop is about to be delivered. Returning a non-null value will cancel the custom supply drop.
- #loot
- #customloot
- (and 13 more)
This plugin will add Caravans to your server that will attempt to transport valuable loot along the roads. Carriages are used to transport goods along the roads as configured, pulled by Horses. These convoys are accompanied by NPCs, Riders, and Balloons! By default, the plugin comes with 3 different caravan presets.
The easiest caravan will be fun for early wipe and allows some basic loot for low effort Caravan raids. In order to rob the most difficult caravan, players will need to be tactical about their ambush and it will be much more challenging! The road selection system can make the Caravan less predictable as the NPCs try to find a safe route.
The Caravan can traverse any road type, including good old country dirty roads. You can set up timers for each preset in the config file, to keep the more difficult Caravan from showing up until later in a wipe!
These can be very dangerous opponents! Unlike regular NPCs, they will quickly close the gap continually shooting at the players as they ride! Riders can be especially effective using short ranged weapons, they are deadly with a shotgun!
These are mobile sniper towers on which several NPCs can be placed. In the config, armor can be added to the balloon, greatly increasing the protection for the Caravan snipers.When the caravan stops, Balloons will start moving around randomly, making it more difficult for players to hide! After defeating all of the snipers, Balloons will fall to the ground and explode.
Required Dependency (must install this free plugin)
NpcSpawn – link is included and can be found in the ReadMe file included with download
Chat commands (admin only)
/caravanstart - launches the event using a random preset based on your configuration /caravanstart PresetName - add the name of a preset from the configuration to launch a specific preset /caravanstop - stops the event /caravanroadblock - the event will not be held on the road where you are standing (clear the Blocked roads section of config when you change maps) /caravanpathstart - stand at starting point and enter command to start recording a custom route /caravanpathsave RoutePresetName - to save a custom route (enter anything you'd like in place of RoutePresetName) /caravanpathcancel - to reset the route
Console commands (RCON only)
caravanstart - launches the event using a random preset based on your configuration caravanstart PresetName - add the name of a preset from the configuration to launch a specific preset caravanstop - stops the event
Plugin Config
en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian
void OnCaravanStart() - сalled when a caravan appears void OnCaravanStop() - сalled when a caravan disappears void OnCaravanEventWin(ulong userId)
Check out the rest of my work: Adem's Codefling Library
You can reach out to me in Discord: Adem's Discord Profile
Thanks to Jbird for writing, translation, & support: Jbird's Discord Profile
Join the Mad Mappers Discord!
Kit Controller
Kit Controller is a simple, amazing kit system! Easily create kits, redeem kits, and edit kits all within the amazing UI!
- Instantly import your old kits data from the UMod Rust Kits plugin with the /convertkits command! - Effortlessly design kits directly within the user interface, streamlining the creation process. - Experience convenience with automatic kit allocation upon player spawn, ensuring immediate readiness. - Organize kits into distinct categories for easy navigation and selection. - Change the quantity of an item in a kit right from the kit edit page - Put a price on kits to allow them to be purchased (Supports RP, Economics, and Items for currency) - Kit admin commands for giving kits, deleting kits, and clearing user data. - Edit kits without the hassle of keybind adjustments or movement interruptions. - Automatically purge player data with each server wipe, maintaining optimal performance. - Customize kit accessibility with cooldowns, maximum redemption limits, and permission-based controls. - Choose to display kits universally or exclusively to players with specific permissions. - Utilize the Kit Viewer for comprehensive insights into each kit's contents. - Easily identify weapon attachments included in each kit. - Personalize the kits panel with an image slot at the bottom, perfect for promotional material like VIP kit discounts. COMMANDS AND PERMISSIONS
/kit or /kits - Configurable in the config /kitadmin /kitadmin give /kitadmin delete /kitadmin reset - kitcontroller.admin - kitcontroller.<> - You can set permissions for auto kits and normal kits, these permissions will be what you set them to
Need support or want updates about what is coming to the plugin? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7