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  1. Version 2.0.3


    This plugin will add variable custom quarries and pumpjacks to your server. You can create any amount of different quarries and pumpjacks! You can get the fastest support in our Discord: Alias™ dev. Features Prefab substitution You can avoid using survey charges for installing quarries. Static quarries All 4 type of statics (pumpjack, stone, sulfur, HQM) can be configured separately. Toggle & Loot protection Each quarry have their own protection settings. There is also protection system by permissions for static quarries. Built-in remove You can configure different remove and refund settings per quarry. Repair It is very similar to the standard system with all the sounds and effects. It also supports custom items. Build limits Built in options to set limits for quarries and pumpjacks separately. Custom Items You can use any normal and/or skinned items (custom items) as fuel and/or resource production. Fuel system You can set up several different fuel types with different production settings per fuel type. Production system You can set up min/max amount of items and probability chances per item. Permissions You can set up build limits and/or gather rates by permissions and also sum all permission parameters (or not). Upgrade system You can upgrade from one quarry to another using different skin id. UI Adaptive and informative interface made in modern rust-style design so it may seem like part of the game. It will automatically change its size and screen location depending on your quarry settings. Langs You can translate any phrase in the plugin. Performance The plugin completely has its own mechanics, which ensures the best performance even compared to the standard system. This also fixes all of the default quarry bugs. Optimization You can completely disable some of the plugin's functions in the main config. Configuration Main config (oxide/config/aQuarry.json) Static quarries config (oxide/data/aQuarry/StaticQuarries/) Personal quarries config (oxide/data/aQuarry/PersonalQuarries/) Commands quarry.give «SteamID» «SkinID» => give to player the quarry with specified skin from config quarry.giveme => give all quarries from config to self Permissions: aQuarry.admin => allows to use «quarry.give» and «quarry.giveme» commands from in-game console API bool CanBuildCustomQuarry(Planner plan, BasePlayer builder, bool IsQuarryOrPumpjack) // Called right before other built-in checks. // Returning false will cancel the construction. void OnCustomQuarryBuilded(MiningQuarry quarry, BasePlayer builder, bool IsQuarryOrPumpjack) // Called right after player has built custom quarry or pumpjack.
  2. Monster


    Version 1.0.3


    XFarmRoom - farm room of ores for your server. Good donate for players. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFarmRoom - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - In the room is forbidden: pick up prefabs that are in the room, install anything in the room, damage the room, use console/chat commands ( customizing commands in the config ). - Teleport from a room to the place you teleported from. [ Teleportation from the room works correctly when: leaving the room, death, disconnecting from the server, unloading the plugin, restarting the server ] - A player is automatically teleported out of the farm room if his permission to access the farm room is revoken away. - Setting the CD to teleport into a room. [ Permission can be granted to disable the CD.] - Automatically clear data after a wipe. [ Configure in config ] - Ability to display room spawn points on the map. [ Administrator only ] - Ability to set a limit of simultaneously active(occupied rooms) for optimization. - Ability to customize how many items a player can take into a room. - The player chooses his own ores from the available ones to mine. [ For example: the player has all ores available, but in the UI menu he selects a stone and mines only it ] - Ores can be given out individually, any number on command. [ For example: for sale in the store ] - The ability to make the ores unlimited for the player. [ Permissions and number of ores are configurable in the config. Ores can be updated once every N seconds or once per wipe ] - Room prefabs are spawn without third party plugins. - Notifications to chat when grant and revoke permission/group with permission to access farm room functionality. Permissions xfarmroom.use - access to the room/commands. xfarmroom.nocdtp - allow teleporting into a room without a CD. Commands /roomtp - to join the room. /roomleave - to leave the room. /roomspawns - display spawn points of farming rooms. [ Administrator only ] xfarmroom_give_ore <SteamID> <ore - [ sulfur-ore | metal-ore | stone-ore ]> <amount - [ 10 | -10 ]> - give ores to the player. xfarmroom_clear_ore <SteamID> - reset the player available ores to zero. API bool API_PlayerInRoom(ulong userID) - return TRUE/FALSE if the player is in the room. Config { "General settings": { "Button placement. [ True - 1 | False - 2 ]": true, "Option to update available ores. ( only with permission to update ). [ True - once per wipe | False - once every N seconds ]": false, "Clear the data after a wipe": true, "Limit the number of items that can be taken into a room": true, "Use UI button to leave the room": true, "Every how many sec. update the number of available ores. ( it is checked only when the player tries to/falls into the room )": 3600, "How many maximum simultaneously active rooms can there be. ( for optimization )": 10, "How many maximum items can be taken into a room": 6, "Room teleportation break sec.": 90, "Chat prefix": "<size=12><color=#FFFFFF50>[</color> <color=#00FF0050>XFarmRoom</color> <color=#FFFFFF50>]</color></size>\n", "Notify the player when he has been granted or revoked away access to the farm room functionality": false, "SteamID profile for custom avatar": 0, "List of allowed console commands in farm room": [ "global.farm_ore" ], "List of allowed chat commands in farm room": [ "roomtp", "roomleave" ] }, "Permission - number of ores. [ Only the value and permission can be changed ]": { "xfarmroom.300": { "sulfur-ore": 300, "metal-ore": 300, "stone-ore": 300 }, "xfarmroom.100": { "sulfur-ore": 100, "metal-ore": 100, "stone-ore": 100 } } }
  3. Monster


