Ash_srv's Wishlist
Tugboat Pirates
By The_Kiiiing in Plugins
Experience the thrill of high-seas plunder with "Tugboat Pirates". Encounter a Tugboat, brimming with NPC pirates protecting their valuable loot. Engage in intense battles, eliminate the captain for an access code, and seize the treasure.
Tugboat with Pirate NPCs and loot patrols the ocean Kill the captain to get access to the loot room Fully configurable boat interior Boat location marked on the map Fully customizable NPCs (you can even give them rocket launchers in their kits) Event starts automatically (configurable time, can be disabled) Announcements via gametip and/or chat NPC are turret NPC that do not move from their station on the Tugboat
Door code of the loot room can be found in the captain's corpse (pirate quotes can be changed in the config)
All Commands require the admin permission
/tugboatstart - Manually start the event /tugboatstop - Manually end the event
(void) OnTugboatPiratesStarted() // Called when the event has started (void) OnTugboatPiratesEnded() // Called after the event has ended
tugboatpirates.admin - Required to use admin commands
{ "Time between events (minutes, set to -1 to disable scheduled events)": 60, "Event duration (seconds)": 3600, "Show toast when event starts": true, "Announce event in chat": true, "Boat leave time before despawning (seconds)": 120, "Time before boat despawn when captain is killed (seconds)": 1200, "Boat configurations": [ { "Location offset (used when spawning multiple boats)": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0 }, "Npc profile for captain (must be a valid profile)": "captain", "Npc spawn locations and profiles": { "back_right": "pirate_lr", "back_left": "pirate_lr", "upper_front_right": "pirate_lr", "upper_front_left": "pirate_lr", "upper_back_right": "pirate_lr", "upper_back_left": "pirate_lr", "roof_back": "pirate_lr", "entrance_right": "pirate_lr", "entrance_left": "pirate_lr", "roof_right": "pirate_lr", "roof_left": "pirate_lr", "front": "pirate_lr", "right": "pirate_mp5", "left": "pirate_mp5" }, "Interior objects (crates, decoration, etc.)": [ { "Prefab path": "assets/prefabs/deployable/chinooklockedcrate/codelockedhackablecrate.prefab", "Rotation": 180.0, "Position on boat": { "x": 0.0, "y": 2.0, "z": 4.2 }, "Skin id": 1394363785, "Loot profile (only for crates, leave empty for default loot)": "" }, // Removed some lines for readability reasons ] } ], "Npc profiles": { "pirate_lr": { "name": "Pirate", "health": 200.0, "enableRadio": true, "senseRange": 50.0, "visionCone": 135.0, "damageScale": 1.0, "memoryDuration": 60.0, "lootProfile": "pirate", "kit": "", "Clothing items": [ { "shortName": "hat.boonie", "amount": 1, "skinId": 965553937 }, { "shortName": "hoodie", "amount": 1, "skinId": 2984978438 }, { "shortName": "pants", "amount": 1, "skinId": 2984977257 }, { "shortName": "", "amount": 1, "skinId": 861468674 } ], "Belt items": [ { "shortName": "rifle.lr300", "amount": 1, "skinId": 0 } ] }, "pirate_mp5": { "name": "Pirate", "health": 150.0, "enableRadio": true, "senseRange": 50.0, "visionCone": 135.0, "damageScale": 1.0, "memoryDuration": 60.0, "lootProfile": "pirate", "kit": "", "Clothing items": [ { "shortName": "hat.boonie", "amount": 1, "skinId": 965553937 }, { "shortName": "hoodie", "amount": 1, "skinId": 2984978438 }, { "shortName": "pants", "amount": 1, "skinId": 2984977257 }, { "shortName": "", "amount": 1, "skinId": 861468674 } ], "Belt items": [ { "shortName": "smg.mp5", "amount": 1, "skinId": 0 } ] }, "captain": { "name": "Captain", "health": 100.0, "enableRadio": false, "senseRange": 0.0, "visionCone": 0.0, "damageScale": 1.0, "memoryDuration": 0.0, "lootProfile": "pirate", "kit": "", "Clothing items": [ { "shortName": "hat.boonie", "amount": 1, "skinId": 965553937 }, { "shortName": "tshirt", "amount": 1, "skinId": 811762477 }, { "shortName": "pants.shorts", "amount": 1, "skinId": 849256923 }, { "shortName": "", "amount": 1, "skinId": 861468674 } ], "Belt items": [ { "shortName": "mace.baseballbat", "amount": 1, "skinId": 0 } ] } }, "Loot profiles": { "crate_2": [ { "Short name": "scrap", "Min amount": 2, "Max amount": 20, "Chance": 1.0, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "metal.refined", "Min amount": 4, "Max amount": 8, "Chance": 0.5, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "gears", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "sewingkit", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "rope", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 3, "Chance": 0.2, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "sheetmetal", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "Chance": 