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Everything posted by Wrecks

  1. Wrecks


    lmao i just saw this
  2. Wrecks

    Beast Master

    I can check it out soon no prob , and thanks !
  3. Wrecks


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  4. Wrecks


    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  5. Wrecks


    The time is in seconds
  6. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    "Enable Monument Spawns?": false, For some reason you have this false. Which checks on spawn attempt. and returns if its false.
  7. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    I dont see support tickets for MM nor any other markers not working on any other plugins that use this, going to test to check again
  8. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    and if the previous version was working, does it show when you revert?
  9. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    I’m not looking to redo it just because it’s not working for one guy rather figure out why it’s not working for you. It’s still working for me I’ll ask around and see if it’s still working for others are you on oxide im guessing?
  10. Wrecks

    Bounty Hunter

    I did a reboot and theyre all showing for me using initial spawn. Im on test though i dont have a bandit camp.
  11. Wrecks


    Added in the latest @Perfectangel01
  12. Wrecks

    Custom Crops

    Yeah all that is customizable a few servers have the whole bundle and do this and create custom skins to fit the theme
  13. Wrecks

    Loot Crate

    You can pick the container it spawns in via short prefab name
  14. Wrecks

    Loot Crate

    Create a custom skin via an icon uploader, use a plugin that gives that item functionality. I have a personal plugin I made for my server that players can obtain the coin and claim the crypto coin to redeem economics credit.
  15. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

  16. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

    Its in the description, there is watermarks over the images, there is notifications in the video too, where custom configs are used.
  17. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  18. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

    If you need more help or guidance or tips, feel free to message me.
  19. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

    https://codefling.com/plugins/drugs This is what you can use to give functionality to custom items, say you want to make custom drug items, you could make them here, then import them to viper crafting. There is quite a bit you can do , it just needs to fit your server. Random custom items dont do much unless you have a plugin to help give it functionality.
  20. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

    This is what i use to create my custom icons
  21. Wrecks

    Drug Configs

    Those are customer configs as example. You can use something like custom icon uploader, get those skins and use them to create recipes that fit your server
  22. Version 1.1.7