    Version 1.1.2


    XGatherUP - increase in rates for XP. - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XGatherUP - There is a lang ru/en. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Configuring the issuance of XP. [ Loot, kill, break barrels, open crates, pick from the ground, harvest ] - Setting up starting rates for each category. - Setting up bonus rates for each category according to the permit. [ Multiple permissions can be configured ] - Setting up permissions to access the upgrading of a certain category. - Mini-panel with XP quantity. [ You can hide ] - Customization of categories for which you can increase rates. [ Bonus mining, mining, picking from the ground, components, harvesting ] - Setting the maximum level, XP for upgraging one level, rates for one upgraded level, a list of resources/components for which the rates will be increased. -> Overview - YouTube <- Shortnames for config settings. Commands /rate - open the menu to upgrading rates. xp_give <SteamID> <Amount> - give ХР. Config { "General settings": { "Use plugin balance to increase rates [ Default, XShop, Economics ]": "Default" }, "GUI settings": { "Number of categories per line": 6, "OffsetMin - menu": "-475 -255", "OffsetMax - menu": "475 180" }, "Setting up permissions and additional rates": { "xgatherup.default": { "Resource": 1.5, "Harvest": 2.0, "Loot": 0.75 } }, "ХР settings | Shortname : ValueXP": { "ХР for pickup resources": { "stones": 10.0, "sulfur.ore": 15.0, "metal.ore": 12.5 }, "ХР for harvesting": { "potato.entity": 2.5, "corn.entity": 1.75, "hemp.emtity": 0.25 }, "ХР for bonus gather": { "stones": 5.0, "sulfur.ore": 10.0, "metal.ore": 7.5 }, "ХР for kill / breaking barrels": { "boar": 10.0, "loot-barrel-1": 7.5, "heavyscientist": 2.5 }, "ХР for open crates": { "crate_normal": 5.0, "crate_normal_2": 1.0, "crate_tools": 3.5 } }, "Category settings": { "Resource": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "wood", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "wood", "charcoal" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "stones", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 2.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "stones" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metal.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metal.ore", "metal.fragments" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "sulfur.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.2, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "sulfur.ore", "sulfur" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "hq.metal.ore", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 5.5, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "hq.metal.ore", "metal.refined" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "mushroom", "Maximum upgrading level": 15, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 0.5, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "mushroom" ] } ], "Harvest": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "pumpkin", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "pumpkin" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "corn", "Maximum upgrading level": 10, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 1.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "corn" ] } ], "Loot": [ { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "semibody", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "semibody" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalpipe", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metalpipe" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "metalblade", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "metalblade" ] }, { "Permission to access the leveling category": "xgatherup.default", "Displayed item shortname/picture name. [ Must not be empty ]": "scrap", "Maximum upgrading level": 20, "Rates for one level of upgrading": 0.1, "Starting rates of upgrading": 1.0, "Number of XP to upgrade one level": 3.75, "Link to custom image": "", "Shortnames of resources/components for which rates will be increased": [ "scrap" ] } ] } }
  4. fermens

