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Everything posted by Shark-A-Holic

  1. Yep, latest version here too.
  2. Same issue here…anyone find a quick fix or have a solution yet?
  3. Failed to call internal hook 'Unload' on plugin 'WelcomePanel v4.3.6' [4006810030] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at void Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.Unload() in C:/10xpve/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 105 at object Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in WelcomePanel.cs/Internal:line 363 Unloaded plugin WelcomePanel v4.3.6 by David Loaded plugin WelcomePanel v4.3.6 by David [139ms] Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'WelcomePanel v4.3.6' [352240293] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at bool Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.CheckConfig() in C:/10xpve/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 640 at void Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.OnServerInitialized() in C:/10xpve/carbon/plugins/WelcomePanel.cs:line 58 at object Oxide.Plugins.WelcomePanel.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in WelcomePanel.cs/Internal:line 269 Confirmed that Version is 4.3.6 Updated all of the WP Addons from today's push as well...isn't working across any of my 3 servers. I also tried running just WelcomePanel without any addons and it still gives the same error and commands are giving 'invalid command' errors.
  4. You are the best! Thank you so much for your super swift timeliness!
  5. Looks like something has changed with the Wolves NPCs this patch! Players can't attack/damage wolves, but thankfully the wolves can't seem to damage/attack either, despite their efforts! Any ideas on how we can fix this, or does a patch need to be released? Thank you!
  6. Hi Pitereq! Sorry to bug about this again, but I'm using Carbon now and seem to be having the issue again! Do you mind telling me which line I need to swap the return false over to return true? I just want to be sure I'm picking the correct one. I'm on 2.4.4 as well, hope this helps! Thank you so much!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Premade Store/VIP Icon Set! Monetizing your Rust Servers is a huge way to get assistance with hosting costs, affording custom plugins and maps, and making your hobby profitable. Intrigue your players into buying VIP with some snazzy icons! Save yourself the hassle of purchasing software to edit/create your own icon set and grab these! They make for a great starting point to expand on. Contains 6 Hi-Resolution .PNG Files to be used on your server's storepage, in-game VIP Kits, and more. Recommended Tiering: VIP, MVP, Elite, Ultimate, Global, Lifetime 2048x2048 - 300 DPI Files for Premium Display Quality 1024x1024 - 300 DPI Files for Premium Display Quality (Works best with ImageLibrary!) Condense your Images with https://imageresizer.com/ if needed for further optimization. Cohesive Theme / Relative Font Sizing Need a simple additional rank added to the pack? Just ask! If you need it, I bet someone else does too. Additional Commissions & Advanced Edit Requests Available. Send a Message if you're looking for something more catered to your community specifically! Image Hosting Recommendations Utilize Websites such as imgur and/or dropbox to host these images securely! If using dropbox, please make sure to change the end of your URL to dl=1 from dl=0 If using IMGUR, make sure to include .png at the end of your URLs
  8. Hi there! I've recently noticed a large uptick in event plugins utilizing Rust's built-in GUI notifications for plugin-related alerts (i.e. Plane incoming, Plane crashed). Is this something you would be willing to consider? My players are greatly enjoying the cleanliness of global chat with about 85% of our plugin alerts being Rust C/GUI-notified instead. Thank you!
  9. Shark-A-Holic


