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0g.Ghost.7373's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Extra VendingMachine"


    Extra VendingMachine

    Extra VendingMachine adds a vending machine at outpost with custom items to be added via a config
    All items has a refill timer . Setting it at 0 disables the timer for that item (time in seconds)
    ExtraVendingMachine.use - if config is set to true  this is needed from player to use vending machine
    Config file example
    item to buy will be the item sold to client 
    item to sell will be what player pays for the buyitem
    so in this example   itemtobuy is 5.56 ammo and itemtosell is scrap
    vending machine is selling ammo for scrap
    max stock is amount of ammo in vending machine to sell
    NOTE : only first 7 sellorders will be listed in vending machine
    { "ShopName": "The Awesome Shop", "SpawnCorrection": { "x": -2.5, "y": 0.0, "z": 7.0 }, "SpawnRotation in degrees": 0.0, "Use Permission to access Vending machine": false, "SpawnRotation": 0, "VendingSellOrder": [ { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 10000, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1002156085, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 50, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1442559428, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10, "RefillAmount": 1, "Refilltime": 600 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 100, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -152332823, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 128, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 100, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1211166256, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 10000, "RefillAmount": 128, "Refilltime": 1500 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 500, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": -1003665711, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 20, "RefillAmount": 5, "Refilltime": 0 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 100, "ItemSkinID": 0, "ItemToBuy": 602628465, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 50, "RefillAmount": 10, "Refilltime": 300 }, { "ItemBuyAmount": 1, "ItemName": "", "ItemsellAmount": 2000, "ItemSkinID": 2478929353, "ItemToBuy": -2049214035, "ItemToSell": -932201673, "MaxStock": 50, "RefillAmount": 10, "Refilltime": 600 }, ] }  
  2. More information about "Longshot"



    Compliment your Players Long distance kills, with the Longshot Plugin.
    Drag and drop this into your plugins folder, and Longshot Kills will be complimented with a customizable Icon for distances ranging from 100m, 200m, 300m  & 400m.
    Position is easily modifiable.
    Icon pops on Longshot and Fades away smoothly.
    This plugin is also compatible with Headshot.
    If Headshot is Loaded, the Longshot medal will show once the UI position is clear, so no need to have the Longshot UI and Headshot UI in different Locations.
    Works on NPCS / Animals.
    Medal Tracking
    Players can use the command /longshots
    To view medals they have earned, medals can also be cleared on wipe via config.
    { "100M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/md1n0dka5ecs2ly61mczn/100M.png?rlkey=ar61af2coyz5vwqsjjf6rbtkt&dl=1", "200M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dyjtshcpvxjpxub6tgw61/200M.png?rlkey=9tmwih3erdxqvyxnq3p5fhfoy&dl=1", "300M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7lqmy1fzvyir7rfo5xjpv/300M.png?rlkey=idomesobc9uwlswrkjw1dwkje&dl=1", "400M Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yrt06v9h25e1z17d65rwp/400M.png?rlkey=oduadtjddq4n7ywmuavuzmvx4&dl=1", "UI Location (top right, top center, top left, center, mid center": "top right", "Longshot SFX": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/silver_open.prefab", "Clear Medals on Wipe?": false }  
  3. More information about "Headshot"



    During my Halo and COD Days Sniping was extra satisfying where you would get a "MarksMan" Icon on Headshot Kills.
    Drag and drop this into your plugins folder, and Headshot Kills will be complimented with a customizable Icon.
    Position is easily modifiable.
    Icon pops on headshot and Fades away smoothly.

    Medal Tracking
    Players can use the command /headshots
    To view medals they have earned, medals can also be cleared on wipe via config.
    { "Headshot Icon": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/szx56bu8zh99hgon258ii/HEADSHOT.png?rlkey=dvf34q6jjeuqntx2o1yad44ns&dl=1", "UI Location (top right, top center, top left, center, mid center)": "top left", "Clear Medals on Wipe?": false }  
    Video Demo
  4. More information about "Extra Grenades"


    Extra Grenades

    Are your players tired of getting surprised by AutoTurrets in Raid Bases? 
    Or maybe you want to change up the PVP raid Strats a bit, and now you can with these EMP and Snapshot Grenades.
    Works with Raidable Bases.
    EMPS disable Tesla Traps and AutoTurrets that are powered within range.
    Snapshot pings traps within range for the using player.
    You can even make them sticky if needed
    Simply set your Custom Grenades in your loot table, and let the plugin handle the rest.
    The Extra Grenade properties relies on the SkinId upon throw/drop.
    { "Snapshot Settings": { "Snapshot CustomName": "Snapshot Grenade", "Snapshot Skin ID": 3294746628, "Snapshot Radius": 6, "Ping Timer": 10, "Ping Batch Spacing (Helps with bases with a lot of Traps)": 0.2, "Enable Snapshot Stick?": false }, "EMP Settings": { "EMP CustomName": "EMP Grenade", "EMP Skin ID": 3294872882, "EMP Radius": 4, "Reset Flag Timer": 15, "Enable EMP Stick?": false } }  
  5. More information about "RaidableSleeper [Works with HallOfShame]"


    RaidableSleeper [Works with HallOfShame]

    The RaidableSleepers plugin allows players to loot sleeping players that appear on the map. These sleepers appear randomly and contain valuable loot that can be stolen by the active players. The sleepers spawn automatically at set intervals and disappear again after a certain amount of time.

    Random Sleeper Spawns: Sleeping players spawn at random locations on the map.
    Loot distribution: Each sleeper is filled with random items from the preconfigured loot list.
    Cooldown mechanism: There is a configurable cooldown time between sleeper spawns.
    Loot Notification: Players will receive a notification when a Sleeper has been looted.
    Admin commands: Admins can manually spawn, test or delete sleepers.
    Cluster spawns: Multiple sleepers can be spawned in a certain radius around a central position.
    /spawnsleepers - Spawns a random sleeper on the map cooldown 5 minutes for this command
    /testsleepers - Spawn a test sleeper at your position
    /clearallsleepers - Removes all sleepers on the map
    /clearsleepers - Removes the sleeper you are looking at
    raidablesleepers.admin - Allows admins to spawn, test and delete sleepers.
    raidablesleepers.raid - Allows players to raid sleeping players.
    { "NumberOfSleepers": 10, // Maximum number of sleepers on the map "AvailabilityDuration": 600.0, // Minutes when position change if not found "CooldownDuration": 300.0, // Minutes when a new sleeper should spawn if the NumberOfSleepers is not reached "EnableLootNotification": true, // Chat message who loots a sleeper? "ItemsToSpawn": [ { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "SkinId": 0, "MinimumAmount": 100, "MaximumAmount": 256 }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinId": 0, "MinimumAmount": 1, "MaximumAmount": 2 }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinId": 0, "MinimumAmount": 2000, "MaximumAmount": 6000 } ] } ---
    load, run, enjoy💝
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