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KD Gaming 5x's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Walkie-Talkie"



    Introducing the Walkie-Talkie Plugin: Seamlessly integrate real-time communication into your gaming experience! Stay connected with your teammates, strategize on-the-go, and coordinate your moves effortlessly with this immersive in-game communication tool. Whether you're navigating treacherous terrains or planning tactical maneuvers, the Walkie-Talkie keeps you in sync, enhancing teamwork and elevating your gaming adventure to a whole new level!
    Gives players the ability to commiserate with each other, come up with strategies, and ambush each other. It is possible to create different variations of walkie-talkies for different distances. By default, 5 variations of walkie-talkies are given ready-made. Walkie-talkies can be both automatic and manual (in manual mode it is necessary to press LMB to hold the walkie-talkie, in automatic mode it is not required).
    Before installing the plugin, make sure you have the CustomItemDefinitions library installed.
    It is necessary for the plugin to work. Download it here. Put this plugin in the plugins folder How does a walkie-talkie work?
    Several players must have a walkie-talkie tuned to the same frequency in their inventory.
    To start talking into the walkie-talkie you need to take it in your hand, then press LMB (in case of manual walkie-talkie, for automatic walkie-talkie it is not required) and then press V button (if the microphone mode is enabled), that's it, now you can start talking.

    How do I get a walkie-talkie?
    Since each walkie-talkie has its own unique shortname and ItemId you can receive it like any other item. That is, you can give it out via the give or giveto command, or add it to the loot table or other ways via plugins.
  2. More information about "Heli Watch"


    Heli Watch

    With this plugin, you can see players on the ground more easily and fly more comfortably. ✈️
    Ptz camera is automatically added to all scrap transport helicopters. To change position of the ptz camera, change the configuration and reload.  
    { "Local PTZ Camera Position for Scrap Helicopter (Vector3)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.6, "z": 2.0 }, "Local PTZ Camera Rotation for Scrap Helicopter (Vector3)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 } }  
  3. More information about "SeekerOnSteroids"



    SeekerOnSteroids is a strong, powerful missile plugin.
    The features are as follows:
    It allows you to change/add custom targets to the Homing Missile Launcher, providing you with the ability to add more targets, making the launcher more flexible.
    Players can purchase a missile attack, for example, 1000 scrap and 4 homing missiles, to eliminate a player. This feature is balanced to prevent it from being overpowered.
    It includes several commands/operations to use the homing missiles.
    Command overview:
    /gseek => Spawns 4 missiles on each corner of the map and targets the specified player.
    /seek => Spawns a specified number of missiles to attack the player.
    /cseek => Spawns a specified number of missiles above a player (missile cloud). After a while, they descend and target the specified player.
    /godstrike => Every time you fire a shot, a strong, fast homing missile targets the object wherever you are currently looking.
    seekeronsteroids.admin => Master permission. Don't give this normal players.
    seekeronsteroids.gridseek => This is for the grid seek attack (payed attack)
    { "PluginPicture": 76561198838421574, "PluginChatPrefix": "<color=#191A28>[</color><color=#CC3B28>SeekerOnSteroids</color><color=#191A28>]</color> ", "CustomSeekerTargets": [ { "PrefabName": "assets/rust.ai/agents/wolf/wolf.prefab", "Enabled": true, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW" } ], "Missle behavior of grid-seek command": { "Amount of scrap a player needs to start the attack.": 1000, "SeekerMissleConfiguration": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 1.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 1.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 6.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 1.2 } }, "Missle behavior of godstrike command": { "Missle offset (spawn distance between player and missles)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 10.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SeekerMissleConfiguration": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 10.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 10.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 10.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 10.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 4.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 3.0 } }, "Missle behavior of cloud-seek command": { "Time until missles attack in milliseconds": 10000.0, "Missle offset (spawn distance between player and missles)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 100.0, "z": 0.0 }, "SeekerMissleConfiguration": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 1.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 1.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 6.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 1.0 } }, "Missle behavior of seek command": { "Min amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "Max amount of time until missle explods": 100.0, "ExplosionRadiusMultiplier": 1.0, "DamageScaleMultiplier": 1.0, "Handling-smoothness of the missle": 4.0, "Strength of missles (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIGHEST)": "LOW", "MissleSpeedMultiplier": 1.0 } }  
  4. More information about "Auto Recycler"

