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Everything posted by JustANoob

  1. The image isn't working it says... VirtualQuarries was compiled successfully in 1221ms Unloaded plugin VirtualQuarries v2.4.7 by ThePitereq Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'VirtualQuarries v2.4.8' took 881ms Loaded plugin VirtualQuarries v2.4.8 by ThePitereq Image failed to download! Error: Cannot resolve destination host - Image Name: crude.oil_0 - Image URL: virtualquarries.crude Thank You!
  2. JustANoob


    Please Update!
  3. JustANoob


    Please Update!
  4. JustANoob

    Sept 5th Fix Please

    Sept 5th Fix Please
  5. Alrighty Then!
  6. Hide nativly or add choice... when in Carbon window.
  7. Add choice to hide or just make hide natively when the Carbon window comes up.,,
  8. So this one differs from the Custom Buttons plugin. and much more from what I can see.... Players can make their own buttons from the HUD... Plus have Server Buttons also that are default when a player joins.... The players disable or enable the default server buttons when they want.... I wish I would have seen this one before I got the other one.
  9. Convoy Ent Killing Traveling Vendor when it touches it.
  10. I think it works only with the default button to get out of a team, but it doesn't catch the clan leave command. But it happens on my server too, it definitely needs to be fixed. A fix for if you want to patch it, is have it reload the plugin on a timer.
  11. here is my data file for MonumentAddons "PrefabName": "assets/bundled/prefabs/hapis/npcvendingmachine_hapis_hapis.prefab", Thank you! GreenZone101.json
  12. I use assets/bundled/prefabs/hapis/npcvendingmachine_hapis_hapis.prefab for ScrapVendingExchange as to keep the atms separated from others. but the gui cui isn't coming up either when the vending is opened. now I had to fix the vending machine not showing also, whats weird is the atm was the only one that would spawn like the other vending machines and I had to trick the plugin data file by changing the prefab to something else and then back to hapis. I could use some help fixing it please and thank you!
  13. JustANoob

    Broken after July update

    Same issue.
  14. JustANoob

    I need help!

    Thank You! Mark as fixed!
  15. JustANoob

    I need help!

    see, whats wrong then?
  16. JustANoob

    I need help!

  17. JustANoob

    I need help!

    I did that already
  18. JustANoob

    I need help!

  19. Are these suppose to be floating? Thanks!
  20. JustANoob

    I need help!