0.2, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "grenade.molotov", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "Chance": 0.1, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "grenade.f1", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 4, "Chance": 0.1, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "telephone", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 0.1, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "multiplegrenadelauncher", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 0.1, "Skin id": 0 } ], "pirate": [ { "Short name": "scrap", "Min amount": 2, "Max amount": 6, "Chance": 1.0, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 0.7, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "pistol.eoka", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 1, "Chance": 0.2, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "", "Min amount": 5, "Max amount": 10, "Chance": 0.2, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "rope", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 3, "Chance": 0.3, "Skin id": 0 }, { "Short name": "sewingkit", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "Chance": 0.3, "Skin id": 0 } ] }, "Priate quotes (inluded in captain's note)": [ "If rum can’t fix it, ye are not using enough rum.", "But… why is the rum gone?", "Be who you arrrr...", "All for rum and rum for all!", "Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.", "If ye can read this ye be stupid." ] }
ExtraEvents can run multiple different and custom competitive events for players to win prizes; each event is highly configurable including chat/GameTip messages & items, commands, and/or kits rewards for one or more winners; regularly optimized to be as lightweight & efficient as possible; additional events and features planned.
The configuration may seem long but it's simply repetitive to allow for greater customization. ExtraEvents comes out of the box running a random event every 1-2 hours with a scrap reward of 100 for the top player! Custom events and rewards can be added.
Join my Discord for support and updates:
Events Included
AnimalAnnihilation - Kill animals to win! BarrelBreakers - Break barrels to win! BotBash - Kill bots to win! CrateClash - Loot crates to win! FishingFrenzy - Catch fish to win! OreWar - Mine ore nodes to win! PlayerBattle – Kill players to win! ResourceRumble - Collect resources to win! RoadsignRun – Destroy roadsigns to win! TreeTrimmers - Chop trees to win! TunnelTussle – Kill tunnel dwellers to win! UnderwaterWar – Kill underwater lab scientists to win! Additional Events Included
HighQualBrawl - Collect high quality metal ore at 3x (configurable) the normal rate MetalMash - Collect metal ore at 3x (configurable) the normal rate ResourceRun - Collect resources at 2x (configurable) the normal rate! StoneSmash - Collect stones at 3x (configurable) the normal rate SulfurSpree - Collect sulfur ore at 3x (configurable) the normal rate WoodWhirl - Collect wood at 3x (configurable) the normal rate Custom Events Can Be Added!
Event Types
destroy - counts destroyed/killed NPCs, players, barrels, roadsigns, etc. loot - counts looted crates & loot containers collect - adds collected resources/entity amounts together (adds total number of entities collected [500 wood, 1000 metal.ore, 10 cloth, etc.]) dispense - counts collected resource/entity types (counts entity types distributed [wood = 1 point, metal.ore = 1 point, cloth = 1 point, etc.]) fish - counts caught fish or killed sharks Permissions
extraevents.admin Admin Commands (Console & Chat) (requires extraevents.admin permission)
extraevents start - Start random event manually (regardless of Minimum Players Online) [/extraevents start] extraevents start EventName - Start event manually (case sensitive (uses default EventNames, not DisplayNames)) [/extraevents start EventName] extraevents end - End current event [/extraevents end] Player Chat Commands
/extraevents ui - Toggle the UI visibility /extraevents image - Toggle event image visiblity independent from UI ADD CUSTOM EVENTS
"BoarBrawl": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "BoarBrawl", "Event Description": "Kill boar to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "boar" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.boarbrawl", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] } Add extra winner positions to each event by adding to the Event Reward(s) [] group and extra Rewards by adding to the Item(s) [], Command(s) [], and Kits[] groups.
