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Everything posted by jayinwww

  1. jayinwww

    Does this still not work?

    Does this still not work?
    Top notch for plugin development!
  2. jayinwww

    I get this error

    When someone attacks a player or an animal this happens they get kicked from the server. Expected: Value was not Null) at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00107] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 AssertionException: connection != null Assertion failure. Value was Null Expected: Value was not Null
  3. jayinwww

    Not working

    Not fixed in 1.1.14, just fyi, thanks though!
  4. jayinwww

    Not working

    Yes, but I set that for online protection. Offline should be 100.l first 6 hours
  5. jayinwww

    Not working

    Not sure why, but the offline raid protection follows the valve for online raid protection when turned on. So if I set 0 to 23 for hours and them all at 0.75. The offline protection is 25% not 100 percent for the first 6 hours to what I have it set to.
  6. jayinwww


    Just more people were discussing more lag on the server. But perhaps you are correct, maybe there is another issue, I will continue to monitor. Thank you.
  7. jayinwww


    One of the satellites was 1 square on shore from water, guys driving a boat were 1 square out in the water on a boat, and they kept hitting invisible things in the water and a few of them died for no reason. I have noticed extra lag on the server as well. I only changed 1 setting in the config and that was to remove broadcasting to chat.
  8. Thank you very much, I will try that, cheers!
  9. I have a Raid Sim plugin I would like to modify. Please message me and we can talk further.
  10. jayinwww


    Awesome plugin, always gets updated when needed.
    Great, plugin, seems to be working great if your server is dedicated to raid sims only. I wanted to have an island on my regular modded server to use this plugin but you have to set only one area to spawn from. I wanted the regular spawns on the map and if people wanted to join a raid sim they can leave the regular world and spawn on that island using zones. But seems like this is not configurable that way, no response from owner. Still 4 stars for great work!
    Great plugin, very fun, but stopped working for us. Not getting much support from owner. Still 4 stars for great work though.
  11. jayinwww

    Not working

    Thank you so much, do you have a discord or something? I'd love to discuss your Raid Sim plugin with you on some ideas I have.
  12. jayinwww

    Not working

    I removed that plugin, I figured that might be what it was. Is there a way this plugin can add a few NPCs to protect the chinook dropped crates that the game regularly drops or somehow to disable it? I like the way your plugin adds some PVE to getting a crate and not just getting a free crate for nothing. People were doing your even plugin but when the free crate drops, then people don't bother with your monument plugin they just go for the free crate then complain they are bored hehe
  13. Once again windows being selfish. Only cares about its own time zone and no one else's.
  14. jayinwww

    Not working

    Not sure why but this plugin stopped working. I do have another plugin that disables the chinook locked crate at Train Yard and Power Plant shown below: Not sure if that is causing the issue or not. If I reload the plugin one monument starts but another one doesn't. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("ChinookCrate", "Ryuk", "1.0.0")] [Description("Remove hackable crate when the chinook drops it.")] public class ChinookCrate : RustPlugin { void OnCrateDropped(HackableLockedCrate crate) { NextTick(() => { if (crate != null && !crate.IsDestroyed) { if (IsChinookNearby(crate.transform.position, 20f)) { crate.Kill(); } } }); } private bool IsChinookNearby(Vector3 position, float radius) { var entities = new List<BaseEntity>(); Vis.Entities(position, radius, entities, Rust.Layers.Mask.Vehicle_World); foreach (var entity in entities) { if (entity is CH47Helicopter) { return true; } } return false; } } }
  15. jayinwww

    Few questions

    We made it so the Monument Events last longer, 2 hours, to give players a chance to gear up and head over etc. If it's a event that has a heli, the heli sometimes vanishes before the event ends, not sure if that is possible to fix or not. Another thing we noticed is when fighting the heli, at a monument beside the event monument. The heli will run away back to the event monument when it looks to have full damage, both routers burning, but it stays flying when we expected it to crash.
  16. Any update? Will pay.
  17. jayinwww


    Found another bug, other players who don't have permissions can stack miners hats on top of each other with a metal face mask. Ultimately giving someone is very high armor protection. So I have to remove the plugin for now.
  18. Okay, just an update, it seems to be working, I haven't seen the Chinook drop crates at monuments which is great, but cargo also doesn't have any locked crates. Is there anyway to fix that?
  19. Few things to note, sometimes the npcs one shot head shot kill even when a player is full metal. We noticed when shooting the heli that it becomes on full fire both routers but still flies and doesn't crash. The plugin seems too hard for a solo, went through like 2 aks and 6 stacks of ammo fighting power plant and heli. But great plugin, very challenging. Maybe too challenging but will try it again. Update: Yeah it's way too hard, been killing npcs for over an hour and they seem to just respawn. I will cut the NPCs in half and try again. Another issue I noticed is it says "power plant event has concluded." But it's staying on for everyone.
  20. jayinwww

    Trying to add a kit

    I installed the plugin, I made it so players can't buy this plugin only get it using a /kit. I used perms to give admin full access. I then went to console and typed 'inventory.give "helisignals.easy" "1"' but didn't work. I then tried '/hsgive helisignals.easy steamid amount' and that didn't work, it says not recognized. I just want to add these to my inventory so then I can copy a custom kit.
  21. Okay to just make sure I understand correctly, I name the file ChinookCrate.cs Having what you just posted in the file.


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