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Version 1.1.6
Add some excitement to your Rust server with the Siren plugin! This plugin lets you play a loud siren sound that all players can hear, perfect for creating intense moments in the game. Key Features: Siren Command: Players with the appropriate permissions can activate the siren using a simple console or chat command. Customizable Siren Duration: Easily set the duration for how long the siren should play. Configurable Sound Path: Change the siren sound to fit the theme of your server by specifying a different sound path. Notification System: Enable or disable notifications that alert players when the siren is triggered. Permission-Based Usage: Ensure only authorized players can activate the siren using the siren.use permission. Commands: 1. Play Siren: Console: siren Chat: /siren 2. Set Siren Duration: Console: siren.setduration <duration> 3. Set Siren Sound Path: Console: siren.setsound <soundpath> 4. Set Notification Message: Console: siren.setnotification <message> 5. Enable/Disable Notification: Console: siren.enablenotification <true|false> Configuration: The plugin’s configuration is highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your server’s needs. The default configuration includes: Command to trigger the siren: "siren" Default siren duration: 15.0 seconds Default siren sound path: "assets/prefabs/io/electric/other/alarmsound.prefab" Default notification message: "The siren has been triggered!" Notifications enabled: true Debug mode: false Installation: Place the Siren plugin in your oxide/plugins directory. Start your Rust server to generate the default configuration file. Modify the configuration file located at oxide/config/Siren.json to suit your preferences. Reload the plugin to apply the new configuration. Permissions: siren.use: Grants permission to use the siren command.Free- 7 comments
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Version 0.1.8
GUI and sound announcements for online teammates. Announcements about teammates who have connected, disconnected, been wounded or killed while sleeping. Additionally, announcements from the team leader, in Team chat channel using "!" as a first char. { "Chat command": "teama", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth enabling leader's group announcements?": true, "Is it worth enabling sound announcements?": true, "Radius within which a wounded ally notification is received": 100.0, "Radius within which a sound effect is triggered when an ally is wounded": 50.0, "Sound effect triggered when an ally is wounded": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/player/beartrap_scream.prefab", "Notification settings for each type": [ { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Connected", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerConnected", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#4F6133", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#8CBA42", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#8CBA42", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/chatter.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Disconnected", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerDisconnected", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#BF3B26", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD173", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFD173", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/death.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "LeaderAnnounce", "Language_Key": "", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#216699", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#82C7F5", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#82C7F5", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/aggro.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "WoundedDistance", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/takecover.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "WoundedGrid", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/takecover.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "DeadWhileSleeping", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#FFC21A", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFF54C", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFF54C", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/sound/responddeath.prefab" }, { "Notification type. Do not touch this parameter": "Banned", "Language_Key": "MsgPlayerBanned", "Duration": 6.0, "Main_Color": "#BF3B26", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFD173", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Size": 16, "Text_Color": "#FFD173", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Sound_Effect": "assets/prefabs/missions/effects/mission_failed.prefab" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } EN: { "MsgPlayerConnected": "Your teammate {0} has been connected!", "MsgPlayerDisconnected": "Your teammate {0} has been disconnected!", "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance": "Your teammate {0} was wounded by {1}!\nHe is {2} meters away from you.", "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid": "Your teammate {0} was wounded by {1} at {2}!", "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping": "Your teammate {0} was killed by {1} while he was sleeping at {2}!", "MsgPlayerBanned": "Your teammate {0} has been banned!