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Everything posted by The_Kiiiing

  1. The_Kiiiing


    I am already working on a plugin to play UNO on card tables
  2. It seems like you are the only one having such an issue. Are there any error messages in the console when you try to load the plugin or are there any other loot related plugins installed on your server? Also try to spawn a loot crate (the loot profile of the crate needs to be enabled in the editor) and see if there is an error in the console.
  3. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  4. I will try to fix this problem with the next update
  5. No there is currently no test server. For a trial license please message me on discord @Hacker#4088
  6. The_Kiiiing

    Feature request

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  7. The_Kiiiing

    Feature request

    You can unlock the gather multiplier by enabling a flag as explained in the description of the plugin
  8. This is because you have 7 items with a chance of 100%. Items with a 100% chance are added to every crate regardless of the min/max item amount. Try putting these items in a separate category with 100% category chance and adjust the min/max category item amount accordingly.
  9. Almost every configuration page in this plugin has a panel on the top left to enable the custom configuration. This option has to be enabled for the config to be applied e.g. in the stack size editor the option "Custom stack size" needs to be enabled.
  10. Message me on discord @Hacker#4088
  11. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  12. In case this didn't solve your problem I will be providing a fix with the next update of this plugin. If you want to fix the problem yourself refer to this post: https://codefling.com/plugins/loot-table-stacksize-gui?do=findComment&comment=13349&_rid=11001
  13. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  14. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  15. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  16. I'm currently working togehter with him to create the api
  17. I will fix this problem with the next update
  18. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  19. The_Kiiiing

    Conflict with Cooking

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  20. There is currently a problem with gather rates that will be fixed with the next update. In case you want to fix it yourself refer to this post:
  21. The_Kiiiing

    Conflict with Cooking

    Looks like cooking also implements a custom stacking system. This error is esentially caused by oxide because as you can see both plugins are returning the same split item (500 metal frags in this case) and oxide doesn't know which one to chose although they are the same. To fix this error please ask the developer of cooking to implement a check if the Loottable plugin is installed on the server and if thats the case return null in all stack-related hooks. Just to make it clear this is not the fault of any of the two plugins, it's just that oxide is unable to handle two different hook return values even if they're basically the same
  22. I am already aware of the current issues with item quantities. Could you please send me a copy of the file oxide/data/Loottable/crate_military.json to help me replicate your exact configuration. I will try to fix this issue with the next update.


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