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  1. Stormgeald

    Raidable Bases

    I think it did start auto updating from UMOD for some reason I black listed it all and reverted everything and it seems to be working now. Thank you.
  2. Stormgeald

    Raidable Bases

    And that isn't the version we can download from the codefling page? Because when I click that link where it says 2.7.4 like my picture. It downloads a file but the config file says it's a higher version.
  3. Stormgeald

    Raidable Bases

    And I don't think it auto updated. When I logged on no bases were spawning at all. So i came to Codefling to see if any updates had been put out and saw there was one the other day so I updated it. Even after uninstalling everything and reinstalling I am getting the same normal tagged bases spawning. Although I think it is spawning different difficulty bases because the loot counts are different.
  4. Stormgeald

    Raidable Bases

    I am uninstalling everything and starting over to see if I can get it fixed. Is there another area to download a deferent version of the paid plugin? It says. 2.7.6 When I load it and I got it from this codefling page.
  5. Stormgeald

    Raidable Bases

    I guess I have the same question as above. I have the T3 Raid and paid version of Raidable Bases from this site and I just downloaded the updated 2.7.4 from this site and the updated base T3 base files and unloaded Raidable Bases per the instructions and then copied the oxide file over in filezilla and restarted it and I am getting the same thing. I think it is spawning deferent difficulty bases but they are all showing up on the map as Normal. Instead of the 10 I normally have spawn 2 of each difficulty it is spawning 10 "normal" ones but having popped around the map I can see they have deferent levels of loot in them. How do I get them spawning the right things and saying the easy through nightmare again?
  6. I see there is a way to give VIPs more max SP is there way to make them earn more per level as well? I didn't see that option.


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