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Raidable Bases 2.9.2

$40.00 $30.00
   (48 reviews)

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Hello author,How do I set up these entities to disappear at the end of the event, or do I need IQTurret's author to modify certain content?

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the IQTurret author needs to modify his plugin. IQTurret needs to add the entities as a child or parent them.

IQTurret is spawning those entities, so it is responsible for removing them too. if it adds them as a child or parents them then they will despawn when the turret is killed. which includes at the end of the event.

Edited by nivex
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`Explosive Costs`

This feature is very cool, but I have a problem with the base I have set up. On another base it was spawning firmly under the base, but on this particular base I have this problem.

2024-09-18 020700.png

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“/paste filename” will not reproduce the problem, as there are no vending machines at this base.

If I do “rbe spawn filename” instead, I get the same problem 100% of the time.

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I see. it must be the vending machine created by the Explosive Costs then

so not a copypaste issue

no problem ill fix it next update. I can give you the fix tonight

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This feature is literally a GOD like and I look forward to it. 🤞

28 minutes ago, nivex said:


I see. it must be the vending machine created by the Explosive Costs then

so not a copypaste issue

no problem ill fix it next update. I can give you the fix tonight


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glad you enjoy it

here's the fix. on line 10592 in the .cs, change:

VendingMachine vm = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/vendingmachine.deployed.prefab", Location) as VendingMachine;


VendingMachine vm = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/vendingmachine.deployed.prefab", Location.WithY(-400f)) as VendingMachine;


Edited by nivex
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Came here to report the vending machine thing, but I see it's already been discussed.

Interesting thing is it only seems to happen in my hand-created easy bases, and not in the ones from your Tier 3 pack.

Edit: Oh, I see - it's because those are the only ones I defined raid costs for to show in the map tooltips.

Edited by HunterZ
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