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Raidable Bases 2.8.5

$40.00 $30.00
   (47 reviews)

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  • 7.02 MB

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Love it and my few players on the server enjoy raiding the bases too. Any chance to add a NPC respawn for the bases? Maybe vary the respawn time depending on raid difficulty and how many players are raiding?

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23 minutes ago, Sjd6795 said:

Love it and my few players on the server enjoy raiding the bases too. Any chance to add a NPC respawn for the bases? Maybe vary the respawn time depending on raid difficulty and how many players are raiding?

hi glad to know that!

you can search respawn at the bottom of the profiles, oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/

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23 hours ago, Sjd6795 said:

Love it and my few players on the server enjoy raiding the bases too. Any chance to add a NPC respawn for the bases? Maybe vary the respawn time depending on raid difficulty and how many players are raiding?

Nivex already answered but yeah he already thought of that. I have my Expert and Nightmare raids set to have them respawn and you can even change their kits and what goodies they have on them. Best plugin out there, as raids are always changing and challenge the noob and the pro. You can now also set the strength in profiles of Tesla traps 8-) Thanks Nivex, Legend!!!!!!

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35 minutes ago, Akuma said:

having issue making my raidbase pve   they all coming on pvp


Select the profile you want to edit

"Allow PVP": true,


"Allow PVP": false,


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ty nashslash

make sure convert pve to pvp is false too in the config

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Hello, I have a question,

When I blast away the foundations at the base, the building floats in the air.
Where exactly can I set that when removing it from the foundation
the building collapses??
I can't seem to find anything...

Edited by Paul H.
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17 minutes ago, Paul H. said:

Hello, I have a question,

When I blast away the foundations at the base, the building floats in the air.
Where exactly can I set that when removing it from the foundation
the building collapses??
I can't seem to find anything...

in each profile for each copypaste file (raidbase)

  "Additional Bases For This Difficulty": {
    "raideasy1": [
        "Option": "stability",
        "Value": "true"
        "Option": "autoheight",
        "Value": "true"
        "Option": "height",
        "Value": "1.0"
  "Paste Options": [


Edited by aimacak
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34 minutes ago, Paul H. said:

Hello, I have a question,

When I blast away the foundations at the base, the building floats in the air.
Where exactly can I set that when removing it from the foundation
the building collapses??
I can't seem to find anything...

What aimacak stated, set the Stability to "True"

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ty guys

the command to do this for all profiles is:

rb.config stability true|false - works for all profiles

rb.config stability true|false "Easy Bases" - works for specific profile


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i'm currently reading all about your plugin. I had a configuration in mind, not sure if its possible:

Define a number of bases for every difficulty that should be available all time (and respawn it after x minutes if its raided).

For example i want to have 10 easy bases, 5 med, and 1 hard/expert.

Short Feedback would be Nice 🙂

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hi @Blackbird that isn't possible

Time To Wait Between Spawns will wait the configured time between spawns but this does not start when a base is raided. it starts after the first base has spawned. so if you configure 10 easy bases to spawn and set this to 60 then all 10 easy bases will take 600 seconds or 10 minutes to spawn.

Maintained Events will keep a specific number of bases spawned at all times limited by Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty.

Scheduled Events will spawn a specific number of bases on a schedule that is limited by Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty too. if this time elapses and this max limit has been reached then it will wait until a base despawns.

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在“RaidableBases v2.7.3”上调用“OnEntityDeath”花费了 162 毫秒

(15:02:24) | System.NullReferenceException:未将对象引用设置为对象的实例

在 <a1a76f898f8c418f92ad32de2c24276b> 中的 BaseAIBrain.Think (System.Single delta) [0x000b4]:0

在 <a1a76f898f8c418f92ad32de2c24276b> 中的 BaseAIBrain.DoThink () [0x0000d]:0

在 HumanNPC.ServerThink (System.Single delta) [0x0001a] <a1a76f898f8c418f92ad32de2c24276b>:0

在 <a1a76f898f8c418f92ad32de2c24276b> 中的 NPCPlayer.ServerThink_Internal () [0x0000d]:0

在 <a1a76f898f8c418f92ad32de2c24276b> 中的 HumanNPC.TryThink () [0x00000]:0


This situation occurs every waiting period of time! Is this where I didn't set it correctly?

Edited by laodu
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4 hours ago, nivex said:



I didn't catch your meaning. I am not familiar with English, how do I set it up?

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1 hour ago, laodu said:

I didn't catch your meaning. I am not familiar with English, how do I set it up?

I don't know why this happens

I will try to fix it in the next update

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sorry if this has been covered, quite a long discussion section here lol only recently we've noticed that most of the boom spawns in a box really close to the front door. Any way to control this, or am I already, incorrectly, and just dont know it? 😅

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8 minutes ago, iMonkey said:

sorry if this has been covered, quite a long discussion section here lol only recently we've noticed that most of the boom spawns in a box really close to the front door. Any way to control this, or am I already, incorrectly, and just dont know it? 😅

hi it will always spawn in a random box

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With the ladder, my players love the titles that get handed out, however it seems like once someone gets that title they keep it between wipes. Is there an option to have them retain the title for only one wipe? 

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1 hour ago, Muktuk said:

With the ladder, my players love the titles that get handed out, however it seems like once someone gets that title they keep it between wipes. Is there an option to have them retain the title for only one wipe? 

it lasts 1 wipe

if the plugin isn't loaded during the wipe then it can't remove the titles when the server wipes

/rb wipe will force it

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so in the profiles if i have building material set true for 2 different materials will it have a chance of of spawning in either material or does it always do the first material set to true?

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