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Sound Library Api 1.1.4

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About Sound Library Api

Sound Library Api allows you to store & play recorded sounds for players, attach them to npcs, trigger them via in-game events

Use Sound Library API Encoder which allows you to convert any audio file to our own format (after converting the file, rename it and move it to /data/SoundLibraryApi):

Sound Library Encoder


  "Scheduled message interval (seconds)": 900.0,
  "Speaker Distance (The higher the number, the further away is the speaker resulting in a quieter voice)": 5.0,
  "Audio events": {
    "ScheduledMessage": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": true,
      "Audio files": [
    "Welcome": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": false,
      "Audio files": [
    "PatrolHelicopter": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": true,
      "Audio files": [
    "Airdrop": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": true,
      "Audio files": [
    "CargoShip": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": true,
      "Audio files": [
    "Chinook": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": true,
      "Audio files": [
    "CrateHack": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": false,
      "Audio files": [
    "MissionStarted": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": false,
      "Audio files": [
    "MissionFinished": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": false,
      "Audio files": [
    "MissionFailed": {
      "Enable audio event": true,
      "Global audio event (set false in order to be heard only by the player that triggered the audio event)": false,
      "Audio files": [


  "NoPermission": "<color=#e3e3e3>You do not have permission to use this command</color>",
  "AlreadyRecording": "<color=#e3e3e3>You're already recording. Please save or cancel your previous recording before starting a new one.</color>",
  "InvalidAddSyntax": "<color=#e3e3e3>Invalid Syntax. Ex: <color=#de8732>/sl add soundname</color></color>",
  "AddAlreadyExists": "<color=#e3e3e3>This sound already exists. </color><color=#e3e3e3>Please add <color=#de8732>overwrite</color> to your arguments to allow overwriting an existing sound.</color><color=#e3e3e3>Ex: <color=#de8732>sl add {{0}} overwrite</color></color>",
  "AddRecording": "<color=#e3e3e3>You can now start recording.\n</color><color=#e3e3e3>The recording will automatically start once your start sending audio.\n</color><color=#e3e3e3>Once you have completed you can use <color=#de8732>/sl save</color> or <color=#de8732>/sl cancel</color>.\n</color><color=#e3e3e3>You can listen to your recording using <color=#de8732>/sl play</color>\n</color><color=#e3e3e3>If you want to rerecord your recording use <color=#de8732>/sl reset</color></color>",
  "NotRecording": "<color=#e3e3e3>You're not currently recording.</color>",
  "RecordingSaved": "<color=#e3e3e3>We have saved your recording as '{0}'</color>",
  "CanceledRecording": "<color=#e3e3e3>We have canceled your recording</color>",
  "ResetRecording": "<color=#e3e3e3>Your recording has been reset.</color>",
  "PlayInvalidSyntax": "<color=#e3e3e3>Invalid Syntax. Ex: <color=#de8732>/sl play soundname</color> - to play the sound with the given name.</color>",
  "NoSoundFileFound": "<color=#e3e3e3>No sound file found with name '{0}'</color>",
  "HelpText": "<color=#e3e3e3>Allows players to record sound that can be played back to a player\n<color=#de8732>/sl add soundname</color> - to start the creation of a new sound.\n<color=#de8732>/sl npc add hookActionType fileName</color> - to add one or more filenames to a human npc (hook action types are: <color=#de8732>OnUseNPC/OnEnterNPC/OnLeaveNPC/OnHitNPC</color>)\n<color=#de8732>/sl npc remove hookActionType fileName</color> - to remove a filename from a human npc (hook action types are: <color=#de8732>OnUseNPC/OnEnterNPC/OnLeaveNPC/OnHitNPC</color>)\n<color=#de8732>/sl save</color> - to save your recorded sound.\n<color=#de8732>/sl reset</color> - to clear your current recording.\n<color=#de8732>/sl cancel</color> - to cancel your recording and not save.\n<color=#de8732>/sl play</color> - to player your current recording back to you.\n<color=#de8732>/sl</color> - to view this help text again.</color>",
  "AudioMessagesHelpText": "<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/audio send playerName audioName</color> - Sends an audio message to a player</color>\n<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/audio sendall audioName</color> - Sends an audio message to everyone on the server\n<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/audio sendlooped playerName audioName 2 (loop times amount)</color> - Sends a looped audio message to a player\n<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/audio sendalllooped audioName 2 (loop times amount)</color> - Sends a looped audio message to everyone on the server\n<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/audio files</color> - Shows a list of all audio files on the server\n<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/sl</color> - Shows the help page for the Sound Library API\n<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>/audio help</color> - Shows these help messages",
  "PlayingText": "<color=#e3e3e3>Playing the file with the name of <color=#de8732>{0}</color></color>",
  "PlayingAudioMessageText": "<color=#e3e3e3>Playing the file with the name of <color=#66B2FF>{0}</color></color>",
  "InvalidTarget": "<color=#e3e3e3>Invalid target, try using his steamid/name</color>",
  "NullFileName": "<color=#e3e3e3>This file name is null, use /audio files</color>",
  "AvailableFileNames": "<color=#e3e3e3>Available files:\n<color=#66B2FF>{0}</color></color>",
  "FileNameNotFound": "<color=#e3e3e3><color=#66B2FF>{0}</color> does not exist, use <color=#66B2FF>/audio files</color></color>",
  "NpcNotFound": "<color=#e3e3e3>Couldn't find any human npc, make sure you have created one using <color=#de8732>/npc_add</color> and you are looking at it!</color>",
  "InvalidHookActionType": "<color=#e3e3e3><color=#de8732>{0}</color> is invalid, list of hook action types:<color=#de8732>\nOnUseNPC\nOnEnterNPC\nOnLeaveNPC\nOnHitNPC</color></color>",
  "NpcSoundAdded": "<color=#e3e3e3><color=#de8732>{0}</color> was added and will play when <color=#66B2FF>{1}</color> is triggered</color>",
  "NpcSoundRemoved": "<color=#e3e3e3><color=#de8732>{0}</color> was removed from this NPC!</color>",
  "FileNameAlreadyAdded": "<color=#e3e3e3><color=#de8732>{0}</color> was already added to this NPC!</color>"

Human NPC Integration example:

  "Npc Data": {
    "303133854": {
      "Action type of the npc & Filenames that are played": {
        "OnUseNPC": [
    "986905907": {
      "Action type of the npc & Filenames that are played": {
        "OnEnterNPC": [
    "1543143931": {
      "Action type of the npc & Filenames that are played": {
        "OnHitNPC": [
    "1205925446": {
      "Action type of the npc & Filenames that are played": {
        "OnUseNPC": [
        "OnHitNPC": [
    "45461627": {
      "Action type of the npc & Filenames that are played": {
        "OnUseNPC": [
        "OnHitNPC": [
    "942954162": {
      "Action type of the npc & Filenames that are played": {
        "OnHitNPC": [
        "OnEnterNPC": [


Recording & Playing Audio Files Video:


Human NPC Integration Video:



soundlibraryapi.use - In order to use /sl

soundlibraryapi.audio - In order to use /audio

Console Command:

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