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DeutscherRitterPlatz's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Team Voice Chat"


    Team Voice Chat

    Team Voice Chat
    Adds a private voice chat system for teams and clans just like the in-game private text chat for teams but for voices.
    Allow users with the correct permissions to use voice chat and only be heard by their teammate in their Rust team or people in their clan!
    What does the Team Voice Chat do?
    Team Voice Chat limits who can hear your voice to only people in your team or clan. It integrates with the vanilla team system or the clan plugin on Umod https://umod.org/plugins/clans
    How do I use it?
    There are several ways to use team voice chat by configuring the config or by setting up permissions.
    You can set all voice chats to be through the team system.
    You can set people with specific permission to be able to use the team voice chat
    and you can allow people with specific permission to toggle between team voice chat and normal voice chat.
    If users are not in a team they will use the normal voice chat system. Telephones work the same as well
    You can optionally use the clan's plugin instead of the Rust team system however it's not recommended
    /teamvoice - toggle between on and off for team chat. Require the permission "TeamVoiceChat.toggle" This command will grant the user the permission "TeamVoiceChat.enabled"
    TeamVoiceChat.toggle -> allows users to use the /teamvoice chat command
    TeamVoiceChat.enabled -> If a user has this permission they will use the Team Voice Chat system as long as they are in a team.
    Lang Support
    Full oxide language support has been added
    UseClansPlugin -> Set this to true to use the Umod clans plugin. There will be extra performance overhead with this option enabled
    EnableForAll -> Set this to true if you want to ignore the permission system and instead set every player to use the team voice chat feature
    CustomVoiceRange -> The range for team voice chat to work from. Increasing the value from the default will have no effect as voices get quiet on the client-side. Reducing it will say you want team voice chat to only work in a very close radius
    Compatibility with other voice plugins

    This plugin will not work with other voice plugins
    Icon for the plugin
    https://icon-library.com/icon/voice-chat-icon-12.html.html>Voice Chat Icon # 257438
    Need to contact me for issues or private work mrcameron999#0001 on Discord
  2. More information about "Virtual Vending"


    Virtual Vending

    Virtual Vending is a simple tool to allow players to interact with vending machines in new ways. Virtual Vending comes with a Plugin and an optional Discord bot! 

    - In game UI - Search for specific items in any vending machine - Search all vending machines on the server and get what items they have in them - Search just for player made vending machines to see what they have in them - Virtually purchase any items out of the vending machines and they go into the vending machine just like they normally would - (DISCORD BOT) Supports multiple servers just through one instance of the bot - (DISCORD BOT) Search for items in any vending machine - (DISCORD BOT) Search any vending machines to see what items they have - (DISCORD BOT) Log transactions made VIA vending machines or the VV UI
    The Plugin and Discord Bot both have very simple installations.
    We have included a readme.md file to make it even easier to setup!
    Thank you to @shady14u for assisting with Virtual Vending.
  3. More information about "Cargo Ship Sink"


    Cargo Ship Sink

    This plugin brings a new unique aspect to the cargo ship, it allows it to start sinking! Explosions cause the cargo ship to start sinking and players are notified. The time the cargo ship starts to sink can be set in the config its currently set to 30 minutes as default so the cargo ship can circle the map and players have a chance to loot it before it sinks. 

    Planned Updates:
    A plane or jet that drops rockets on the ship to cause it to sink. Ability to increase / decrease the cargo ships speed. Ability to stop the cargo ship when it starts sinking. Add floating loot after the cargo ship sinks.
    Please feel free to message me with any suggestions you may have with the plugin!
  4. More information about "Better Teams"


    Better Teams

    Enhances team gameplay by offering features like a team HUD, automatic authorization, team-specific skins, easy markers, and a dedicated team voice chat, with customizable permissions for monetization and performance optimization.

    This plugin will give your players a better experience when playing in a team. Team Hud - shows the health, condition(wounded, sleep, offline, etc), active item and square (player location on the map) of your allies Automatic authorization - adds automatic authorization in turrets, tc's, code locks and sam sites. The team leader can enable/disable authorization for each allie, so that the team can safely accept new players! Team skins - ability to choose skins for the team, when an item goes into inventory, it is automatically reskin into the team skin Easy team marker - allow players to use the marker without binoculars Team voice chat - allows players to switch voice chat to team voice chat. When enabled, the player will only be heard by his allies, works on any distance. A good way to playe with new allies that you don't want to add in discord. Any function in the plugin can be disabled in the config, so you will not lose performance from unnecessary functions. Any of the listed functions can be bound to permission in the config, so you can easily monitize, for example, skins.



