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Everything posted by dustyhansen

  1. dustyhansen

    Data Reset

    I had a player complain about hitting a limit on a building block that I disabled limits on. When I looked in the config it was completely reset. All of the entities were re-enabled that I had disabled and the numbers were changed back to defaults.
  2. dustyhansen

    Recycler Speed

    It seems after the latest update that the global recycler speed no longer works. I have min reduced to 2.5 seconds, but it is still taking 5 seconds at the monument recyclers. The IQ Recylcers seem to be fine. @Mercury
  3. dustyhansen


    you should log a support request and include pics or vids and define "strangely" your post here is completely unhelpful to anyone
  4. its related, but not the same issue this issue is that if the founder of the tc has the ignore permission, then raid protection doesn't work
  5. dustyhansen

    Cost to Change Skin

    Oh, just asking.
  6. I have a single base on my server that cannot get Raid Protection, regardless of what we have tried. The /pro command doesn't work at all there. The TC is missing the buttons. The base takes damage. The player has another base that is protected just fine. I checked multiple other bases and they were all protected just fine. I had him replace his TC and that did not work. I tried re-loading the plugin and that did not work. When he does /lev it shows he is eligible for protection.
  7. yes
  8. Now it says: c.reload KillFeed Unloaded plugin KillFeed v1.1.2 by codeboy Loaded plugin KillFeed v1.1.2 by codeboy [219ms] UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed. UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.
  9. dustyhansen

    Cost to Change Skin

    Appreciate the reply and new feature. I already have this feature with a different plugin, but are you going to take away the ability to change a skin on an individual entity?
  10. dustyhansen

    Image Failed to Download

    After upgrading, got this in the console: Unloaded plugin KillFeed v1.1.0 by codeboy Loaded plugin KillFeed v1.1.2 by codeboy [219ms] Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: banditguard_0 - Image URL: banditguard.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: bear_0 - Image URL: bear.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: boar_0 - Image URL: boar.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: bradleyapc_0 - Image URL: bradleyapc.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: chicken_0 - Image URL: chicken.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: dweller_0 - Image URL: dweller.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: heavyscientist_0 - Image URL: heavyscientist.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: patrolhelicopter_0 - Image URL: patrolhelicopter.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: peacekeeper_0 - Image URL: peacekeeper.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: polarbear_0 - Image URL: polarbear.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: scarecrow_0 - Image URL: scarecrow.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: scientist_0 - Image URL: scientist.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: scientistnvg_0 - Image URL: scientistnvg.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: shark_0 - Image URL: shark.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: stag_0 - Image URL: stag.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: underwaterdweller_0 - Image URL: underwaterdweller.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: wolf_0 - Image URL: wolf.png Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: wolf2_0 - Image URL: wolf.png
  11. So I found an issue where if you go to place an item but are blocked by a plugin from doing so, it will still count that you placed the item even though it didn't actually place. Is there a way for you to confirm the item was actually placed before counting it?
  12. I just did it on one train.
  13. What about the option to destroy buildings when the underlying structure is destroyed/removed? So if they build a base on top of rocks and remove the rocks they don't have a sky base?
  14. This still appears to be an issue. We have cauldrons limited to 25. My clanmates have placed 4. I am able to place 25.
  15. dustyhansen

    Cost to Change Skin

    Why does it cost resources to change skins and why is this not a config option? When upgrading from wood to stone, it should cost resources. But when switching from wood to legacy wood it should be free IMO or at least we should have the option to not charge for skin changes.
  16. dustyhansen

    "Enter" bring up buttons

    Ever since the Facepunch update this forced wipe, I am having several players complain that that when they hit the Enter key to bring up in-game chat or enter a code in a code lock, etc. it is bringing up the command associated with one of the Individual Server Buttons at the same time. For example, I have Individual Server Buttons that do /clan and /players and both of these will pop up when they hit Enter. So the in-game chat will show, but so will the clans menu or the player list. I have tested it by changing the command on the button and when they hit Enter the new command is launched, so it is definitely XFastButtons that is getting triggered. It does not happen every single time they press Enter, but it happens frequently.
      • 1
      • Confused
  17. dustyhansen

    Patrol Heli XP

    I would like to formally request that Patrol Heli be added as an XP source.
  18. yes, i do
  19. yes, i did update just tested again and same error when entering the command in Rust Admin or in my host's console or bought from the shop
  20. dustyhansen

    Missing Image File Error

    I am getting this message in the console even though the file is in the folder: c.reload AdvancedStatus Unloaded plugin Advanced Status v0.1.18 by IIIaKa Loaded plugin Advanced Status v0.1.18 by IIIaKa [133ms] [Advanced Status] The image folder is empty, or the default image is missing! For proper functionality, the file /home/container/carbon/data/AdvancedStatus/Images/AdvancedStatus_Default.png must be present! Please reload the plugin after adding it. [ZoneStatus] Loaded 3 zone settings, 0 of which are new. [Permissions Status] Loaded 748 permission settings, 0 of which are new. [Permissions Status] Loaded 27 group settings, 0 of which are new. [Image Library] Starting order PermissionsStatus Image batch (PermissionsStatus) has been stored successfully
  21. dustyhansen

    no longer functions

    same issue to report @iLakSkiL
  22. I am still getting the same error message when someone buys a quarry through the shop or I use the command via RCON.
  23. changed and it still isn't stacking, but we did switch to our old stack plugin this morning due to issues with the other one
  24. AdvancedEntityLimit.json limits.json


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