Paws4Luv's Wishlist
Identity Card
By CommandoSoldat in Plugins
Identity Card is a roleplay base plugin that gives you the opportunity to create an id card that displays the name, location, and profession of a player. By typing in /idcard players with the proper permission will be able to open up a form to enter in all the needed information for the id card. The id card item it the green key card and will be displayed with a custom icon in your inventory.
Everybody on the server is able to pick up an id card and view it in his active hotbar slot by pressing E to open the view and R to close it. Id cards should not be placed in Backpacks and should not be stackable, so make sure to block the green key card from your backpack system if you have one and do not allow green key cards to be stacked in a stackmodifying plugin.
Summary Video
Identitycard.create - allows you to open the UI and create a id card. Chat Commands
/idcard - allows you to open the UI if permission identitycard.create is granted. Lang Files
German and English translation included
Data File
Identity Cards will be saved in a data file
- #identity card
- #roleplay
(and 4 more)
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By CommandoSoldat in Plugins
NPCKit is a Plugin made for any type of server pvp, pve or roleplay. With this Plugin you can create NPCs and add Kits to each of them as you like.
They can be created with Clothing vanilla or skined and will wave to you, once you interact or leave the NPC.
Each Kit can have its own cooldown and a default or Vip permission. Once a Kit is created you can delete it as well with the right permission, without deleting the whole NPC.
You can also have unlimited Kits. If you create more then 4 kits, you will be able you navigate through multiple pages to see all the kitsyou created.
Add as many NPC on you server as you like and give your players the ability to receive kits by interacting with one of your NPCs.
All NPCs will also be displayed on the map with a shop marker.
To interact with an NPC press the E key on your keyboard
Whatch my showcase Video below to get a good starting point of my plugin.
Check out my Discord to get even more help or request private plugins.
Showcase video
createnpc - create an NPC and Kits (NOTE!: this is the Admin permission so only Admins should have it to create, delete NPCs/Kits)
default - grand this permission to any player who will then be able to receive every kit with the default permission
vip - grand this permission to any player who will then be able to receive every kit with the vip permission
Chat Commands
/createnpc - opens a panel to create the NPC (after that interact with the E key on your keyboard)
Lang Files
German and English translation included
{ "Use_MapMarker_For_NPC": true } Data File with all the NPC, kit and player information stored will be created
Plex Tickets | Discord Ticket Bot
An advanced ticket bot made with simplicity it brings to users both in use within discord and installation, The bot runs on the latest version of Discord.js and is fully customizable with 50+ features and no watermarks!
Elevate your server's support experience with our professional and advanced ticket system. Your users can seamlessly create tailored support tickets from a variety of categories, while you enjoy the ease of managing their needs through our feature-rich and user-friendly bot. Simplify support, elevate satisfaction
- Buttons, Modals, Menus - Custom Emojis - Multiple Categories - Logs of everything - Notify if ticket creators leave - Support roles for each category - Pin Tickets - Custom channel names - Claiming System - Auto responses - Web dashboard (addon) - Ticket Review System - Archive Tickets - Questions System (per category) - Setup working hours - Fully Customizable - Self Hosted - Paypal/stripe/crypto invoices - Easily translatable - Advanced suggestions - MongoDB - Custom Commands - Addons System - Rename Tickets - Statistics - Blacklist users/roles - 1-8 Categories - Discord Timestamps - Discord Modals - Ticket Required Roles - Transcripts (HTML, TXT) - View Transcripts online
Discord Server:
Server Hud
You can add any plugin event in the UI (if it has hooks, usually specified in the plugin description) Has ingame UI menu for configure your Hud The time format is adjusted to the player (depending on his language in the game), it checks which time format is used for this language You can also enable an additional menu that opens on the arrow. You can add various buttons to this menu, for example, to open a store, your server menu, etc. Almost all elements are customizable [for example: visibility of each element, Logo, Icons, Color e.t.c (check config down below)]
/h setup - open UI for ingame config
/h - show all Server Hud UI commands
/h open - open Server Hud UI
/h events - open Events Bar
/h close - close Server Hud UI
/h hide - hide Server Hud UI
Q: Where i can find a base icon for creating my events icons?