    /bt - open better team menu
    Click open team menu button in team Hud

    { "Team Setting Command": "bt", "Enabled functions": { "Enable Team Hud": true, "Enable global team voice chat": true, "Enable team skins": true, "Enable easy team markers": true, "Enable team auto authorization": { "TC Authorization": true, "Codelocks authorization": true, "AutoTurrets authorization": true, "SAMSite authorization": true }, "Easy team markers": { "Max distance": 50.0, "Search radius": 1.0, "Duration [seconds]": 5, "Cooldown [seconds]": 10 } }, "Permissions": { "Need permission for Team Hud?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team Voice?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team Skins?(Need at least one player with this permission in team to set skins in menu)(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Need permission for Team marker?(true - will work only for players with permission / false - work for all players)": true, "Team hud using permission": "betterteams.hud", "Team Voice using permission": "betterteams.voice", "Team Skins using permission(only for setting skins. it's mean that only team leader will need this permission)": "betterteams.skins", "Team marker using permission": "betterteams.marker" }, "Hud Settings": { "UI Scale": 1.0, "Left Offset": 5, "Top Offset": 200, "Player grid refresh rate": 5, "Lines margin": 5, "Collums margin": 5, "Max amount of player displays in line": 8 } } 📗Lang File:
    { "UI_CHANGE": "Change", "UI_CHOOSE": "Select", "UI_BETTERTEAMS": "BETTER TEAMS", "UI_BETTERTEAMSDESCRIPTION": "This modification will allow you to get a better experience playing with friends. Some things have been changed, and new ones have been added, so that you get the better experience playing with your friends!", "UI_CHANGES": "CHANGES:", "UI_CHANGEHUD": "• Team Hud - allows you to see status of your mates", "UI_CHANGETeamVoice": "• Team Voice - allows you to use in-game voice chat to communicate only with your mates(works at any distance). Other players will not hear you. Can be enable in settings", "UI_CHANGESkins": "• Team Skins - allows you to choose skins for your team. Items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin", "UI_CHANGEEasyTeamMabrkers": "• Easy Team Marker - allows you to use fast marker to your team without using binoculars", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTC": "• AutoAuthorization TC - adds automatic authorization of allies in TC", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthCodeLocks": "• AutoAuthorization CodeLocks - adds automatic authorization of allies in Code Locks", "UI_CHANGEAutoAuthTurrets": "• AutoAuthorization Auto Turrets - adds automatic authorization of allies in Auto Turrets", "UI_CHANGESamSiteAuthorization": "• AutoAuthorization SamSite - adds automatic authorization of allies in Sam Sites", "UI_CHANGEAuthorizationManager": "• Team Managment - allows the team leader to manage auto authorization for allies.", "UI_SETTINGSNAME": "PERSONAL SETTINGS", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE": "USE TEAM VOICE CHAT ", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_VOICE_DES": "Yes - Replace vanilla voice to to team chat. Only your allies will hear you. Works at any distance (on the entire map)", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKINS": "USE TEAM SKINS", "UI_S_ENABLE_TEAM_SKIN_DES": "Yes - all items you pick up will automatically receive your team's skin.", "UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS": "USE EASY TEAM MARKERS", "UI_S_ENABLE_MARKERS_DES": "Yes - will give you the ability to place quick time markers in the world at the location you are looking at. Markers are placed using a key combination and do not require binoculars.", "UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON": "EASY TEAM MARKER BIND", "UI_S_MARKER_BUTTON_DES": "Bind your easy team marker command. Just copy command, replace BUTTON to the button you need and enter in console!\nExample: bind BUTTON ftmark -> binb v ftmark", "UI_S_YES": "YES", "UI_S_NO": "NO", "UI_M_MEMBERS": "TEAM MANAGMENT", "UI_M_ONLY_LEADER": "Available only to the team leader", "UI_M_AA_H1": "AUTO AUTHORIZATION", "UI_M_AA_INFO_DES": "All authorization places (tcs, codelocks, auto turrets, etc) add up to a single authorization list for the entire team. If you block any ally from accessing the authorization list, he will lose access to all authorization places, except for those that he installed personally (set codelock or tc himself), while your team will not lose access to his authorization places. Good if you accept new random player in your team.", "UI_M_SELECT_MATE": "Select one of your allies", "UI_M_AA_TC": "Tool Cupboard Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_CL": "CodeLocks Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_AT": "Auto Turrets Auto Authorization", "UI_M_AA_SAMSITE": "Sam Sites Auto Authorization", "UI_M_KICK": "Kick from team", "UI_M_KICK_B": "KICK", "UI_S_TEAM_SKINS": "TEAM SKINS", "CM_MARKER_COOLDOWN": "Your team ping is on cooldown: {0} seconds left", "UI_H_INFO_TEXT": "OPEN TEAM MENU", "UI_S_PERM": "Your team must have at least 1 player with privilege that have access to skins", "CM_DONT_HAVE_PERM": "You do not have permission to use this command", "UI_IS_DISABLED": "This function is disabled by admin" }  
  5. More information about "Gathering Clothes"


    Gathering Clothes

    Gathering clothes adds 6x default gathering sets to your server, which increase the yield/luck when harvesting resources.
    The plugin also allows for you o add additional pieces to the set, or create your own sets entirely with different bonus values.
    The one thing that set's this plugin apart from others is that each set can qualify for a "Set Bonus" if the target amount of items worn is met.
    For example the Mining set will give you:
    Hat: +10% yield Hoodie: +25% yield Pants: +15% yield Normally this would give the wearer a yield of 50% extra resources if all 3 pieces are worn, but since there is a set bonus for wearing all 3 pieces, the wearer receives an additional +50% yield on top, bringing their total yield to +100%.
    Sets and set bonuses are fully customizable in the config.
    Default sets:
    Miner's set (3 pieces) Farmer's set (3 pieces) Angler's set (3 pieces) Hunter's set (3 pieces) Lumberjack's set (3 pieces) Scavenger's set (3 pieces)  
    All sets (except for the scavengers set) increase the yield received when harvesting resources. This value is rounded up where applicable.
    The Scavenger's set is a luck based modifier, giving the wearer a chance to receive additional scrap when destroying barrels or looting crates.
    These clothing items can be found inside of normal, military and elite crates by default (with varying chances depending on the crate), and are added as additional loot to the container, rather than replacing an existing loot item. Additional crate types can easily be added using the same formula.
    The plugin is also optimized to unsubscribe from hooks when no players are wearing the clothes.
    Chat Commands
    Command: giveitem <skin ID> - Gives you an individual piece of gathering attire.
    Command: giveset <set name> - Gives you the entire set of the desired gathering attire (you can type /giveset without parameters into chat to see the set names)
    Command: bonus or bonuses - Prints out the players current gather bonus based on what they are wearing.
    Click here to see an example of the config
    Always looking for feedback on this so feel free to suggest away.
    Showcase by SHADOWFRAX


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