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Raidable Bases 3.0.2

$40.00 $30.00
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Posted (edited)

21 hours ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

The cooldowns in section "Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown)" in RaidableBases.json

this cooldown applies to the player who bought the event. there will be an option to apply it to all ally in the next update. if ownership changes then the new owner will not receive this specific cooldown when the event ends. 

the short answer is that the cooldown starts when the event ends. the long answer is that in order for this to happen the cooldown must be set when the event starts and reset back to the full cooldown when the event ends. this prevents any exploitation of the cooldown.

Edited by nivex
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Jarrod Everhart


is there a setting to remove the external walls around bases i remember easy ones not having walls around them



3 hours ago, Jarrod Everhart said:

is there a setting to remove the external walls around bases i remember easy ones not having walls around them



  "Arena Walls": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Stacks": 1,
    "Ignore Stack Limit When Clipping Terrain": true,
    "Use Stone Walls": true,
    "Use Iced Walls": false,
    "Use Least Amount Of Walls": true,
    "Use UFO Walls": false,
    "Radius": 25.0




Hello. I might have asked this before, but where can i turn on and off the stability of the raidablebases ? 🙂



57 minutes ago, HowlingWolf said:

Hello. I might have asked this before, but where can i turn on and off the stability of the raidablebases ? 🙂

In the data section of the Raidable Bases files there is the Profiles folder. Inside the profiles folder you will have to edit one line on each of the easy, medium, hard, expert and nightmare json so that this setting is true. The name of this line is listed below.


"Enable CopyPaste Stability Option (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK - POTENTIAL SERVER CRASH)": true,


That is the line from my server JSON which allows stability in my raid bases. If you have it listed as false the server will turn off stability in the raid base bubbles. I have found that this option has been relatively stable (even with the warning). Since I turned this back on, I have not had any server crashes as a result of changing this option back on for my server.


I hope this helps out.



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@MNfreakTim @HowlingWolfI removed that option in 2.6.7 btw, you just need to change stability in the profiles for each of the bases as originally intended now

Dad Frog


for some time (maybe since the last wipe) some bases have been too deep in the ground and loot is not accessible.
I specify that I did not touch the config file before this bug occurred.
Is there something to change in the config to avoid this?
PS: I use pack 2 of 60 bases from MrTrixy



Hi, when the base despawn the vending machine icon stay, after one hour i got a lot of icon on the map. Does i miss something in config? thx a lot


Posted (edited)

3 hours ago, Dad Frog said:

for some time (maybe since the last wipe) some bases have been too deep in the ground and loot is not accessible.
I specify that I did not touch the config file before this bug occurred.
Is there something to change in the config to avoid this?
PS: I use pack 2 of 60 bases from MrTrixy

few things that could do this:

1. those specific bases were not copied properly. those would need recopied with half of the foundation (1.5 meters) visible above ground while the remaining half is underground. this is key.
2. if not all, but only if a small portion of the base tends to spawn slightly underground then this is unavoidable.
3. the profile heights were modified. there are multiple settings for this:
4. autoheight was enabled in the profiles. it is false by default and should generally not be enabled.

most commonly the reason is #1, but #2 could apply here since you did not clarify how much of the base is underground.

here are the settings for #3 and #4

"Height Adjustment Applied To This Paste": 0.0,
"Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": -1.0,

  "Option": "height",
  "Value": "1.0"

  "Option": "autoheight",
  "Value": "false"
2 hours ago, -Aoki- said:

Hi, when the base despawn the vending machine icon stay, after one hour i got a lot of icon on the map. Does i miss something in config? thx a lot

you are either missing libgdiplus if using a linux machine, or another plugin is preventing the kill from happening

Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

On 11/9/2022 at 3:08 AM, aimacak said:


about solving the problem with loot in the bases, between which the spread in costs is between 65k-180k sulfur, although they are all is is hard difficult.

I personally raided all the easy and medium bases, made some houses lighter, some houses strengthened, but I wouldn’t want to spend a huge amount of time on other difficulty levels, becouse its so big for remake it, and when building new bases, it’s hard to immediately calculate the cost of their raid .. therefore, for me Look, it would be very useful to make it possible to put loot on a specific house, well, just check, for example, when spawning for the name of the inserted building, and if the name is in the list, then fill from the table with the same name as the building.
no less useful than somehow adjusting the display name for at @Zoreeno


we have not closed this topic, this is a really important issue, can you think about it and answer? I understand that the plugin will be more difficult to set up, there will be more configs, but we will be able to adequately set the loot table for any house, even within the same level, isn't that great?) thanks a lot

There were a lot of mistakes due to writing from the phone, I'm sorry 🙂

Edited by aimacak
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Posted (edited)

Bonjour, il y a une possibilité qu'un joueur via une commande mes bases raidables bien cordialement like on this video



Edited by Khéops


47 minutes ago, Khéops said:

Bonjour, il y a une possibilité qu'un joueur via une commande mes bases raidables bien cordialement like on this video



bonjour. je crois que vous voulez dire que si les joueurs peuvent acheter un raid. Cela peut être fait avec /buyraid 

hello there. i believe you mean that if players can buy a raid. This can be done with /buyraid



not that the player can put his bases to raid



14 hours ago, aimacak said:


we dont close this discussion

as I said, this exists already. if you want a specific base to use a specific loot file then put that base in its own profile and put the loot you want to spawn in its own Base Loot table


if the base is oxide/data/copypaste/aimacakhard111.json

then you create a profile: rb.config add hard111 aimacakhard111 2

this will create the file oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/hard111.json with the base aimacakhard111 and set the difficulty to 2 (hard)

then you create oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base_Loot/hard111.json and put your loot table in this file.

if you want the base loot to always spawn then enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/hard111.json profile.