A: Take a base icon below this message and using f.e photoshop for create you personal event icon!
Q: Where i can find a ready to use icons?
A: Here some links to ready to use icons packs(1 free, 2 paid):
string API_PlayerHudState(string id)
CanHudChangeState(BasePlayer player, string currentState, strint nextState)
{ "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Main setup": { "Overall layer [you will see the hud in your inventory]": false, "Size ALL [0% - inf]": 100, "Logo [HUD interact button]": "", "Events background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Position": { "Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopLeft", "Left | Right - offset": 40, "Top | Bottom - offset": 25 }, "Server name": "Your Server Name", "Active players": { "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Sleep players": { "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Queue players": { "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Time": true, "Player position [hide permisson - hud.streamer]": { "Enable": true, "true - grid | false - x,z coordinates": true, "Color": "cyan" }, "Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]": { "Currency": "$", "Value color": "#10ff10", "Enable": true }, "Info messages": { "Update interval [in seconds]": 60, "Align [BottomCenter | TopCenter | TopRight]": "BottomCenter", "Width [in px]": 260, "Offset [top | bottom]": 0, "Offset [right]": 15, "Outline color": "#000", "Overall [you will see messages in your invenotory]": true, "Enable": true, "Messages": [ "Welcome to Your Server Name", "Good luck" ] }, "Additional menu": { "Auto close timer [seconds | 0 - disable]": 60, "Auto close after command use": true, "Open/Close button color": "yellow", "Commands background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Enable": true, "Commands": [ { "Background image": "", "Icon [optional]": "", "Command": "chat.say Hello there", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": true }, { "Background image": "", "Icon [optional]": "", "Command": "/shop", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": false } ] } }, "Base Events": [ { "Name": "Bradley", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "PatrolHeli", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "CH47", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "Cargo", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "AirDrop", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true } ], "Custom Events": [ { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnConvoyStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnConvoyStop", "Name": "Convoy", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnSputnikEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnSputnikEventStop", "Name": "Sputnik", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnArmoredTrainEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnArmoredTrainEventStop", "Name": "ArmoredTrain", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnHarborEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnHarborEventEnd", "Name": "Harbor", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false } ] }- #hud
- #interface
(and 6 more)
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Spawn Points
Open UI - /spsetup
Creating a spawn point with intervals Setup first wipe spawn point [players will spawn there on their first connection] Sleeping bags as spawn points on the map [players can choose where to spawn] New player spawns Prepared templates you can also change them or add new ones You can make sleepingbag category and add spawnpoints there via /spcategory <categoryName>
P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144)
{ "The radius in which the player's spawnpoint is considered occupied": 5.0, "Player respawn positions": [], "Templates": [ { "Entity name": "loot-barrel-1", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/loot/loot-barrel-1.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "loot-barrel-2", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/resource/loot/loot-barrel-2.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "Diesel-barrel", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/prefabs/resource/diesel barrel/diesel_barrel_world.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "oil_barrel", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/oil_barrel.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "hiddenhackablecrate", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/asset_store/hiddenhackablecrate.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "basic_crate", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "crate_normal_2", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "crate_normal", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "elite_crate", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "food_crate_1", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_food_1.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "food_crate_2", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/underwater_labs/crate_food_2.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "crate_normal_2_medical", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2_medical.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "mine_crate", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_mine.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "tool_crate", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_tools.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "Heavy", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "scientistnpc_junkpile_pisto", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "scientistnpc_oilrig", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "scientistnpc_patrol", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "scientistnpc_peacekeeper", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "scarecrow", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/prefabs/npc/scarecrow/scarecrow.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "murderer", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/prefabs/npc/murderer/murderer.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "Minicopter", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "scraptransporthelicopter", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "2module_car", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/2module_car_spawned.entity.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "3module_camper", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/content/vehicles/modularcar/3module_camper_temp.entity.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }, { "Entity name": "Snowmobile", "Respawn Time": 60, "Prefab entity": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/snowmobile.prefab", "List position": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } } ] }