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Everything posted by Steenamaroo

  1. Hi mate, Not sure what would be causing that but I'm pretty sure NPCKits itself isn't doing it. NPCKits moves everything from npc to corpse, but skips over containers as per config. I don't see any way it could be moving belt items to main, but another plugin could be controlling movement of items to/from npc corpse containers?
  2. Steenamaroo


    haven't looked in context but `!string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemData.Ammotype),` is bool, true or false, so most likely Kits is just using that as a simple check to see if the item is, or isn't considered a weapon.
  3. Hi, You're running an old version. The issues you're seeing were fixed in the next version.
  4. You on staging?
  5. Steenamaroo

    Spamming console

    Hey mate. Could be a lot of things but I'll look into it. If you're able to spot a pattern please let me know. If not, no worries. Thanks for reporting.
  6. Is there any data to save? If there are no records it should create the table but there should be no sql save related console output.
  7. Hi, Is useMySQL true?
  8. Steenamaroo

    Npc AI

    Hi, Yes, BotSpawn is limited to the original scientist and/or murderer AI. Unfortunately changing the AI isn't that simple but I am in the progress of a rewrite with newer AI. Honestly, I'm unlikely to try to address these things in current BotSpawn but when the rewrite is done the AI should be a fair bit more aggressive, and smarter.
  9. Steenamaroo

    peace keeper

    I haven't noticed this but I'll take a proper look just incase something's changed. Thanks for flagging it.
  10. I'm not aware of any issue, that way. Do you have any pvp/pve controlling plugins which might be affecting this?
  11. This is added. It'll be in the next public update.
  12. Steenamaroo

    BotSpawn Health Bars?

    To be honest I don't know if existing health bar plugins would show for npcs or not but it might be worth having a search here and on uMod. If you don't see anything maybe ask in our discord? Someone else might know.
  13. Steenamaroo


    That might be messy in the current version but I'll keep it in mind for future. Thanks pookins.
  14. Steenamaroo

    NRE error as follows

    Hi, Thanks for the info about the excavator npcs. I'll get that sorted some time soon.
  15. Hi, I'll take a look and see what I can do. Thanks.
  16. Steenamaroo

    NRE error as follows

    Hi, Is your config definitely good? With the previous naming mix up I'd delete the config file entirely and reinstall a fresh copy of NPCKits. just to make sure. If the error persists, please let me know and I'll look into it. Thanks.
  17. Steenamaroo

    Latest version error

    No problem. Glad you got it sorted.
  18. Steenamaroo

    customloot on botspawn

    Ok, I'll look into it. No, that's not a known issue. Behind the scenes it works from the profile name, so location/proximity shouldn't come into play at all.
  19. Steenamaroo

    Latest version error

    or the other way around.
  20. Steenamaroo

    Latest version error

    Looks like you've renamed NPCKits file to BotSpawn.cs ?
  21. Hey man, Yeah, I can certainly add that. Leave it with me.
  22. Steenamaroo

    customloot on botspawn

    The 'skins' option should only be available for items which are skinnable. If it's not there, adding it wont help, but if you think there are items without the option which should have it, please let me know and I'll take a look.
  23. Steenamaroo

    customloot on botspawn

    Hi, Yes; If you enable the config option `corpseTypePerBotSpawnProfile` and reload CustomLoot, you'll then see an entry for every enabled BotSpawn profile in your CustomLoot config file.
  24. Steenamaroo


    Hi, He's added already as "DesertScientist". Sorry, I missed have missed him when writing the update notes.
  25. You're in RustRewards discussion, just FYI. You can enter a name in the Parent_Monument field for any custom profile in BotSpawn. If you plan to add custom spawn points, make sure you set Parent_Monument first...That's important. To give an example, if you want the regular airfield default profile to have 10 npcs, then you want an additional custom profile with one, go to the airfield, use the /botspawn add *name* command, then go into your custom-profiles json, find your new profile, and set its Parent_Monument to "The Airfield 0". That name you're setting there must be exactly as it appears in the default profiles json. Now that profile will always be exactly where you placed it, relative to the Airfield. If the Airfield moves, so does your profile. If you add custom spawn points for that profile, they'll auto-move too. Custom spawn points for default profiles also carry over in this way, so if you were using custom spawn points for Dome + your boss profile, you could dictate precise positioning of all of those npcs, and make it that the boss is always in the centre, protected by the lesser npcs, for example.


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