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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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Posted (edited)

[RaidableBases] Blocked spawn points in 3 zones.
Loaded plugin Raidable Bases v2.6.8 by nivex

i'm getting notifications, and not seeing spawnpoints inside of my zones either. DM your config and I can check it out.




Edited by nivex


i did suggest running rbe debug and looking at the messages when the plugin loads @MercedesCLA45AMG

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those having compile issues after downloading 2.6.8 will need to clear the cache in their web browser. codefling is working on fixing the issue for you all.

it doesn't matter where you guys post the information. i'll respond. just don't ask me the same question multiple times. i prefer to answer where everyone can see the answer. this way i don't have to repeat myself, like i've done with this issue about 5 times now.

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9 hours ago, nivex said:

"Allowed Zone Manager Zones": [ "80195517" ],

"Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only": true,

[RaidableBases] Allowed spawn points in 1 zones.
[RaidableBases] Grid initialization completed in 30 seconds and 30 milliseconds on a 4600 size map with 124 potential points.
You've successfully pasted the structure (-1674.3, 1.0, 308.6) raideasy10
[RaidableBases] raideasy10 @ E13 : 70 items

this works for me. you will need to make sure your zone has a proper size or will not be large enough for any spawn points inside of it

edit: ok, does not work properly if i have 2 zones and 1 in the list, it then allows both instead of just the 1 in the list. i will fix it

This is our configuration: We have 2 Zones for RaidBases and both are defined in the RB Config:

    "Allowed Zone Manager Zones": [
 "Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only": true,

Zone Manager:

      "Name": "Raidable Bases-Zone 01",
      "Radius": 175.0,
      "Radiation": 0.0,
      "Comfort": 0.0,
      "Temperature": 0.0,
      "SafeZone": false,
      "Location": "-516.6798 0.03050751 -2186.495",
      "Size": "0 0 0",
      "Rotation": "0 0 0",
      "Id": "01",
      "ParentID": null,
      "EnterMessage": "Du betrittst eine Raidable-Base-Zone. Hier darfst Du keine Homebase bauen! <color=red>Bitte entsorge auch Deine provisorischen Bauten und Schlafsäcke, etc.!!</color>* You are entering a raidable base zone. You are not allowed to build a home base here! <color=red>Please also dispose of your temporary constructions and sleeping bags, etc.!!</color>*",
      "LeaveMessage": "Du verlässt die Raidable-Base-Zone * You are leaving the raidable base zone",
      "Permission": null,
      "EjectSpawns": null,
      "Enabled": true,
      "Flags": "None"
      "Name": "Raidable Bases-Zone 02",
      "Radius": 175.0,
      "Radiation": 0.0,
      "Comfort": 0.0,
      "Temperature": 0.0,
      "SafeZone": false,
      "Location": "-115.3868 0.03051639 -2043.284",
      "Size": "0 0 0",
      "Rotation": "0 0 0",
      "Id": "02",
      "ParentID": null,
      "EnterMessage": "Du betrittst eine Raidable-Base-Zone. Hier darfst Du keine Homebase bauen! <color=red>Bitte entsorge auch Deine provisorischen Bauten und Schlafsäcke, etc.!!</color>* You are entering a raidable base zone. You are not allowed to build a home base here! <color=red>Please also dispose of your temporary constructions and sleeping bags, etc.!!</color>*",
      "LeaveMessage": "Du verlässt die Raidable-Base-Zone * You are leaving the raidable base zone",
      "Permission": null,
      "EjectSpawns": null,
      "Enabled": true,
      "Flags": "None"

attached pls find our config files

RaidableBases.json zone_data.json



@Dr.D.Bugya its bugged. I am trying to figure it out and thought I had a solution but it didn't work so I have to try another solution now.

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Well, we appreciate you looking into this for us. 

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Bad Land


Hello everyone. nivex, I hope you recover soon. I have a question that maybe someone asked before. Bases now spawn in zone manager locked zones for other players. Can I prevent bases from spawning in those areas? Because I have an area for events and there are bases that the players can't access, I don't want to. Thanks and regards.



Does anyone have any suggestions I could try to get it working again (since the latest update)? Thanks in advance.



47 minutes ago, Glock69 said:

Does anyone have any suggestions I could try to get it working again (since the latest update)? Thanks in advance.

I have raid islands on my map. Which I uses as custom spawn points that I define with the Spawns Database plugin. This has allowed the game to identify sufficient spawn points on the map for the bases to spawn at. If you do not have specified areas for the bases at the moment, you could perhaps set aside areas where building isn't allowed and adjust the diameter of the raid bubble to fit into these areas. You would then have to potentially use a plugin like I mentioned to define the file name and where this file tells the raidable bases plugin to spawn them. Not sure if it will help or not, but the custom spawn points has kept the plugin working on my servers up to this point.

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Thank you, I think I lack the xp to do such a thing but i'll look into it for sure. Appreciate the quick reply. 



@nivexhope you'll get well soon.

Question: Since last update the event buildings from players will not be longer automatically removed.
Unfortunately, I can't find the right line in the configuration where I can activate it again. Has the config changed in any way?



@Dr.D.Bug  @BadLands @Glock69and others im still working on the zone changes. It works for me, so I'll probably just push it tonight.

Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables and Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures control this @Dr.D.Bug

but only if their deployable/structures are inside of the dome

yes as @MNfreakTimsuggested it is a great idea to create and use custom areas on your maps. this is pretty much needed for any populated server, and maps that have a low amount of spawn points (below 2000). I suggest using islands and dedicating a few areas elsewhere for this too. put your spawnfile name inside of the profile under Spawns Database File (Optional)

you can enable Prevent Building Until Base Spawns to handle building without the need for customizing it in Zone Manager or RustEdit.