    Skill Rates

    Version 2.0.1


    Skill system for your server Chat command /skill Console command set.lvl steamid lvl skill skill: 0 - miner, 1 - alchemist, 2 - woodcutter, 3 - hunter, 4 - marauder, 5 - technicist, 6 - jeweler, 7 - dustman Ex. set.lvl 76561198125444659 10 5 - ADD 10 levels for player skill (technicist) Screenshot Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH PLUGIN | false - РУССКИЙ ПЛАГИН // 18 line in cs file Config { "Level generation": { // Generator exp for lvls "Maximal lvl": 100, "Exp - 0 lvl": 1.0, "Magnification": 1.05 // "Exp - 0 lvl" * "Magnification" * nextlevel + level.exp [Ex. 1 lvl = 1.05; 2 lvl = 1.05 * 2 + 1.05 = 3.15] }, "Quary rates - static": 5.0, // in next updates add to skills "Additional boxes from helicopter and tank": { "Enable?": true, "Amount crates": 2 }, "Messages": { "uplevel": "The skill <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> has been upgraded to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\nYour new bonuses:\n{bonuses}\n\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color> - list of available skills and their bonuses", "welcome": "Welcome to the server.\nThere is a skill leveling system on the server, command <color=#ccff66>/skill</color>.", "broadcast": "<size=11>Player <color=#ccff99>{name}</color> upgraded <color=#ccff66>{skill}</color> to <color=#ccff66>{level} lvl</color>\n<color=#ccff66>/skill</color></size>" }, "Skills - setting": { "miner": { "Name": "MINER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> stone mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> iron ore mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{2}</color> mining of high quality iron ore", "Clue": "mine stone and iron ore", "Bonuses": { "STONE": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "METAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl }, "HQM": { "First lvl": 10.0, // rates for 1 lvl "Last lvl": 20.0 // rates for maximal lvl } } }, "alchemist": { "Name": "ALCHEMIST", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> sulfur mining\n<color=#5da86c>x{1}</color> melting speed in furnaces", "Clue": "mine sulfur ore", "Bonuses": { "SULFUR": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 10.0 }, "REMELTINGSPEED": { "First lvl": 5.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "woodcutter": { "Name": "WOODCUTTER", "Color - lvl": "0.73 0.87 0.745 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.21 0.42 0.26 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#5da86c>x{0}</color> wood mining\n<color=#5da86c>{1}%</color> chance of coal from a tree", "Clue": "chop down trees", "Bonuses": { "WOOD": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "COALSHANCE": { "First lvl": 0.75, "Last lvl": 1.0 } } }, "hunter": { "Name": "HUNTER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> resource from fleshed animals\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> animal damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to animals", "Clue": "kill animals and fleshed them", "Bonuses": { "ANIMAL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ANIMALARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "ANIMALDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.5 } } }, "marauder": { "Name": "MARAUDER", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from bots\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> bot damage reduction\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage against bots", "Clue": "kill bots and loot them", "Bonuses": { "NPC": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "NPCARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 }, "NPCDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 } } }, "technicist": { "Name": "TECHNICIAN", "Color - lvl": "0.91 0.75 0.75 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.51 0.25 0.25 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#b76c6c>x{0}</color> loot from tank and helicopter\n<color=#b76c6c>{1}%</color> reduced damage from tanks and helicopters\n<color=#b76c6c>{2}%</color> increased damage to tanks and helicopters", "Clue": "destroy bradley and helicopter and loot it", "Bonuses": { "MECH": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "MECHARMOR": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.25 }, "MECHDAMAGE": { "First lvl": 0.0, "Last lvl": 0.1 } } }, "jeweler": { "Name": "JEWELER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from supply drops\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from locked boxes\n<color=#7773b4>x{2}</color> loot from elite crates", "Clue": "loot airdrops, elite and locked crates", "Bonuses": { "AIR": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "LOCKEDCRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "ELITE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } }, "dustman": { "Name": "SCAVENGER", "Color - lvl": "0.756 0.75 0.87 1", "Color - progress, main": "0.26 0.25 0.46 1", "Color - progress, background": "0.16 0.16 0.16 1", "Info text with bonuses": "<color=#7773b4>x{0}</color> loot from barrels\n<color=#7773b4>x{1}</color> loot from regular crates and trash cans", "Clue": "loot barrels, trash cans and regular crates", "Bonuses": { "BARREL": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 }, "CRATE": { "First lvl": 10.0, "Last lvl": 20.0 } } } }, "Exp": { // experience for completed activities "Barrel": 1.5, "Regular box": 2.0, "Stone - mined": 1.5, "Metal - mined": 1.5, "Sulfur - mined": 2.0, "Tree - downed": 2.0, "Helicopter - downed": 50.0, "Stone - picked up": 0.1, "Metal - picked up": 0.1, "Sulfur - picked up": 0.1, "Wood - picked up": 0.1, "Bradley - exploded": 25.0, "Bradley - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - mining parts": 0.5, "Helicopter - crate": 2.0, "Bradley - crate": 2.0, "Wolf - killed": 1.0, "Boar - killed": 0.75, "Horse - killed": 0.75, "Riding horse - killed": 0.1, "Stag - killed": 0.75, "Chicken - killed": 0.2, "Bear - killed": 1.5, "Supply crate": 2.0, "Locked crate": 10.0, "Elit crate": 3.5, "Wolf - fleshed": 1.5, "Horse - fleshed": 1.25, "Boar - fleshed": 1.25, "Stag - fleshed": 1.25, "Chicken - fleshed": 0.4, "Bear - fleshed": 3.0, "NPC - killed": 1.5, "NPC - looted": 1.0 }, "Show progress of other players in global chat": false, "Exp boosters : permissions": { // increase experience rates for player "skillrates.x3boost": 3.0, "skillrates.x2boost": 2.0 }, "Gather/loot boosters : permissions": { "skillrates.x3": 3.0, "skillrates.x2": 2.0 } }
  5. fermens