Example (First winner receives 100 Scrap, 1 Pookie, and 10,000 RP. Second winner receives 5,000 RP and Farm Kit)
"Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "{player_name} scored first place in the {event_name} event with {points_scored} points and won {rewards_list}!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Pookie", "Item Shortname": "pookie.bear", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 1 }, { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": true, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "10,000 RP", "Command": "sr add {} 10000" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] }, { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "{player_name} scored second place in the {event_name} event with {points_scored} points and won {rewards_list}!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": false, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": true, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "5,000 RP", "Command": "sr add {} 5000" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": true, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "Farm Kit", "Kit": "farmkit" } ] } ] FAQ
Q: Is there a limit to the number of custom events I can create?
Add as many custom events as you want! All custom "Event Types" and "Additional Event Types" must have a unique identifier (EX: "OreWar_Metal", "ResourceRumble_Stones", "ScarecrowSniper", etc.), must use the correct "Event Type" (EX: "dispense", "collect", "destroy", etc.), and must target the appropriate "Event Entities" (EX: "metal.ore", "stones", "scarecrow", etc.)
Q: Can I add custom Additional Event Types?
Yes! Same as the "Event Types" you can have as many "Additional Event Types" as you'd like, so long as they have a unique identifier (EX: "ResourceRun_Stones", etc.), use the correct "Event Type" (EX: "multiply"), and target the appropriate "Event Entities" (EX: "metal.ore", "stones", etc.)
Q: Is there a limit to the number of reward positions?
Nope, the sky is the limit! The plugin will automatically read any reward position you add to the Event Reward(s)[] group. Give rewards to the top 100 players if you want.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of items, commands, kits, etc. each player can win?
Again the sky is the limit! The plugin will read each item[], command[], kit[], etc. you add to the reward position as long as it is valid and enabled. Invalid items, commands, kits, etc. will be attempted and skipped on failure.
Q: Can I remove an entire event from the config file if I'm not using it?
No, if you remove an entire event from the configuration file it will re-add that event in its default state on reload. Use "Enable Event": false, to completely disable specific events.
Q: What is the file? What does it do? Why can't I read it? Can I delete it?
The file simply stores PlayerIDs for players who have disabled their event UIs & images and that is all. ExtraEvents uses an efficient ProtoBuf method of saving data to optimize performance (originally created by Google) which saves this file in binary and is why your average reader cannot compile it. If you delete the file it will enable the UI and images for all of your players and they would have to disable it again manually.
Q: What is (r g b a)?
(r g b a) stands for (red green blue alpha[opacity]) and is a way of formatting colors, specifically for UI elements in our case. You can convert HEX (#FF0000) to RGBA (255 0 0 1.0) using online guides. Support for HEX and English colors coming soon.
Q: Can I add multiple images per event?
Sure, it will display any image you have in the Event Image(s)[] group.
