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Everything posted by ninco90

  1. ninco90

    Duplicate Auth players

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  2. ninco90

    How to set up help

    Hi, what a lot of messages. I'll answer you: 1. The plugin is not designed to work like this. However, you can extend the Warning Time Before Damage and see if that can help you. Although I wouldn't recommend extending it that much, since the player won't know that being in that area will cause damage. 2. I don't understand what you mean by this. Can you give me a graphic example? 3. I imagine you mean a first warning when you enter the area that you will suffer damage after a while, I seem to remember that a message already appeared when you entered. 4. I don't understand what you mean at this point. Do you want the damage to stop if there is no one in the safe zone? This would be expensive for the server's performance since you would have to constantly check if there is a player nearby. 5. Maybe I can make it so that when it is destroyed the doors break if that is how it is configured in the config. I'd have to look into it though and I don't have much time at the moment, but I can put it on my to-do list. 6. Players don't usually use vanish so it shouldn't be a problem. 7. Oops, looks like you've found the real bug. This is because it needs to know which player was driving it so it can notify them and so on. I need to look into how to fix this, it's more complex than it seems. 8. The sphere is rendered globally for all players, it's not possible to limit it to just the player in the tugboat.
  3. ninco90

    Effects Prefab not work

    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  4. ninco90

    Effects Prefab not work

    Thanks for reporting! They've likely changed the effect prefab path in this February update.
  5. ninco90


    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  6. ninco90


    Hola! Así es, estamos teniendo problemas con el servidor, es por eso que no funciona correctamente. Aunque ciertamente me preocupa que en estos casos suceda una inundación de paquetes. Intentaré ver como puedo solucionar esto por si en un futuro el servidor web vuelve a fallar que no repercuta de ninguna manera. Podrías probar ahora? El servidor web medio funciona ahora. En caso de error dimelo y vemos como podemos solucionarlo.
  7. ninco90

    Duplicate Auth players

    Hi! The plugin itself does not add any authorization for anyone. It simply displays the stored auth information that the TC has. It is likely that another plugin is duplicating that information. Have you tried to delete plugins and add new TCs to test?
  8. ninco90


    They were added before they were officially released Just make sure you click the blue refresh button. This should add the new wallpapers for you. (However, if you edited the settings manually, they probably won't be added if they use the same ID.)
  9. ninco90


    Do you have any plugin that automatically authorizes players? It's probably registering twice for some reason. BetterTC reads the information of registered users in TC. It doesn't add or duplicate as such. I just tested it on my modded server with oxide though and it looks like this.
  10. Hello! Thanks for contacting me, I'm glad you like this plugin and find it useful. Regarding your question, I added several wallpapers that I made myself, with some textures existing in the game and other images made with AI. However, I don't intend to be able to add any steam wallpaper, since most of them, from what I've seen, lack quality and don't even respect the use of patterns (so that when they are next to each other they are displayed correctly). Therefore, I don't intend to add any command to facilitate the addition. You can still do it manually by editing the plugin configuration and indicating the skinid. My intention is to add new patterns in the future as soon as I have some time, I wanted to have added some with Christmas motifs but I'm quite busy with my servers. I will still add more designs in the future. If there is something you would like to see, you can tell me and I will analyze it to see if it is possible to add it.
  11. ninco90


    Hi! I think you don't have the config file updated. I would recommend you delete it and make sure you have the latest version of the plugin. Several updates ago I integrated an improvement in the loading of some images where instead of using images with Image Library they are loaded directly from the client itself, reducing this problem and optimizing the loading speed. Take a look and let me know.
  12. ninco90


    I don't have that plugin purchased to be able to test it myself. Does Better TC crash when trying to upgrade? Maybe that plugin is using the OnStructureUpgrade Hook. Since my plugin uses Interface.CallHook("OnStructureUpgrade", block, player, grade) To block upgrades if another plugin blocks with that (for example Raid Block). I have asked the developer privately, to see if we can fix it. Although any details of the problem would be appreciated.
  13. ninco90


    Hi! I don't have this plugin purchased, but what error does it show? It doesn't let me upgrade the build to a certain level? Or change the skin? If you can show me a video... Although there may be something blocking it.
  14. ninco90


    I added the one that facepunch was going to add but that they didn't add in the end. Check with Check Update and review the wallpapers that I added
  15. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  16. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  17. ninco90

    Wallpaper breaking

    Hi! The game's wallpapers can be broken, that's true. I can investigate if I can find a solution to prevent them from being broken, if I find it I will add it as an additional option in the configuration. I'll leave it noted as a task
  18. You didn't read the part about not updating until the update xD
  19. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  20. ninco90

    bug after updating

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  21. ninco90

    bug after updating

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  22. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  23. Yes it will update it, but it will not send the hook to the rest of the plugins to check if it can update or not.
  24. I have good news. In the next update it will be fixed. I added an internal list of "incompatible" plugins that if detected will not call that Hook, preventing this problem from happening. "BuildingSkin" "BuildingSkins" "XBuildingSkinMenu" If in the future another plugin is found that interferes in the same way (using OnStructureUpgrade) it will be enough to add it to the list. Thanks to both of you for your time and I hope that with this everything works great. Regarding scalbox question I have checked and I see that BuildingGrades also calls OnStructureUpgrade, only when it is run by someone who does not have the BuildingGrades admin permission, maybe that is why it does not happen to you because I imagine that you have the admin permission. You would have to test if it also happens without admin permission and in that case add it to the list. Regarding the procedure to replicate it: Follow the steps I performed in the video. Yes, first clean the BuildingSkin Data folder, then reload the BuildingSkin plugin and don't configure anything. Try improving with betterTc as I did in the video and then once everything is improved and you see that it doesn't turn into sticks then activate BuildingSkin as I did.
  25. Hi everyone! I just replicated the issue with BuildingSkin. This happens when the player has an upgrade set in Building Skin. Because every time BetterTC upgrades a building block the OnStructureUpgrade code is executed, just as I imagined. Here is the example: Knowing this I will try to find a solution so that it does not happen, perhaps that BetterTC does not call that Hook if it finds any of the incompatible plugins loaded on the server.


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