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Everything posted by Khan
He harmony patches over the oxide hooks to over-ride plugins like mine that use those hooks. & then they cause server crashes and other bugs / problems. I've told him he shouldn't be doing that & that he has no need to.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
``` MoveToContainer_Patch1 < CanStack_Patch3 << ``` That error report clearly stats harmony patching was done. Mine does not harmony patch those hooks Only imthenewguy does harmony patching over those that I know of, so if you use his plugins it's those that are causing it. Or some other plugin that harmony patches specifically CanStack hook & MoveToContainer method.
Some items in the game natively won't show stack size count. Example, weapons will only show the bullet count that is loaded in the first weapon which means you can stack the guns but you will not be able to see the stack counts. This is something facepunch did & it's locked client side, theirs nothing i can do to change that. Unless i make a custom UI overlay for every item inside every container that exists in the game which would lag the shit out of peoples client etc.
Changed Status from Pending to No Response
Technically if that is happening in Personal NPC it should be an easy fix. So he shouldn't be overriding the logs & instead just fix setting of the player owner bug.
Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
They must be overriding the log system, they shouldn't have any reason to do so. I'll have to mark it as in-compatible.
What plugins are conflicting? You haven't mentioned specifically what plugin is messing with mine, can you pls state the name of it?
Do you have any plugins that conflict with it as mentioned on the docs? I am not currently experiencing any such issues.
Changed Status from Closed to Not a Bug
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
At the moment you cannot set the first revive as free. That would require a feature change/update. What you could do is set the price at 1 ( close enough to free )
Old loot made from jet event wont stack with new loot. Also if you have other plugins that are affected like copy paste that spawns loot it won't stack.
Changed Status from Pending to Closed
- #stacks
- #rust stacks
- (and 19 more)
- 1
- #stacks
- #rust stacks
- (and 19 more)
Version 1.2.3
For a price $ players can auto revive right where they left off inventory an all! Included with unlimited permissions, blacklist system, container limits, currency support & more! NOTE: This plugin as of 1.2.0 now supports carbon. NOTE: Does not work while in vanish. NOTE: Toggling god mode on while at death screen will break the plugin for you. Features * Black List & Black list chat command for ban / unban of items. * Permission support ( requires a perm to use ). * Specified Containers via perms. * Charge Economics & Economics debt or Server-Rewards RP. * Respawns player at same location they died at. * If you don't have a permission it doesn't apply to you. * Currency response msg to player if it fails. * Help/info command. * If multiple permissions assigned it will default to first one in the config list they have. * You can create as many permissions as you want simply copy / paste the examples in the config to make more & edit. * Toggle on/off modes for players. * Capable of saving everything, including backpacks etc. Commands Note: Running these commands bans & unbans everything in your whole inventory ( wear, belt, main ) /bl ban perm perm2 etc ( Specify which perms are allowed to bypass the item ban ) Admin Perm Needed. ( deathmodifier.admin ) /bl unban ( Removes all banned items in your inventory ) Admin Perm Needed. ( deathmodifier.admin ) /di ( Shows the players what their current permission settings are in chat ) /dt ( allows players to toggle off or on the auto revive system ) Note: This will reset to being on when you re-connect back to the server or reload the plugin or do a reboot. Config { "Sets black-list command": ["dmbl", "bl"], "Sets help-info command": ["deathinfo", "di"], "Sets toggle command": ["deathtoggle", "dt"], "Permissions": { "vip": { "Resets Cost Increment after x seconds, 0 = disabled": 1800, "Sets Increment penalty for quick repeated use, 0 = disabled": 5.0, "Sets price, 0 = disabled": 15.0, "Sets default currency, 0 = disabled, 1 = Economics, 2 = ServerRewards": 1, "Seconds for how long after respawn until you can take damage, 0 = disabled": 0, "Sets allowed containers, Belt = 0 | Main = 1 | Wear = 2 | All = 3": [ 0, 2 ] }, "basic": { "Resets Cost Increment after x seconds, 0 = disabled": 1800, "Sets Increment penalty for quick repeated use, 0 = disabled": 5.0, "Sets price, 0 = disabled": 15.0, "Sets default currency, 0 = disabled, 1 = Economics, 2 = ServerRewards": 0, "Seconds for how long after respawn until you can take damage, 0 = disabled": 0, "Sets allowed containers, Belt = 0 | Main = 1 | Wear = 2 | All = 3": [ 3 ] } }, "Black Listed Items, use Commands to setup & update": {} }$24.99- 2 comments
- 2 reviews
Jet event is a known problem that plugin requires updating to fix it. Jet event creates the items incorrectly. & radiable bases is fine but if you used the copy paste plugin to create items it cannot create them correctly and wont stack with anything else. You can test this on a vanilla install with just copy paste installed and see that they don't stack as well.
You have a lot of plugins, it could be a couple different ones causing issues, I've narrowed the list down a bit for you to test. You'll need to boot up a vanilla test server with just stack modifier installed. Then add these one at a time. And test each plugin with stack modifier 1 at a time to test stacking to see if it bugs out. Even if you find 1 that is causing stack issues it could still be multiple causing issues. So make sure you fully test the list. aQuarry NoDurability ItemSort SkinController AutoFarm BoxLooters DropInventory JunkyardEvent
In server console if you type plugins it will output a list of installed ones can you post that here in the support thread? It's most likely a plugin or two creating the items wrong thus preventing the stack.
It'll work, they just won't stack. These are just plugins that never got caught that had been causing stack issues. Its not our job to ensure 3rd party plugin support but I do my best. In cases with stack issues its almost always due to other plugins with improper code.