Default Config
{ "General Options": { "Chat Prefix": "<color=purple>ExtraEvents:</color>", "Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 76561199519603325, "Minimum Players Online to Automatically Start Random Event": 3, "Auto Random Event Start Time Min (seconds)": 3600, "Auto Random Event Start Time Max (seconds)": 7200, "Enable Console Messages": true, "Enable Log File": true, "Chat Command": "extraevents", "Admin Permission": "extraevents.admin", "All Events Permission (optional, overrides individual event permissions if enabled)": "extraevents.all" }, "Event Types": { "AnimalAnnihilation": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "AnimalAnnihilation", "Event Description": "Kill animals to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "chicken", "stag", "boar", "wolf", "wolf2", "bear", "polarbear" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.animalannihilation", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "BarrelBreakers": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "BarrelBreakers", "Event Description": "Break barrels to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.barrelbreakers", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "BotBash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "BotBash", "Event Description": "Kill bots to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam", "scientistnpc_patrol", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper", "scientistnpc_excavator", "scientistnpc_full_any", "scientistnpc_full_lr300", "scientistnpc_oilrig", "scientistnpc_cargo", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "scientistnpc_heavy", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "scarecrow", "zombie", "npc_underwaterdweller", "npc_tunneldweller" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.botbash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! 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<color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "FishingFrenzy": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "FishingFrenzy", "Event Description": "Catch fish to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "fish", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "fish", "fish.herring", "fish.yellow_perch", "fish.brown_trout", "fish.anchovy", "fish.sardine", "simpleshark" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.fishingfrenzy", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "OreWar": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "OreWar", "Event Description": "Mine ore nodes to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "dispense", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "sulfur.ore", "metal.ore", "stones" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.orewar", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "PlayerBattle": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "PlayerBattle", "Event Description": "Kill other players to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "player" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.playerbattle", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! 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<color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "RoadsignRun": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "RoadsignRun", "Event Description": "Destroy roadsigns to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "roadsign1", "roadsign2", "roadsign3", "roadsign4", "roadsign5", "roadsign6", "roadsign7", "roadsign8", "roadsign9" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.roadsignrun", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "TreeTrimmers": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "TreeTrimmers", "Event Description": "Chop trees to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "dispense", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "wood" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.treetrimmers", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "TunnelTussle": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "TunnelTussle", "Event Description": "Kill tunnel dwellers to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "npc_tunneldweller" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.tunneltussle", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] }, "UnderwaterWar": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "UnderwaterWar", "Event Description": "Kill underwater lab scientists to win!", "Event Type (destroy, loot, collect, dispense, fish)": "destroy", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Entities": [ "npc_underwaterdweller" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.underwaterwar", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event Leaderboard": { "Enable Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Player List Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center", "UI Pending Participation Message": "No one has played... yet." }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended.", "No Participants": "No one participated in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event", "Multiple Winners Notification Delay (seconds)": 4.0 }, "Event Reward(s)": [ { "Enable Reward": true, "Reward Probability %": 100, "Reward Notification": { "Enable Reward Notification": true, "Only Send Reward Notification To Winning Player?": false, "Reward Notification": "<color=purple>{player_name}</color> scored <color=purple>first place</color> in the <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event with <color=purple>{points_scored} points</color> and won <color=purple>{rewards_list}</color>!", "Separate {rewards_list} With Commas?": true }, "Item(s)": [ { "Enable Item": true, "Item Probability %": 100, "Item Display Name": "Scrap", "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Skin ID": 0, "Item Amount": 100 } ], "Command(s)": [ { "Enable Command": false, "Command Probability %": 100, "Command Display Name": "VIP Role", "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip" } ], "Kit(s) (plugin required)": [ { "Enable Kit": false, "Kit Probability %": 100, "Kit Display Name": "PVP Kit", "Kit": "pvpkit" } ] } ] } }, "Additional Event