I will add support to spawn on custom topologies in the near future

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This is our current configuration for the player build stuff

      "Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables": true,
      "Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures": false,

Although the Player built Structures is set to false, the structures within the RB dome will not dissapear 



2 hours ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

This is our current configuration for the player build stuff

ok, ill check it out

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Posted (edited)


Edited by nivex
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19 hours ago, nivex said:

@Dr.D.Bug  @BadLands @Glock69and others im still working on the zone changes. It works for me, so I'll probably just push it tonight.

Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables and Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures control this @Dr.D.Bug

but only if their deployable/structures are inside of the dome

yes as @MNfreakTimsuggested it is a great idea to create and use custom areas on your maps. this is pretty much needed for any populated server, and maps that have a low amount of spawn points (below 2000). I suggest using islands and dedicating a few areas elsewhere for this too. put your spawnfile name inside of the profile under Spawns Database File (Optional)

you can enable Prevent Building Until Base Spawns to handle building without the need for customizing it in Zone Manager or RustEdit.

I will add support to spawn on custom topologies in the near future

Thanks in advance



Molotov not burning traps?


Hello Mr.Nivex. Am on TruePVE server and Fire not harming Shotgun Traps or Flame Turrets. Works fine on Auto Turrets though. Is there something I need to adjust in a setting?

Thanks if you can help!




I have this all set but players can still do raids back to back within the 8 hour block I set.  Is this correct or not working?



Hello everyone,

I've just downloaded the plugin update from the Codefling website where I purchased it, and have restarted my server.

I still get this message in the console when I try to reload -

Error while compiling: RaidableBases.cs(16141,48): error CS0176: Static member `ItemContainer.Drop(string, UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Quaternion, params ItemContainer[])' cannot be accessed with an instance reference, qualify it with a type name instead

I've noticed that I now have two RaidableBases files in the oxide/plugin folder, there is RaidableBases.cs and RaidableBases-0.cs

Do I need to delete the original file before uploading the freshly downloaded file?

Rust has been updated on the server, and I also cleared my browser cache before downloading (as I saw this mentioned on other forums).

Thanks in advance.

  • Confused 1


17 minutes ago, Tiffany said:

Hello everyone,

I've just downloaded the plugin update from the Codefling website where I purchased it, and have restarted my server.

I still get this message in the console when I try to reload -

Error while compiling: RaidableBases.cs(16141,48): error CS0176: Static member `ItemContainer.Drop(string, UnityEngine.Vector3, UnityEngine.Quaternion, params ItemContainer[])' cannot be accessed with an instance reference, qualify it with a type name instead

I've noticed that I now have two RaidableBases files in the oxide/plugin folder, there is RaidableBases.cs and RaidableBases-0.cs

Do I need to delete the original file before uploading the freshly downloaded file?

Rust has been updated on the server, and I also cleared my browser cache before downloading (as I saw this mentioned on other forums).

Thanks in advance.

Usually you do not have to delete the previous plugin version, just copy the new version into the plugin directory and thus overwrite the old version. In your case, you or someone else have created the plugin in two versions with different names. So that the plugin works, you must not change the name. It is best to delete both versions and then copy the latest version of the plugin to your server again.


Posted (edited)

@Thunderchilehey there,

flame turret and shotgun traps are immune to fire damage in vanilla

@KingSizeKevinhey there,

players should not receive a lockout for purchased bases anymore. that was a bug. it should not use the lockout UI for buyable cooldowns anymore either.

players receive a lockout for regular raids. they may receive a buyable cooldown for a regular raid which is a bug and is fixed in the next update. there is a lockout UI for this

players receive a buyable cooldown for purchased raids. there is no UI for this, but one is added in the next update

there is an issue where a player can buy another raid after a raid is completed but before it despawns. this is fixed in the next update.

thankyou @Dr.D.Bugfor answering!


Edited by nivex


2.6.9 released. please mention any previous issues again if they still happen in this version. be as specific as possible



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AvG Лаймон

Posted (edited)

nivex, with all due respect, will u ever stop?
we are really tired of updating your plugin about 5 times per month and reconfigure everything
we spend more time on this plugin than on the entire server. Plugin has been around for so many years, can you just finish it and leave it alone?
Idk, maybe it does not bother anyone else but i'm really tired of this 😥

Edited by AvG Лаймон
  • Haha 1

Posted (edited)

6 minutes ago, AvG Лаймон said:

nivex, with all due respect, will u ever stop?
we are really tired of updating your plugin about 5 times per month and reconfigure everything
we spend more time on this plugin than on the entire server. Plugin has been around for so many years, can you just finish it and leave it alone?
Idk, maybe it does not bother anyone else but i'm really tired of this 😥

Please don't stop.  Keep updating and continue to make the product the best on the market.  A little pain for a lot of gain, it takes very little time on my part to update it.  So, please, don't stop!!!!

Edited by Iron
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19 minutes ago, AvG Лаймон said:

nivex, with all due respect, will u ever stop?
we are really tired of updating your plugin about 5 times per month and reconfigure everything
we spend more time on this plugin than on the entire server. Plugin has been around for so many years, can you just finish it and leave it alone?
Idk, maybe it does not bother anyone else but i'm really tired of this 😥

What is there to reconfigure on an update?

Drop the .cs in the plugin folder and it recompiles and it's done.  Sure you can tweak any NEW FEATURES Nivex adds but if you don't want to then don't.   Without question, Raidable Bases is the BEST plugin any Rust server can use. it should also be a subscription service. £50 is way too cheap,  considering the hours Nivex has put and continues to put into it....

I am a maggot among Gods... All Hail Nivex

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