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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. @supreme any updates on this?
  2. @Adem
  3. dustyhansen

    Mode Not Saving

    Any luck on this? Players are pretty frustrated about it.
  4. dustyhansen

    Quarry Limit

    @Marte6 can you please reopen this ticket and see the above?
  5. dustyhansen

    Loot Tables Not Really 2x

    I am having an issue with your loot table here and even with the raidable base ones I bought separately. This is supposed to be a 2x loot table, yet my players are regularly getting less than the default quantities of loot. In a heli crate, for example: A vanilla heli crate 556 ammo spawn has: 120 normal 60 incendiary 30 explosive 40 high velocity Your ammo crate has less weight and and has:: 80-240 normal 40-120 incendiary 20-60 explosive 20-80 high velocity How is it a 2x if it can spawn 67% less quantity than a vanilla server? Players rarely get vanilla rates, let alone 2x rates. I tried your loot tables for raid bases and they were instantly rejected by my players. Nowhere near enough boom and getting things like cooked chicken, sewing kits, thompsons, etc. in expert and nightmare bases. Players expect to break even or make a profit on a raid base, at least on my server they do.
  6. I am not sure what his auth level is, i just know he is getting put in the admin oxide group.
  7. dustyhansen

    Turning Mods into Admins

    I regret to report another bug. I have a user that is a moderator on my server, which means he is in the mod oxide group and is not in the users.cfg, based on how I use the role mod. This player was using /mod to switch between mod mode and player mode and the plugin kept putting him into the admin group after a few times switching. He was made an admin and had admin access, even though he was not in the users.cfg file. He was added to the admin list in the data file for Auth Toggle. I unloaded the plugin, removed him from the data file, and removed him from the admin oxide group, but it still happened 2 more times. So I had to remove his access from this plugin and just leave it for admins until this is addressed.
  8. I think I got it working, but unfortunately it makes Harbor Event cargo PVP too, so lol.
  9. dustyhansen

    Zone Exit Delay

    Have you given consideration to adding a Zone Exit Delay for the Zone Manager zones? When PVE players leave the zone they immediately return back to PVE, but realistically there should be a configurable delay. "ZoneManager": { "ZoneExitDelay": 10 //time in minutes "ForceModeInZone": { "name~pvp": "pvp" } }, Something like this maybe?
  10. dustyhansen

    Industrial Support

    Sorry I am behind from wipe yesterday lol.
  11. dustyhansen

    Industrial Support

    It looks like you cannot place industrial on the furnaces when they are placed on a foundation?
  12. dustyhansen

    Quarry Limit

    I added this to my shop like you said, but I get an error in console when the command is executed: Failed executing console command 'gq' in 'Quarry Computer v1.4.1 by Marte6' [callback] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.QuarryComputer.GiveQuarryCommandCmd(Arg arg) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/QuarryComputer.cs:line 1277 at object System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) 01/16 18:53:36 | [ShoppyStock] Player Milfred (76561198328184183) purchased x1 Quarry Computer for 15k SCRAP.
  13. Did you figure this out? I am trying to make Dynamic PVP work with Cargo and War Mode...
  14. dustyhansen

    Map Issues

  15. sorry, i forgot to reply here... so i was assigning the ignore permission to groups, not individuals i gave it to the admin group and the warmodepve group the intent is that when an admin is online or a pve player (in a mixed clan/base) i didn't want the base to be raidable because they couldn't defend it admins can switch in and out of admin mode with another plugin that adds them to and removes them from the admin group players can switch in and out of pve mode with your plugin and the /flag command so ideally, the ignore permission would be added and removed in real-time based on this but, i was having the issue where when i switched out of admin mode, i was still being ignored by raid protection unless i reloaded the plugin same thing with switching to pvp mode does that make sense? as for owner or founder, it could vary the admin may have built the base and placed the tc or the pve player may have done the same it needs to be able to handle either situation, but refresh in real-time...
  16. dustyhansen

    Map Issues

  17. dustyhansen

    Map Issues

    You can build on the road in R5 in the tunnel. The F4 custom build area is too close to harbor to be used. Red circle blocking most of it. You can build on the road in Q19 in the tunnel. The NPCs at the village by the lake are all in one room and walk through the walls. There is an anvil rock in the road near L16.
  18. Does this only cover abandoned or discontinued? What about when we buy a plugin and install it and it just doesn't work or key features don't work? I realize that there are support tickets for resolving these types of issues, but are we covered at all if it doesn't do what the description says it does?
  19. I think that is a yes. When I look at 2/6 on the January calendar it is not colored and there are no events. When I look at 2/6 on the February calendar it is colored and I see the events.
  20. So this is hard to explain, but I have a global wipe scheduled for 2/6 since it is forced wipe. When I look at the date 2/6 on the February calendar, it shows the event just like you would expect it to. However, when I look at the date 2/6 on the January calendar, it shows there are no events that day. Also, the date is not colored. So if a player is looking at January's calendar and clicks on 2/6, they will think there are no events that day. This should either be fixed or the February dates should be removed from the January calendar if it can't be fixed probably.
  21. dustyhansen

    Fuel Slots Issue

    The fuel slots are configurable so you can add more than 1 slot, but it seems the quarry only pulls from the first slot and doesn't factor in the total amount of fuel in all of the slots. For example, we configured ours to have 6 fuel slots (same as a regular quarry) and pull 3 fuel per cycle. The first slot had 2 diesel barrels in it and the quarry wouldn't start because it didn't have enough fuel, even though there was diesel in the other 5 slots. It seems like it only pulls from the first slot.
  22. dustyhansen


    The percentage on the screen goes up to 9% and then resets to 1%, is that how it supposed to work? Players are getting confused thinking it is broken.
  23. dustyhansen

    Quarry Limit

    The limit only works when you place a quarry, so players can spawn unlimited quarries before placing one. They can then recycle them for hqm and gears, basically making an unlimited resource factory.
  24. dustyhansen

    Plugin Name

    You have a space in the name again. [Info(" Indoor Furnace",
  25. The way I am understanding it is that the train cars are being considered "vehicles" and protected by the TC zone of a PVE base, so players cannot damage the bradleys mounted in them when this happens. Also, the turrets are considered protected by the PVE zone as well and don't shoot other players and can't take damage when this happens. Ideally, War Mode should identify any vehicle or trap that is not owned by a player as NPC owned and treat it under those rules I think.


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