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Everything posted by RuGRustServer

  1. Hi, does this plugin work with TruePVE?
  2. RuGRustServer


    still the same question
  3. RuGRustServer


    Hi, what exactly are these skills: -Regeneration -Secure Is Regeneration a buff for syringes and medi-kits, or does it increase the regeneration while having comfort bonus, or does it add a passive regeneration of HP regardless of bleeding/radiatiion...? We tried the "Secure" Skill, but we cannot see any difference in incoming damage from auto turrets(in raidable bases) on lvl 0 or lvl 2. What kind of damage is reduced? Every incoming damage (except raidable bases turrets?), or just in pvp from other players, or just from gun-type weapons?
  4. Hi, i installed the latest updates (in release order). 1.31.6 should have introduced the new MixingTableSpeed Skill which was missing in the config. I updated to 1.31.7 now and it is still not there. We have a lot of custom skills in our config and i don't what happens if i backup the current config and create a brand new one, while the server is running and players already bought a lot of skills. I hoped newly added skills would just be added to the existing config?
  5. Hi, when you add a new template, and it appears on the second page of templates, it will have the wrong content. It will copy the settings of the template from page 1 on the same slot. If you delete this new wrong template on page 2, the template on page 1 also gets deleted.
  6. Hi, sorry to re-open that but we have the same problem Version 1.31.3 Oxide 2.0.5678 We have attack (5-15-25%) { "Enabled": true, "Permission": null, "Type": "Attack", "ID (for None)": 0, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/w62GvQD.png", "Title": "Attack", "Description": "[DE] Bonus auf ausgeteilten Schaden von 5%/15%/25%.\n[ENG] Increase your damage dealt by 5%/15%/25%.", "Stages": { "1": { "Cost": 5000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 5.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [] }, "2": { "Cost": 20000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 15.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [] }, "3": { "Cost": 30000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 25.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [] } } }, When i buy the attack skill the amount of gathered ressources differs each time. I made a fantastic picture of it and next to it the Attack Levels. Target was a normal bear. Used weapon: Combat Knife. Butcher Level 3 for all cases As you can see, if i harvest multiple time (witch attack lvl 2), the amount changes each time. At level 3 there is even missing a whole resource sometimes.
  7. Still buggy.
  8. Hi, we tested the mining skills and they are not granting the amount we specified. We are using your pre-defined skill "Metal Miner" { "Enabled": true, "Permission": null, "Type": "Metal", "ID (for None)": 0, "Image": "https://gspics.org/images/2020/09/02/xznT3.png", "Title": "Metal Miner", "Description": "[DE] Erhöht die Menge an Metallerzen um +33% pro Level.\n[ENG] Increases the rate of metal ore mining by +33% each level.", "Stages": { "1": { "Cost": 5000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 133.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] }, "2": { "Cost": 10000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 164.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] }, "3": { "Cost": 15000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 200.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [], "Required skill stages": [] } } } The outcome at level 3 should be 200%. What we are really getting: (Metal Node, Jackhammer)
  9. Hi, i want to test the different settings and spawn a boss manually. But i cannot see any npc-related commands like: -spawn [type] -kill [type] -killnearest -showactive Can you implement some of them. Maybe with priority to the simple spawn-command?
  10. Hi, sorry to re-open that but we have the same problem Version 1.30.8 Oxide 2.0.5652 We have attack (5-15-25%) { "Enabled": true, "Permission": null, "Type": "Attack", "ID (for None)": 0, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/w62GvQD.png", "Title": "Attack", "Description": "[DE] Bonus auf ausgeteilten Schaden von 5%/15%/25%.\n[ENG] Increase your damage dealt by 5%/15%/25%.", "Stages": { "1": { "Cost": 5000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 5.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [] }, "2": { "Cost": 20000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 15.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [] }, "3": { "Cost": 30000.0, "Value [metabolism - value, for everyone else %]": 25.0, "Value 2": 0.0, "Commands": [], "Groups": [], "Permissions": [] } } }, When i buy the attack skill the amount of gathered ressources differs each time. I made a fantastic picture of it and next to it the Attack Levels. Target was a normal bear. Used weapon: Combat Knife. Butcher Level 3 for all cases As you can see, if i harvest multiple time (witch attack lvl 2), the amount changes each time. At level 3 there is even missing a whole resource sometimes.
  11. Great, i enabled email notification now for the support tickets
  12. Oh sorry, i dont get any notification in this support threads. i only noticed when the new version was here. I dont care much about positions in the templates, but somehow the templates were spawned, too. Try: 1. Adding spawn for elite crate with 10secs cooldown to your location & instant spawn it. 2. Add this to a template 3. Use the template at a new position and save it. -->The Crate from Step 1. and the Template(with the position from Step1.) spawned both at the first position
  13. RuGRustServer

