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Everything posted by supreme

  1. It actually works for me just fine, make sure you use the latest version and the correct filename (just used /audio sendall test) while test being the new .data format If you have spaces in the file name use "file name" with " "
  2. Seems like there is a CORS poiicy issue with some browsers, should be fixed soon
  3. Should be fixed
  4. supreme

    Chest Stacks

    Unfortunately stacking different type of chests weren't handled in order to avoid bugs & exploits
  5. supreme

    Safe Kick

    They are automatically teleported back to their initial location
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. supreme

    the boxes wont stack

    Make sure the plugin is loaded, reload it and reconnect
  8. supreme

    Predator Missile

    It seems that the name is updated properly on my testing environment
  9. supreme

    Predator Missile

    How did you gave yourself the item? If you haven't used the predatormissile.give command then the name won't be automatically changed
  10. supreme

    Predator Missile

    The description is client-side, the name should've been Predator Missile when creating the item
  11. supreme

    Predator Missile

    Thank you for letting me know, I will soon push an update to block using the missile while mounted and couple more different blocks!
  12. supreme

    Predator Missile

    Item description is client side, the tip message was added after the creation of the video
  13. supreme

    Predator Missile

    The rocket acts as being yours, TruePVE will think you are just shooting a rocket, it should be compatible
  14. supreme

    Predator Missile

    Hello! I will add loot handlers soon to have a chance to spawn in configurable loot prefabs, I have not checked kits code but if it allows you to add an item with a skin then yes, is compatible (I will provide the skin id in the plugin's page)
  15. Version 1.1.4


    Allows players to call in a predator missile Configuration: { "Chat Icon Id": 0, "Permissions & values": { "predatormissile.use": { "Seconds required to call in a missile strike": 8, "Rocket explosion radius": 10, "Rocket height": 75, "Rocket lifespan (seconds)": 15 }, "predatormissile.vip": { "Seconds required to call in a missile strike": 6, "Rocket explosion radius": 15, "Rocket height": 100, "Rocket lifespan (seconds)": 20 }, "predatormissile.vip2": { "Seconds required to call in a missile strike": 4, "Rocket explosion radius": 20, "Rocket height": 125, "Rocket lifespan (seconds)": 25 } }, "Loot container prefabs & chance to spawn a predator missile": { "crate_normal": 20.0, "crate_normal_2": 10.0, "crate_elite": 50.0, "crate_basic": 1.0 }, "Announce predator missile on chat": false, "Global cooldown after predator missile usage (minutes) (Set 0 to disable)": 1.0, "Enable global sound broadcast (Sound Library API)": false, "Global sound broadcast file name (Sound Library API)": "SoundLibraryApiFileName", "Blocks": { "Safe Zone Block": true, "Mounted Block (Chair/Vehicles)": true, "Swimming Block": true, "Flying Block": true, "Cargo Ship Block": true, "Hot Air Balloon Block": true, "Lift Block": true, "Scrap Transport Helicopter Block": true, "No Building Privilege Block": true, "Raid Block": true, "Combat Block": true, "Oilrigs Block": true } } Language: { "TipMessage": "Hold <color=#acfa58>E</color> while having the predator missile in hand in order to activate it!", "NoPermission": "No permission!", "SyntaxError": "Use predatormissile.give playerName/Id amount!", "TargetNotFound": "Target not found!", "BlockedUsage": "You cannot initialize the predator missile! ({0})", "PredatorMissileUsed": "Someone launched a missile", "GlobalCooldown": "Someone already used a predator missile, there is a global cooldown for {0}!", "Blocked.Mounted": "Mounted", "Blocked.InSafeZone": "In Safe Zone", "Blocked.RaidBlocked": "Raid Blocked", "Blocked.CombatBlocked": "Combat Blocked", "Blocked.BuildingBlocked": "Building Blocked", "Blocked.Swimming": "Swimming", "Blocked.Flying": "Flying", "Blocked.OnCargoShip": "On Cargo Ship", "Blocked.OnHotAirBalloon": "On Hot Air Balloon", "Blocked.InLift": "In Lift", "Blocked.InScrapTransportHeli": "In Scrap Transport Heli", "Blocked.OnOilrig": "On Oilrig" } Permissions: predatormissile.use (Always grant this permission for usage, grant additional permissions for different values) predatormissile.admin (In order to use predatormissile.give command if used ingame) Commands: predatormissile.give playerName/Id amount (Console Command) - Gives players predator missiles Usage: Get the predator missile in hand (active item in hotbar) and hold E Skin Id of the Predator Missile Item: 2764775859
  16. supreme

    Chest Stacks

    Please update to the latest Chest Stacks version (1.3.1) & latest Remover Tool
  17. Rust's music is client-side and cannot be altered unfortunately
  18. supreme

    boxes break

    Send me a dm on discord at supreme#5253, will send you a debugging version
  19. supreme

    boxes break

    Have you updated to the latest version while players already had chests stored within the last update's file?
  20. supreme

    Timber Mod

    The plugin adds the ability to either increase or decrease hits required to destroy a tree, getting all the resources at once, removing the X marker minigame, you can either make farming trees faster by decreasing required chops to 1-2 (almost instant farming) or slower by increasing required chops, somewhat similar to The Forest chopping trees mechanics
  21. supreme

    Timber Mod

    Version 1.0.3


    Reworks the way of cutting trees, either increase or decrease the farming process Configuration: { "Permissions & hits taken to chop the tree": { "timbermod.use": 10, "timbermod.vip": 5 }, "Items that enables timber mod (shortname)": [ "hatchet", "stonehatchet", "chainsaw" ], "Frequency of checking if the player is still hitting the tree (seconds)": 5.0 } Permissions: timbermod.use (Always grant this permission for usage, grant additional permissions for different chop amounts to speed or slow the farming process)
  22. supreme

    boxes break

    I suggest trying the plugin on a test server without other plugins, you are either having a plugin interfering and killing the boxes or wiping the data file
  23. supreme

    boxes break

    This could only happen if the file from /data/ChestStacks.data was removed or corrupted, other than that is impossible to get a box killed, not even ent kill can destroy them
  24. supreme

    Safe Kick

    If you add that particular reason to the config then yes


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