Types": { "HighQualBrawl": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "HighQualBrawl", "Event Description": "Collect high quality metal ore at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "hq.metal.ore" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.highqualbrawl", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "MetalMash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "MetalMash", "Event Description": "Collect metal ore at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "metal.ore" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.metalmash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "ResourceRun": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "ResourceRun", "Event Description": "Collect resources at 2x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 2.0, "Event Entities": [ "sulfur.ore", "metal.ore", "hq.metal.ore", "stones", "wood", "cloth", "leather" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.resourcerun", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "StoneSmash": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "StoneSmash", "Event Description": "Collect stones at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "stones" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.stonesmash", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "SulfurSpree": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "SulfurSpree", "Event Description": "Collect sulfur ore at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "sulfur.ore" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.sulfurspree", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } }, "WoodWhirl": { "Enable Event": true, "Event Name": "WoodWhirl", "Event Description": "Collect wood at 3x the normal rate!", "Event Type (multiply)": "multiply", "Event Length (seconds)": 600, "Event Multiplier": 3.0, "Event Entities": [ "wood" ], "Enable Event Permission": false, "Event Permission": "extraevents.woodwhirl", "Show UI And Notifications To Players Without Event Permission?": false, "Event Image(s)": [ { "Enable Image": true, "Image URL": "", "Image Transparency (0.0 - 100.0)": 75.0, "Image Anchors Min (x y)": "0.8 0.2", "Image Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.245" } ], "Event UI": { "Enable UI": true, "UI Anchors Min (x y)": "0.695 0.025", "UI Anchors Max (x y)": "0.83 0.1975", "UI Background Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 0.2", "UI Text Color (r g b a)": "255 255 255 1.0", "UI Text Outline Color (r g b a)": "0 0 0 0.25", "UI Text Alignment (left, right, center)": "center" }, "Event Notifications": { "Enable Chat Notifications": true, "Event Chat Prefix": "", "Event Chat Icon (Steam64 ID)": 0, "Enable GameTip Notifications": false, "GameTip Style (info OR alert OR error)": "info", "GameTip Duration (seconds)": 3.0, "Enable Event Upcoming Notification": false, "Event Upcoming Delay (seconds) (time before event starts after Event Upcoming Notification)": 30, "Event Upcoming": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event will start in {upcoming_announcement_delay} seconds! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Starting": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has started! <color=purple>{event_description}</color>", "Event Ending": "The <color=purple>{event_name}</color> event has ended." } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 10, "Patch": 3 } }
This plugin is for CARBON only!
It is intended to customize and enhance the behavior of slot machines in the game, primarily using the Harmony library to modify the behavior of slot machines in the game. Below is a description of the main features and functions of this mod.
This slot machine will provide great excitement to players who are tired of Rust's slot machines.
It manages slot machine states, spin counts, lottery settings, mode settings, etc. It allows for different behavior than normal slot machines.
The slot machine is hard to hit in Normal mode, but when low-quality fuel appears, the mode is upgraded to a 7-aligned mode, which has a high probability of 7s.
The administrator can set the winning probability of each in the configuration file.
Normal Mode - This is the regular mode. When three 7s align, it transitions to AT Mode. (Default probability of aligning three 7s is 1/8192.)
AT Preparation Mode - This mode can be triggered when low-quality fuel aligns, and a draw determines if the mode activates. Sound effects might play, and it might transition to AT Mode.
Fake AT Preparation Mode - This mode can also be triggered when low-quality fuel aligns. Sound effects will play, but it will not transition to AT Mode.
AT Mode - This mode continues with a high probability of aligning three 7s. When the number of spins reaches MaxSpinsInATMode, a mode down draw is performed with the probability of ATExitProbability. When the mode ends, it transitions to one of Normal, AT Preparation, or AT Mode.
Load and Save Configuration Loads slot machine settings from a configuration file and saves them as needed. These settings are saved in JSON format and include the maximum number of spins, lottery odds, mode probabilities, etc.
Three settings exist, each of which can be used to create a slot machine with a different configuration.
Custom Slot Machine Spin Result Calculator It generates different spin results and special effects depending on the state of the slot machine.
Customizing Payout Checks
Customize slot machine payouts. Perform special payouts under certain conditions and send notifications to players.
Slot Machine State Management Slot machine has four states: Normal, AT Preparation, Fake AT Preparation, and AT, and manages behavior according to each state: ATState, ATPreparationState, FakeATPreparationState, and NormalState state transitions.
Hit Check Using Hammer, it is possible to check the settings set for a slot machine by hitting the slot machine.
Implement the /giveslot cahtcommand Implement the /giveslot chatcommand to allow players to retrieve slot machine items. Only players with the appropriate permissions can use this command.
By specifying the numbers 1-3 as arguments, a slot machine can be created for each setting.
/giveslot 1
If you want to delete a slot, use the
ent kill command.