    Give your players a new way to craft and create new items, with Viper Crafting! Viper Crafters come in 2 Styles, Base and Premium. Each Crafter relies on the SkinID on build, to function, this is customizable in config. Base crafts at normal speed, Premium crafts at 2x Speed. The Base Crafter is a regular water purifier and needs a campfire to be fully placed, The Premium is a powered water purifier that doesn't need power to craft. Each crafter comes with storage, upon crafting completion, the items deposit to the box if there is room, if there is no room, the item will become a world dropped item. The premium crafter can have a list of skins for random skins on placement. Upon crafter death or pickup or remover tool, any contents will transfer to a pouch for easy pickup. You can enable or disable proximity check, so players need to be nearby while crafting for full immersion. UI is fully customizable, crafting menu supports Pages, so create as many recipes as you like. Recipes have an info button that shows that recipes needed items to craft for the players current multiplier setting. Ingredients can be vanilla and custom items. Recipe Images in Crafting menu supports URL or SkinID, if using SkinID, leave URL "" COMMANDS /GIVECRAFTERS - GIVES EACH CRAFTER TO ADMINS INVENTORY /V.SPAWNRECIPES - SPAWNS ALL VIPER RECIPES IN A CONTAINER /V.SPAWNINGREDIENTS - SPAWNS ALL VIPER INGREDIENTS IN A CONTAINER IDEAS OF USE Pair with The Dealer, Custom Crops, and Drugs for an ecosystem of plugins that compliment each other. NOTES UPON ACTIVE CRAFTING AND IF PLUGIN IS UNLOADED WHILE CRAFTING, ALL STATES WILL COMPLETE AND ITEMS WILL DEPOSIT TO THE RESPECTIVE CRAFTER TO HELP COMBAT FAST CRAFTER BOX PICKUPS, USE SKINS THE PLAYER CANNOT NORMALLY USE, AS THATS WHAT I CHECK TO PREVENT PICKUPS. OVERVIEW - *CUSTOM CONFIG IN USE* TEASER VIDEO DEMO CONFIG { "Multiplier Buttons": [ 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 ], "Radius Player Needs To Be During Mix Check, Default Is 1, Try not to go too high, To Prevent Crafter Overlap": 1, "Amount of Items to give, when Spawning in Recipes and Ingredients Via Command": 100, "Base Crafter Skin": 3343180461, "Enable Base Crafter Proximity?": true, "Base Crafter Proximity The Player Needs To Be Within To Successfully Craft": 10, "Fast Crafter Skin": 3343195295, "Enable Fast Crafter Proximity?": true, "Fast Crafter Proximity The Player Needs To Be Within To Successfully Craft": 10, "Fast Crafter Small Box Skins": [ 1736652162, 1717985913, 3343194879 ], "Text Color": "0.78 1 0.82 1", "Multiplier Background Color": "0.96 0.57 0.18 0.75", "Recipe Info Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rbytqsfn66u0n5ud5im27/Info.png?rlkey=tn2lmrsnvnxe49zlvbqdg5d4n&st=rjcossda&dl=1", "Stroke Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2upkidj1i7myyql3862js/GlowStroke.png?rlkey=spcq15j4wlrfw452ha4t5ekfl&st=j3kxkywu&dl=1", "Banner Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dbkf772yww1r0hznxvu3w/PMGLOWa.png?rlkey=n1ea7jqv3ppl528t78itwufzv&st=6smt8gtl&dl=1", "Back Button Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gipwp9d59tqv1mg13ehpw/BACK.png?rlkey=isiwwk3zqri2vyy6c9dfhby80&st=aen8y3ei&dl=1", "Next Button Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yl0qskx962a5pct4v8uzy/Next.png?rlkey=4pb1xt3xkkwj2bj1ol0qjuji3&st=2816qqdb&dl=1", "Navigation Buttons Color": "0.96 0.57 0.18 0.9", "Close Button Color": "0.96 0.57 0.18 0.9", "Background Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/69uuot1m6l49nip59zm1v/VIPER3.png?rlkey=srd9lebvdrjbkq22hatd3t28l&st=4fsfe7gx&dl=1", "Toast Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vkvtxl1irp0k6f61sbun4/PopUp.png?rlkey=netyo7pjli1nhx91vwv8d88cv&st=ta5l9mzc&dl=1", "Mini Toast Image": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5crdhycyfsrd0jrkjxne2/miniGlow.png?rlkey=t39dav111edarg9eqzx6repak&st=7838j609&dl=1", "Recipes": [ { "RecipeName": "Blue Shatter", "RecipeDescription": "Blue Shatter", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Sulfur", "IngredientShortname": "sulfur", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Snowball", "IngredientShortname": "snowball", "RequiredAmount": 3, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 3215916045, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 }, { "RecipeName": "Ether", "RecipeDescription": "Ether", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Sulfur", "IngredientShortname": "sulfur", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Snowball", "IngredientShortname": "snowball", "RequiredAmount": 3, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 2980167987, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 }, { "RecipeName": "Irad Serum", "RecipeDescription": "Irad Serum", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Super Serum", "IngredientShortname": "supertea", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Snowball", "IngredientShortname": "snowball", "RequiredAmount": 3, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 3027539800, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 }, { "RecipeName": "Lean", "RecipeDescription": "Lean", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Super Serum", "IngredientShortname": "supertea", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Snowball", "IngredientShortname": "snowball", "RequiredAmount": 6, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 3027539845, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 }, { "RecipeName": "Coke", "RecipeDescription": "Coke", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Cloth", "IngredientShortname": "cloth", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Snowball", "IngredientShortname": "snowball", "RequiredAmount": 6, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 3027243010, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 }, { "RecipeName": "Hash", "RecipeDescription": "Hash", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Cloth", "IngredientShortname": "cloth", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Wood", "IngredientShortname": "wood", "RequiredAmount": 6, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 2961371625, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 }, { "RecipeName": "Pills", "RecipeDescription": "Pills", "RecipeImageUrl": "", "Ingredients": [ { "IngredientCustomName": "Cloth", "IngredientShortname": "cloth", "RequiredAmount": 2, "IngredientSkinID": 0 }, { "IngredientCustomName": "Sulfur", "IngredientShortname": "sulfur", "RequiredAmount": 6, "IngredientSkinID": 0 } ], "OutputItemSkinID": 3027373420, "OutputItemShortname": "glue", "OutputItemAmount": 1, "RecipeCraftTime": 3 } ] } LANG { "RecipeNotFound": "Recipe Not Found", "ItemProcessed": "{0}\nhas been processed.", "ProcessingFailed": "Processing has failed.", "CraftingMessage": "Crafting: {0}\n\nPlease monitor your workstation.\n\nTime remaining: {1}(s).", "RecipeIngredients": "Recipe: {0}\nIngredients Required To Craft\n{1}", "RestrictBuildingMessage": "This Crafter Needs To Be Spaced Out from Other Crafters to be Placed." } Special thanks to @Luuxen for the teaser video and for testing this for me until i was ready for a public release!
  23. Wrecks

    F1 Tiers

    I can maybe look into applying a custom prefab effect at explosion point in the future maybe
  24. Wrecks

    F1 Tiers

    No the damage and other properties are scaled on detonation


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