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Everything posted by Tryhard

  1. Tryhard

    Instant Barrel

    Currently it gives you the loot, I can make it configurable if you wish
  2. Your's i blocking/modifying the blueprint researching and mine is adding them workbench access, 2 different things
  3. Version 2.0.0


    Better No Workbench - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that gives workbench access to players with permission. Unlike the free version you can refill items and it also displays the workbench UI in the bottom right. Permission: Give players so they get workbench access: BetterNoWorkbench.on Config: { "Default Workbench Level": 3.0 }
  4. Version 1.3.1


    Instant Barrel - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that optionally makes all barrels and road signs 1 hp and spawns their loot in player's inventory when destroyed. Works with tools and optionally weapons, farming distance for weapons can be adjusted via the config file Showcase video: Permission: Give players permission: InstantBarrel.on Config: { "Enable farming with weapons": true, "Max farming distance": 3.0, "Make barrels 1 hit to kill": false, "Enable barrel gibs": true }
  5. What I meant is you get a warning saying you entered a deadly zone and if you done leave in x seconds you will die
  6. There already is a permission for that, o.grant user username BuildingBlockZones.exclude If I made it so you have X seconds to get out or you will die instantly would you be interested in that? Someone else suggested that
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Building Block Zones - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that damages players in building blocked zones Showcase video: Permission: To exclude players from the effect use BuildingBlockZones.exclude Config File: { "Drop Sound Effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/impacts/bullet/generic/generic4.prefab", "Building block damage text": "Leave the building blocked zone immediately!", "Damage player amount (1 - 500)": 20, "Damage player every (seconds)": 1 }
  8. Tryhard

    Kill Options

    Version 1.0.0


    Kill Options - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that refills players magazine, heals the player and stops bleeding after getting a kill Permissions: KillOptions.on Config File: { "Fill player magazine after getting a kill": true, "Heal player after getting a kill": true, "Stop bleeding after getting a kill": true }


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