    Adding Template Bug(

    Hi, when adding a template, he somehow copies the "position x,y,z", too. When i use the template to spawn it at a new position i have two spawns now. One at the old position (when i created the template), one at the new position. The templates in the config\SpawnPoints.json have x,y,z positions. I guess thats wrong. When adding a new template the "template window" (the right one) changes to an empty list on page 2? You cannot go back to page1. You have to re-open the GUI to see your Templates again.
    We are using V1.0.7 and are happy with the plugin. We use it mostly to spawn default crates and diesel barrel in our custom jumping puzzle. The templates and setting your own names for spawns makes it very nice to maintain. The start was a bit rough but right now the version is stable. Tickets (mostly little bugs and polishing) are handeled very fast. Thank you for the plugin M&B
    Super cool plugin! Our players loved it, even when they were smashed hard in the very first round. The config fits almost every need and we like the KI of the NPCs. 8,5/10 for the current version
  14. Hi, is it possible to spawn a new entity directly, instead of the configured respawn timer? I might want to see if the position / rotation / crate-type is correct. Currently i set up new spawns with 5 seconds to see them quickly but have to edit them later^^ No error here, just quality of life feature. totally optional thank you!
  15. Hi, is it possible to show more than one template? It feels very odd to click through 17 default templates to finally get to your own ones. Maybe we can show 9? per template page? Btw, i have seen that the position is saved, if you add an existing spawn as template. Don't know if this is intended. All other templates have "0.0" positions. Doesn't matter much though. Thanks for the plugin, it is getting better and i get used to it.
  16. Hi, i would like to seperate my templates from the config. Every wipe i need to delete all existing spawns of course, but i would like to keep my templates. Currently i would need to open the config and delete the "Entities spawn position" Not a huge issue but maybe you can put the templates in the config\ and the spawn-positions in the data\ somewhere
  17. I gave it another try this wipe and i simply wanted to test if the respawn timer is correct. Place Diesel-Barrel with 5 seconds respawn time. Loot it -> sometimes it spawns after 5 seconds, sometimes it spawns after half a minute.
  18. Hi, whenever i add, or delete a spawn, all other existing spawns will reset. Simple to reproduce. No fatal error but very annoying while setting them up.
  19. I used that config-zip line: { "Preset name": "up", "Permission to use (empty if not required)": "", "Сable color (0 - Black, 1 - Red, 2 - Green, 3 - Blue, 4 - Yellow)": 4, "Allow upward movement?": true, "Maximum speed": 7.0, "Minimum length (>= 7)": 10.0, "Maximum length (>= 7)": 2000.0, "Player Damage [true/false]": true, "Decay damage [true/false]": false, "Allow to pick up only admins [true/false]": true, "Item (shortname - electric.teslacoil)": { "Skin": 2792361050, "Name": "Bidirectional Zipline" } }, Both placed on normal building-walls. They tried to mount from both sides.
  20. Yes, they used it at the same time. For science! i guess
  21. (20:54:15) | 8.....7/ca..tv disconnecting: Exception (cs:71583): NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ZiplineMountable.GetNextLinePoint (UnityEngine.Transform forTransform) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) ZiplineMountable.ClientOnPlayerMounted (BasePlayer player) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BaseMountable.PlayerMounted (BasePlayer player, System.Boolean wasSwap) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.ClientUpdateMounted (System.UInt32 id) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.Load (BaseNetworkable+LoadInfo info) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BaseNetworkable.OnNetworkUpdate (ProtoBuf.Entity entity) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.CreateOrUpdateEntity (ProtoBuf.Entity info, System.Int64 size) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.OnEntities (Network.Message packet) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.OnNetworkMessage (Network.Message packet) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.HandleMessage () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.Cycle () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.Update () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client:HandleMessage() Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client:Cycle() Client:Update() (20:54:15) | 18....6 disconnecting: Exception (cs:71583): NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ZiplineMountable.GetNextLinePoint (UnityEngine.Transform forTransform) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) ZiplineMountable.ClientOnPlayerMounted (BasePlayer player) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BaseMountable.PlayerMounted (BasePlayer player, System.Boolean wasSwap) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.ClientUpdateMounted (System.UInt32 id) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BasePlayer.Load (BaseNetworkable+LoadInfo info) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) BaseNetworkable.OnNetworkUpdate (ProtoBuf.Entity entity) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.CreateOrUpdateEntity (ProtoBuf.Entity info, System.Int64 size) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.OnEntities (Network.Message packet) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.OnNetworkMessage (Network.Message packet) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.HandleMessage () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client.Cycle () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) Client.Update () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client:HandleMessage() Facepunch.Network.Raknet.Client:Cycle() Client:Update() Hi players getting disconnects when using the zipline at he same time
  22. I will try the async mode and see if we feel a difference. On PvE you always need to find the balance between player sustentation and performance^^ Thank you for your fast answer
  23. RuGRustServer

    improve performance?

    Hi, the plugin grows in size and features, which is awesome. Will unused features decrease server performance? Because, holy crap, after 10 hours the plugin uses twice the time the whole TruePVE uses. 04 - "StaticLootables" (2.4.2) by Raul-Sorin Sorban (502.10s) - StaticLootables.cs 12 - "TruePVE" (2.0.6) by nivex (228.46s) - TruePVE.cs


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