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Krungh Crow

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Everything posted by Krungh Crow

  1. this is default rust behavior drops items from container as a drop bag
  2. despawn timers are not added i don't despawn them inside the plugin those are vanilla values
  3. Krungh Crow


    for battle royal zones ? nope
  4. Krungh Crow

    Failed to call hook

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  5. your loothandler does that
  6. thats is how the unity standards are this cannot be higher each coding has its limits and that digit is having its cap
  7. not planned since npc get altered after spawning what can be done with the native plugins And currently not interested myself into using other plugins to run the npc (not even optional) A new plugin is in the making but most likely will not be released soon.
  8. Krungh Crow

    Console error

    current version a reload would fix that (still addressing this issue) you can temporarily add this to automate it after a restart (till i can fix it)
  9. the problem with custom spawning Bradley is to make it follow paths without adding them. and since its not a flying vehicle that has no roam points(those can fly freely) chinook had target points build in certain monuments which you can take over they have no obstacles. spawning a Bradley with a shop and make it roam a circle around you or make it immobile (stationary) is the easy part. But that is no challenge just build a compound and spam the brads from shop. There is a plugin that works well for respawning a Bradley at launch site with tiers and edit that since it has a path to roam. Next ability was using the road Bradley's i been testing that native function but still is unprecise since the end of wipe event cant even spawn them correctly. Not that I don't want to but I think Bradley as it is in vanilla should be improved. Road Bradley's don't work as they should and launch site is locked to only roam launch site. Buying tiered will happen eventually
  10. Version 1.0.2


    Stops a player from entering your server if their name contains certain phrases. And can log this to your Discord Permissions : kickplayernames.bypas : players with this perm bypass the filter Configuration : To use Discord functionallity the DiscordMessages Plugin is required to be installed. Kick instantly : true ( Kicks on first attempt with a English message). Kick instantly : false (Kicks the player after logging ingame displaying a message in chat and gametip (with the notification in his own language). Kick time after login : 30.0 ( after set time duration kicks the player (with the notification in his own language) at the exit screen. { "Discord Webhook": "Put your discord webhook here", "Discord log": true, "Discord Title": "Login detected with Name Phrase :", "Discord Embed color": 10181046, "Kick instantly": false, "Kick time after login": 30.0, "Blocked name Phrases": [ "admin", "banditcamp", "bandit camp", ".com", ".org" ] } Localization : English , Dutch , French , German , Russian language files included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. Due to limitations in the login sequence the displayed message is always in English when using instant kicks (or to what language is used in the English language file). When delayed kick is set and player has fully connected the players language is displayed (if a language file has been made) otherwise uses the English file. { "KickMessage": "Sorry we dont allow the phrase [{0}] you are using in your name.You can rename yourself and you will be welcome to join our server again." }
  11. [RandomTips] Send messages is false change the messages to your likings before setting it to true and reload , Unloading Random Tips if its this, that means you have to add some messages to the cfg file. When that list is empty it will unload itself since there would be nothing to send. first install will unload itself change cfg file (add messages) set "Show Messages": true, load it back in compiles and starts doing the random gametips
  12. what is the error given ?
  13. can safely ignore this any warning for other plugins saying the same can be ignored aswell This is very exaggerated
  14. just wait for the event to end a few days or set dungeon spawns to 0 https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-halloween-dungeon-population-command-and-variable/
  15. end of wipe bradleys but i think we told you on other subjects (roadbradleys spawn when x time before a wipe) thats rust itself doing that allongside the f15 fighterjets that do flyby's
  16. yet again my plugins dont spawn extra bradleys it shows current active apc count on the map
  17. what is there to do thats a rust feature
  18. something like that will be added but not any time soon
  19. must be a different bradley the methods used is pretty accurate using the phonecontroller location. possibly a end of wipe roadbradley that spawned there
  20. no valid roads and they like to spawn around centre map thats a flaw from Facepunch side
  21. https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/server-wipe-timer
  22. i dont spawn any bradleys i just update the bradleys if not from any event outside vanilla spawns or if its set to alter their stats through the config
  23. i dont spawn the bradleys thats the end of wipe bradley spaws (roadbradleys) native for rust event
  24. finally gotten this plugin some `lovin` and fixed the sickle issue and more
  25. Changed Status from Pending to Closed


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