Version 1.0.7
It is a mobile anywhere deployable Samsite that attacks the patrol helicopter. The samsite does not require power and has the ammunition specified in the config file.
In the config file you can set how many samsites a player can drop.
They can be picked up with a hammer.
No permission.
Console commands for admins:
samsitegive [playername or steamID] - Give Samsite Guard to player
killallsamsite - Deletes all samsite guards from the map
samsitedatawipe - Deletes the data from the data file
Commands for players:
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 0
"Samsite guard limit per player": 2,
"SamSite Health": 1000.0,
"Samsite item skinID": 3382506732,
"Samsite item shortName": "barricade.wood.cover",
"Number of ammo": 100,
"SamSite damage multiplier for patrolhelicopter": 4.0,
"Messages setting": {
"No Owner": "You are not the owner of this samsite",
"When player pickup samsite": "You pickup the your samsite",
"Limit message": "You have reached your deployable limit",
"Give samsite": "You have received a samsite guard",
"Kill samsite": "You killed all your samsite gurads"