    $21.95 $11.95

    Auto Recycler

    Plugin Description
    "Auto Recycler" is a Rust plugin that offers players advanced recycling features. It enables automatic item recycling, access to a virtual recycler, and special recycling crates. With admin permission, you can configure which items players are not allowed to automatically recycle.
    Automatic Recycling: Players can set specific items for automatic recycling. These items will be recycled automatically when they enter their inventory.
    Virtual Recycler: Allows players to access a virtual recycler to recycle items directly from anywhere in the game.
    Recycling Crate: A special item that functions as a portable recycler.
    Customizable Configuration: The plugin configuration can be customized to exclude or allow specific items from recycling.
    autorecycler.admin: Grants access to all admin functions of the plugin.
    autorecycler.autorec: Allows players to use automatic recycling.
    autorecycler.recvirtual: Provides access to the virtual recycler.
    autorecycler.characteristics: Allows modification of item characteristics related to recycling.
    autorecycler.recboxbuy: Enables the purchase of the Recbox.
    Chat Commands
    /ar: Allows players to use the automatic recycler.
    /vrec: Allows players to use a virtual recycler (configurable command).
    /recbox: Displays information about the costs of purchasing a Recbox.
    /recboxbuy: Allows players to buy a Recbox if they have the required resources.
    /autorectoggle activate and deactivate the AutoRecycler
    Additional Information
    The plugin offers extensive UI integration to simplify interaction with its features. It stores player data to maintain automatic recycling settings between sessions. The configuration file allows admins to customize the plugin's behavior, including Recbox costs and adjustable recycling properties of items.
    Ensure that players have the appropriate permissions to fully utilize the plugin's features.

    If you have any questions or problems, join my discord
  5. More information about "Advanced Player Hud"


    Advanced Player Hud

    Advanced Player Hud will show players the health information of their armor, the ammount of bullets left on their inventory (for the weapon they are using in that moment). And the information on how many kills and deaths the user has.
    Important: This plugin depends on Image Library
    advancedplayerhud.use - Players with this permission will be able to see the hud. Commands:
    /hud - Hides or shows the hud. (Can be changed on the config) Configuration:
    In order to make an easier config, there are 3 default hud positions, but the hud can be changed anywhere by adjusting the X and Y value. Value 0 x and 0 y will place the hud on the bottom left corner. The max values cont be changed through the config so the aspect ration isnt unintentionally altered.
    { "Plugin Settings": { "Chat command:": "hud", // Changes chat comand "Hud position config (1-4)": 2, //Selects the default hud position. "-Option 1: Hud position config coordinates X (Min Value)": 0.651, "-Option 1: Hud position config coordinates Y (Min Value)": 0.025, "-Option 2: Hud position config coordinates X (Min Value)": 0.011, "-Option 2: Hud position config coordinates Y (Min Value)": 0.025, "-Option 3: Hud position config coordinates X (Min Value)": 0.161, "-Option 3: Hud position config coordinates Y (Min Value)": 0.025 }, "Customization Settings": { "Health bar color. Over 50% (Default green):": "0.298 0.686 0.313 1", // https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#colors "Health bar color. Under 50% (Default orange):": "0.949 0.549 0.156 1", "Health bar color. Under 25% (Default red):": "1 0.266 0.2 1" }, "Image Settings": { "Helmet image": "https://i.imgur.com/WIMi8bQ.png", "Vest armor image": "https://i.imgur.com/6Oip7iZ.png", "Pants armor image": "https://i.imgur.com/JtJ6Epi.png", "Ammunition image": "https://i.imgur.com/Fp0PQxG.png", "Kills image": "https://i.imgur.com/dcPqZgS.png", "Deaths image": "https://i.imgur.com/v805gz7.png" } }  


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