\nReason: {1}.", "MsgEmptyTeam": "There is only you in your team!", "MsgNotLeader": "Only the team leader can send announcements!", "MsgOfflineMates": "All your teammates are offline!", "MsgEnableSound": "Sound notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableSound": "Sound notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableConnected": "Team mates connection notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableConnected": "Team mates connection notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableDisconnected": "Team mates disconnection notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableDisconnected": "Team mates disconnection notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableWounded": "Team mates wounded notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableWounded": "Team mates wounded notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableDeath": "Team mates sleeping kill notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableDeath": "Team mates sleeping kill notifications are disabled!", "MsgEnableAll": "All team mates notifications are enabled!", "MsgDisableAll": "All team mates notifications are disabled!", "MsgKillerUnknown": "Unknown", "bear": "Bear", "polarbear": "PolarBear", "wolf": "Wolf", "stag": "Stag", "boar": "Boar", "chicken": "Chicken", "horse": "Horse", "simpleshark": "Shark", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Heli", "bradleyapc": "Bradley APC", "scientistnpc_arena": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": "Cargo Scientist", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": "Chinook Scientist", "scientistnpc_excavator": "Excavator Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_any": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_lr300": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_mp5": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_pistol": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": "Scientist", "scientistnpc_heavy": "Heavy Scientist", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": "Road Scientist", "scientistnpc_oilrig": "Oilrig Scientist", "scientistnpc_patrol": "Patrol Scientist", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam": "Roam Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": "Roam NVG Scientist", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "Roam Scientist" } RU: { "MsgPlayerConnected": "Ваш союзник {0} подключился!", "MsgPlayerDisconnected": "Ваш союзник {0} отключился!", "MsgPlayerWoundedDistance": "Вашего союзника {0} серьезно ранил {1}!\nОн в {2} метрах от вас.", "MsgPlayerWoundedGrid": "Вашего союзника {0} серьезно ранил {1} в {2}!", "MsgPlayerDeadWhileSleeping": "Вашего союзника {0} убил {1}, пока тот спал в {2}!", "MsgPlayerBanned": "Ваш союзник {0} был заблокирован!\nПричина: {1}.", "MsgEmptyTeam": "У тебя нет союзников!", "MsgNotLeader": "Только лидер группы может отправлять объявления!", "MsgOfflineMates": "Все ваши союзники не в сети!", "MsgEnableSound": "Звуковые уведомления включены!", "MsgDisableSound": "Звуковые уведомления выключены!", "MsgEnableConnected": "Оповещение о подключении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableConnected": "Оповещение о подключении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableDisconnected": "Оповещение об отключении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableDisconnected": "Оповещение об отключении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableWounded": "Оповещение о ранении союзников включено!", "MsgDisableWounded": "Оповещение о ранении союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableDeath": "Оповещение о смерти во сне союзников включено!", "MsgDisableDeath": "Оповещение о смерти во сне союзников выключено!", "MsgEnableAll": "Все оповещения о состоянии союзников включены!", "MsgDisableAll": "Все оповещения о состоянии союзников выключены!", "MsgKillerUnknown": "Неизвестный", "bear": "Медведь", "polarbear": "Полярный медведь", "wolf": "Волк", "stag": "Олень", "boar": "Кабан", "chicken": "Курица", "horse": "Лошадь", "simpleshark": "Акула", "patrolhelicopter": "Патрульный вертолет", "bradleyapc": "Танк", "scientistnpc_arena": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_cargo": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": "Защитник карго", "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": "Защитник чинука", "scientistnpc_excavator": "Защитник экскаватора", "scientistnpc_full_any": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_lr300": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_mp5": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_pistol": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun": "Ученый", "scientistnpc_heavy": "Heavy Scientist", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": "Road Scientist", "scientistnpc_oilrig": "Oilrig Scientist", "scientistnpc_patrol": "Patrol Scientist", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam": "Roam Scientist", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant": "Roam NVG Scientist", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "Roam Scientist" } con - Personal enabling/disabling connected announcement; dis - Personal enabling/disabling disconnected announcement; wound - Personal enabling/disabling wounded announcement; death - Personal enabling/disabling sleeper's death announcement; sound - Personal enabling/disabling sound effects; all - Personal enabling all announcements; clear - Personal disabling all announcements(except leader and ban announces). Example: /teama con$3.99