    I'm an owner/admin and this still comes up for me when I'm not in a clan, can you put a bypass permission so that I can give myself the permission or any other player or group that has it, so they don't get the message please? Thank You!
  21. Also if I wanted to add the code to the queue to hide admins what would the code be? This doesn't work: (ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Queued + ServerMgr.Instance.connectionQueue.Joining).Count(x => x.player.net.connection.authLevel == 0).ToString()
  22. I went and did the research, I don't know if I got every line in there, but you can look it over and see if you can use it: Dictionary<string, string> names = new Dictionary<string, string>() { //airfield_1: //{"scientistnpc_patrol" , "AirfieldScientist"}, {"airfield" , "Airfield"}, //arctic_research_base_a: //{"scientistnpc_roam", "ArcticResearchBase" }, //{"scientistnpc_patrol" , "ArcticResearchBase"}, {"arctic_research_base", "ArcticResearchBase" }, //bandit_town: //{"bandit_guard", "BanditTownGuard"}, {"npc_bandit_guard", "BanditTown"}, //{"bandit_shopkeeper", "BanditShopkeeper" }, {"bandit_shopkeeper", "BanditShopkeeper" }, //{"shopkeeper_vm_invis", "ShopkeeperINVISIBLE" }, //{"shopkeeper_vm_invis", "ShopkeeperINVISIBLE" }, //{"bandit_conversationalist", "BanditConverstionalist" }, //{"bandit_conversationalist", "BanditConverstionalist" }, //compound_OutPost: //{"missionprovider_outpost_a", "MissionProviderOutpostA" }, //{"missionprovider_outpost_b", "MissionProviderOutpostB" }, //{"missionprovider_outpost_c", "MissionProviderOutpostC" }, //{"scientistnpc_peacekeeper", "CompoundScientist"}, {"missionprovider_outpost", "MissionProviderOutpost" }, {"peacekeeper", "CompoundScientist"}, //desert_military_base_a: //desert_military_base_b: //desert_military_base_c: //desert_military_base_d: //{"desert_military_base", "DesertScientist" }, {"scientistnpc_roamtethered", "DesertScientist" }, //excavator_1: //{"scientistnpc_excavator", "ExcavatorScientist"}, {"excavator", "Excavator"}, //fishing_village_a: //fishing_village_b: //fishing_village_c: //{"missionprovider_fishing_a", "MissionProviderFishingA" }, //{"missionprovider_fishing_b", "MissionProviderFishingB" }, //{"missionprovider_fishing_c", "MissionProviderFishingC" }, {"missionprovider_fishing", "MissionProviderFishing" }, //{"boat_shopkeeper", "BoatShopkeeper" }, {"boat_shopkeeper", "BoatShopkeeper" }, //{"shopkeeper_vm_invis", "ShopkeeperINVISIBLE" }, //{"shopkeeper_vm_invis", "ShopkeeperINVISIBLE" }, //{"bandit_conversationalist", "BanditConverstionalist" }, //{"bandit_conversationalist", "BanditConverstionalist" }, //ferry_terminal_1: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"ferry_terminal" , "FerryTerminalScientist"}, //gas_station_1: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"gas_station", "GasStationScientist"}, //harbor_1: //harbor_2: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"Harbor_1" , "HarborScientistONE"}, //{"Harbor_2" , "PowerPlantScientistTWO"}, //junkyard_1: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"junkyard" , "JunkyardScientist"}, //lighthouse: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"lighthouse , "LightHouseScientist"}, //launch_site_1: //{"scientistnpc_patrol", "LaunchSiteScientist" }, {"launch_site", "LaunchSite" }, //mining_quarry_a: //mining_quarry_b: //mining_quarry_c: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"mining_quarry_a", "MiningQuarryScientist"}, //{"mining_quarry_b", "MiningQuarryScientist"}, //{"mining_quarry_c", "MiningQuarryScientist"}, //military_tunnel_1: //{"military_tunnel_scientist_spawner", "MilitaryTunnelScientist" }, //{"scientistnpc_full_lr300", "FullLR300Scientist"}, //{"military_tunnel_lab_scientist_spawner", "MilitaryTunnelScientist" }, //{"scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "FullShotgunScientist"}, {"military_tunnel", "MilitaryTunnelScientist" }, //nuclear_missile_silo: //{"scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "NuclearMissileSiloScientist" }, {"nuclear_missile_silo", "NuclearMissileSilo" }, //oilrig_1: //oilrig_2: //oilrig_3: //{"scientistnpc_oilrig", "OilRigScientist"}, {"oilrig", "OilRig"}, //powerplant_1: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"powerplant" , "PowerPlantScientist"}, //radtown_small_3: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"radtown_small" , "RadtownScientist"}, //satellite_dish: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"satellite_dish", "SatelliteScientist"}, //sphere_tank: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"sphere_tank", "SphereTankScientist"}, //stables_a: //stables_b: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"missionprovider_stable_a", "MissionProviderFishingA" }, //{"missionprovider_stable_b", "MissionProviderOutpostB" }, //{"missionprovider_stable_c", "MissionProviderOutpostC" }, {"missionprovider_stable", "MissionProviderFishing" }, //{"stabales_shopkeeper", "StablesShopkeeper" }, //{"stabales_shopkeeper", "StablesShopkeeper" }, //{"bandit_conversationalist", "BanditConverstionalist" }, //{"bandit_conversationalist", "BanditConverstionalist" }, //supermarket_1: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"supermarket", "SuperMarketScientist"}, //trainyard_1: //{"scientistnpc_patrol" , "TrainyardScientist"}, {"trainyard" , "Trainyard"}, //underwater_lab_a: //underwater_lab_a: //underwater_lab_a: //underwater_lab_a: //{"npc_underwaterdweller" , "UnderwaterDwellerScientist"}, {"underwaterdweller" , "UnderwaterDweller"}, //water_treatment_plant_1: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"water_treatment_plant" , "WaterTreatmentPlantScientist"}, //warehouse: //Empty (No NPCs): //{"warehouse", "WarhouseScientist"}, //Extras: //Bradley_And_Bradley_Scientist: {"scientistnpc_bradley", "APCScientist" }, {"scientistnpc_heavy", "HeavyScientist"}, {"scientistnpc_bradley_heavy", "APCHeavyScientist"}, //Cargo_Normal_Scientist: //{"scientistnpc_cargo", "CargoShip"}, { "scientistnpc_cargo", "CargoShip"}, //Cargo_Turret_Scientist: //{"scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "CargoShip"}, //{"scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "CargoShip"}, { "scientist_turret", "CargoShip"}, //Cargo_Unknown_Scientist: //{"cargo_ship_astar_scientist_spawner", "CargoShip"}, { "scientist_astar", "CargoShip"}, //CH47_Gunner: //{"scientistnpc_ch47_gunner", "MountedScientist"}, { "_ch47_gunner", "MountedScientist"}, //Gingerbread_Dungeon_Scientists: //{"gingerbread_dungeon", "GingerbreadDungeon" }, //{"gingerbread_meleedungeon", "GingerbreadMeleeDungeon" }, { "gingerbread", "Gingerbread" }, //JunkPile_Pistol: //{"scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol", "JunkPileScientist"}, { "junkpile", "JunkPileScientist"}, //MissionProviderBandit: //{"missionprovider_bandit_a", "MissionProviderBanditA" }, //{"missionprovider_bandit_b", "MissionProviderBanditB" }, //{"missionprovider_bandit_c", "MissionProviderBanditC" }, {"missionprovider_bandit", "MissionProviderBandit" }, //missionprovider_outpost: //{"missionprovider_outpost_a", "MissionProviderFishingA" }, //{"missionprovider_outpost_b", "MissionProviderFishingB" }, //{"missionprovider_outpost_c", "MissionProviderFishingC" }, {"missionprovider_outpost", "MissionProviderFishing" }, //missionprovider_stables: //{"missionprovider_stables_a", "MissionProviderStablesA" }, //{"missionprovider_stables_b", "MissionProviderStablesB" }, //{"missionprovider_stables_c", "MissionProviderStablesC" }, //{"missionprovider_stables_a", "MissionProviderStablesA" }, {"missionprovider_stables", "MissionProviderStables" }, //Scarecrow: //{"scarecrow", "ScareCrow"}, { "scarecrow", "ScareCrow"}, //Scarecrow_Dungeon: //{"scarecrow_dungeon", "DungeonScarecrow" }, //{"scarecrow_dungeonnoroam", "DungeonScarecrow" }, { "scarecrow_dungeon", "DungeonScarecrow" }, //ShopkeeperINVISIBLE: //{"shopkeeper_vm_invis", "ShopkeeperINVISIBLE" }, //{"shopkeeper_vm_invis", "ShopkeeperINVISIBLE" }, //Tunnel_Dweller_Scientist: //{"tunneldweller", "TunnelDweller"}, { "tunneldweller", "TunnelDweller"}, //Scientists: //{"scientist_full", "FullScientist"}, //{"scientistnpc_full_any", "FullAnyScientist"}, //{"scientistnpc_full_lr300", "FullLR300Scientist"}, //{"scientistnpc_full_mp5", "FullMP5Scientist"}, //{"scientistnpc_full_pistol", "FullPistolScientist"}, //{"scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "FullShotgunScientist"} }; This is weird:
  23. It works now, I think there might have been a glitch, I'll keep you updated, if anything changes.
  24. JustANoob

    NPC Gifts

    For some reason it works now... Thank You!


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