    I'm, also experiencing the GGGYYY bug, but not using any conveyors on mine, or any electrical at all. Yield keeps showing 0.
    Over the past 3 years of running a largely PVE-Based Community, Death has provided ample assistance in keeping us going! Everything from assisting with the Oxide-to-Carbon merger, customized plugins to avoid unwanted exploits, system developments, and more....he's the man with the plan! Just in the past three months alone, Death has helped us reduce our total plugin counts from over 200, down to 90-110 through optimizations, bundling, and the use of new modding infrastructures such as Carbon and Harmony2.0. He's always went above and beyond to ensure the best experience possible, not only for us as staff here at Rust-A-Holics, but for every player who logs onto our servers. Whatever you need, from performance modifications and hardware assistance to customized plugins and development, Death's got your back! Seriously, thank you my dude. You've been an incredible help in taking us to the next level.
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  10. Any luck on this? It's even impacting the sprinklers with us turning off the auto-placement ones from the plugin itself now...
  11. Hey Kaucsenta! For starters, thank you so much for a lightweight, extra-functional planter protection plugin! This has made our PVE farming goobers lifes' a breeze. I was wondering if you could take a look at prohibiting users from actually planting in others' planters as well? Currently, this plugin does indeed prevent people from harvesting planters they shouldn't be, but they are still able to actually plant in them, which then prevents the owner of the planter boxes from being able to harvest due to them not owning the crop. TIA!
  12. Hey there! I still seem to be having the issue. Sorry for the delay in a response, I've been having some health issues keeping me off the game. I did find however that when I go to remove the naked NPCS, they are a type called npcplayertest, while the ones that actually function properly are scientistnpc_heavy. And each time, regardless of location, there is always exactly 4 nakies. I ended up checking my config and it's definitely related to the passengers. I was able to temporarily remove the problem by disabling passengers from spawning. Hopefully this helps!
  13. Loaded plugin CargoPlaneCrash v1.3.0 by Fruster [135ms] Checksum validation failed for 'ServerMgr.DoTick' [OnTick] Checksum validation failed for 'CargoPlane.UpdateDropPosition' [OnAirdrop] Checksum validation failed for 'Planner.DoPlacement' [OnConstructionPlace] [CargoPlaneCrash] Event will start in 6385 seconds Getting this error and then we ahve naked NPCs at the crash site? Any ideas?
  14. Failed to call internal hook 'OnEntityTakeDamage' on plugin 'SimplePVE v1.1.10' [2713007450] (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at bool Oxide.Plugins.SimplePVE.IsAlliedWithPlayer(ulong playerId, ulong targetId) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/SimplePVE.cs:line 1516 at bool Oxide.Plugins.SimplePVE.CheckIncludes(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hit) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/SimplePVE.cs:line 1025 at object Oxide.Plugins.SimplePVE.OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hit) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/SimplePVE.cs:line 925 at object Oxide.Plugins.SimplePVE.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in SimplePVE.cs/Internal:line 570 Cannibal Honey[76561199124922167] was killed by shørtiEツ[76561198386136011] at (-2032.54, 0.66, -1389.84)
  15. [2615948591] (Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key) at int System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Oxide.Plugins.Clans+ClanData>.FindEntry(string key) at bool System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<strong, Oxide.Plugins.Clans_ClanData>.TryGetValue(string key, out ClanData value) at ClanData Oxide.Plugins.Clans.FindClanByPlayerFromCache(stringe userId) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Clans.cs: line 13494 at ClanData Oxide.Plugins.Clans.FindClanByPlayerFromCache(stringe userId) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Clans.cs: line 13499 at void Oxide.Plugins.Clans.OnItemAddedToContainer(ItemContainer container, Item item) in /home/container/carbon/plugins/Clans.cs:line 3343 at object Oxide.Plugins.Clans.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args) in Clans.cs/Internal: line 992
  16. When a player removes their planter, it leaves the sprinkler behind and will not let them pick it up and/or remove it.
  17. Would be super rad to see some public API hooks made so that we can use this plugin side-by-side with SkillTree's custom /setgenes command!
  18. These turrets have owners.
  19. Seem to be having an issue where Auto Turrets attack players, even if the Disable Traps is set to true? They're also attacking admins in Vanish [Carbon-Style] Mode. TIA!
  20. Ok, the issue persists on ours even with the instances gathering their times from the machine itself. So that doesn't appear to be our correlation at the time being...will keep updating as I find more ideas!
  21. Interesting...let me ask my guys and see!
  22. Nope, using Game Server Kings via a Reseller (Server Starter . Host)
  23. Hook conflict while calling 'OnEntityTakeDamage[2713007450]': VirtualQuarries 2.3.11 [False] and SimplePVE 1.1.10 [True]


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