    Version 2.0.1


    You can set up rates both for everyone and for privileges: - Rates of pick up resources - Rates of gather resources - Rates from boxes and barrels - Rates from NPC bots - Quarry rates - Smelting speed in furnaces - Length of day and night - Vote skip night - Night rates Chat Command /rate - find out personal loot rates Localization const bool fermensEN = true; // true - ENGLISH | false - РУССКИЙ // 18 line in cs file Hints If the player has several privileges, then the one below in the config is taken! Config { "Experimental. Do not touch": false, "Disable accelerated melting": false, "Furnace prefabs (where accelerated smelting will work)": [ "furnace", "furnace.large" ], "Default rates": { "Collectible & growable": 2.0, "Gather": 2.0, "Sulfur": 2.0, "Quarry": 2.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 2.0, "Bradley crates": 2.0, "Locked crates": 2.0, "Supply crates": 2.0, "Elite crates": 2.0, "Regular crates": 2.0, "Barrels": 2.0 }, "Scientists": 2.0, "Melting speed": 2.0 }, "Adjusting the length of day and night": { "Enable?": true, "Night length": 10.0, "Day length": 50.0, "Autoskip night": false, "Voteskip night": false, "Nightly increase in rates (ex. 1.0 - increase by 100% , 0 - disable)": 0.0 }, "Premium rates [permission|setting]": { "xrate.x3": { "Collectible & growable": 3.0, "Gather": 3.0, "Sulfur": 2.5, "Quarry": 3.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 3.0, "Bradley crates": 3.0, "Locked crates": 3.0, "Supply crates": 3.0, "Elite crates": 3.0, "Regular crates": 3.0, "Barrels": 3.0 }, "Scientists": 3.0, "Melting speed": 4.0 }, "xrate.x4": { "Collectible & growable": 4.0, "Gather": 4.0, "Sulfur": 2.5, "Quarry": 4.0, "Crates & barrels": { "Helicopter crates": 4.0, "Bradley crates": 4.0, "Locked crates": 4.0, "Supply crates": 4.0, "Elite crates": 4.0, "Regular crates": 4.0, "Barrels": 4.0 }, "Scientists": 4.0, "Melting speed": 4.0 } }, "Blacklist, for what won't work": [ "sticks", "flare" ], "Messages []": { "NightHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>Night has fallen</color>, gather and loot rates increased by <color=#ccff33>{num}%</color>!</size>\n<size=10><color =#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>", "DayHasCome": "<size=15><color=#ccff33>The day has come</color>, gather and loot rates are back!</size>\n<size=10><color=#ccff33>/rate</color> - find out your current rates.</size>", "INFORMATION": "<color=#ccff33>INFORMATION | {name}</color>\nPick up: x<color=#F0E68C>{0}</color>\nGather: x<color=#F0E68C>{1}</color> <size=10>(sulfur: x <color=#F0E68C>{6}</color>)</size>\nQuarry: x<color=#F0E68C>{2}</color>\nCrates/barrels: x<color=#F0E68C>{3} </color>\nLoot from the scientist: x<color=#F0E68C>{4}</color>\nSmelting Speed: x<color=#F0E68C>{5}</color>", "SkipNight": "<color=yellow>The majority voted for the day. Let's skip the night...</color>", "NoSkipNight": "<color=yellow>—Let there be light! - said the electrician and cut the wires.</color>", "NoActive": "<color=yellow>VOTING IS NOT ACTIVE!</color>", "Voted": "<color=yellow>YOU ALREADY VOTE!</color>", "Night": "<color=yellow>Vote for NIGHT successfully received.</color>", "Day": "<color=yellow>Vote for the DAY successfully received.</color>" } }


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