5 hours ago, Khéops said:

not that the player can put his bases to raid

bonjour. this is not in the Raidable Bases plugin. it is an exclusive plugin that I've written for the Zombie Land server that interacts with the Raidable Bases plugin.

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Posted (edited)

On 2/15/2023 at 12:28 AM, nivex said:

as I said, this exists already. if you want a specific base to use a specific loot file then put that base in its own profile and put the loot you want to spawn in its own Base Loot table


if the base is oxide/data/copypaste/aimacakhard111.json

then you create a profile: rb.config add hard111 aimacakhard111 2

this will create the file oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/hard111.json with the base aimacakhard111 and set the difficulty to 2 (hard)

then you create oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base_Loot/hard111.json and put your loot table in this file.

if you want the base loot to always spawn then enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the oxide/data/RaidableBases/Profiles/hard111.json profile.

bonjour. this is not in the Raidable Bases plugin. it is an exclusive plugin that I've written for the Zombie Land server that interacts with the Raidable Bases plugin.

looks a lot bigger than I expected, but it's exactly what I asked for, thanks a lot 🙂
and before that, I followed the answers to my previous message, so there seemed to be nothing about this, I apologize if I overlooked 🙂
gl, hf, take a success ❤️

Edited by aimacak
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On 2/12/2023 at 5:55 PM, nivex said:

this cooldown applies to the player who bought the event. there will be an option to apply it to all ally in the next update. if ownership changes then the new owner will not receive this specific cooldown when the event ends. 

the short answer is that the cooldown starts when the event ends. the long answer is that in order for this to happen the cooldown must be set when the event starts and reset back to the full cooldown when the event ends. this prevents any exploitation of the cooldown.

Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be in my case. Something doesn't seem right with the cooldown though. If I try to buy a new base between the end and despawn, the cooldown seems not to apply.
Here is the exact process between my two hard bases with permission for normal users:

Cooldown: 5400 (90min) Hardbases
Time : Event
<Base1 start>
08:05 : [RaidableBases] Dr.D.Bug has paid for the Hard base (raidhard2) at (-1787.3, 2.0, 792.0) in D9!
08:07 : Hard Raidable Base has spawned at (-1787.5, 2.0, 800.0).
08:57 : [RaidableBases] The hard base at D9 has been raided by Dr.D.Bug!
<Base2 start>
09:06 : [RaidableBases] Dr.D.Bug has paid for the Hard base (raidhard16) at (-1638.1, 2.0, 558.0) in E11!
09:06 : Hard Raidable Base has spawned at (-1637.5, 2.0, 562.5).
<Base1 end>
09:07 : Hard Raidable Base at (-1787.5, 2.0, 800.0) has ended.
09:47 : [RaidableBases] The hard base at E11 has been raided by Dr.D.Bug!
09:57 : Hard Raidable Base at (-1637.5, 2.0, 562.5) has ended.
<Base2 end>

So we have between start of the first and the start of the second base 61 minutes and between despawn of the first base and the beginning of the second base -1 minute

Can I still have missed something here?

Attached pls. find also the config:

Cooldown_Config 2023-02-16 100437.jpg


Posted (edited)

I'm sorry, do I understand correctly?
if this parameter is enabled:
    "Maintained Events": {
      "Always Maintain Max Events": true,
then the bases immediately begin to appear, after the disappearance of the previous one?
ignoring this option?:
      "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 30.0,

is it possible to add a function for setting the base appearance time from the minimum value to the maximum?
      "If Always Maintain Max Events set true, min time to spawn base after disappearing": 5, 
      "If Always Maintain Max Events set true, max time to spawn base after disappearing": 15,

may be my fix its? 
 "Always Maintain Max Events": false,
 "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 5.0,

I suffer a little from the fact that the bases are too flooded into the chat at the same time 🙂

      "Max Maintained Events": 9,
      "Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting)": 0.0,
      "Include PVE Bases": true,
      "Include PVP Bases": true,
      "Minimum Required Players Online": 0,
      "Maximum Limit Of Players Online": 300,
      "Time To Wait Between Spawns": 30.0,

bases dont spawn, when i change true to false, i tried time between spawns 0, 5, 30.. 😞
 "Always Maintain Max Events": false,

Edited by aimacak

Posted (edited)

@Dr.D.Bugthe raidablebases.allow permission and admin cooldowns are set to 0 so the cooldowns won't apply to you since they are 0. even more importantly, they will not apply if you are in noclip

@aimacakif you set Always Maintain Max Events to false then it's not going to spawn them 😛 

Time To Wait Between Spawns is how long it waits before it consecutively spawns another base

it sounds like you should be using Scheduled Events if you want to space them out more, and configure Max To Spawn At Once to 1 and the Min and Max times to the amount of time you want them spread out to.

I could add your request but I think Scheduled Events is better suited for what you're describing 

Edited by nivex
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2 hours ago, nivex said:

@Dr.D.Bugthe raidablebases.allow permission and admin cooldowns are set to 0 so the cooldowns won't apply to you since they are 0. even more importantly, they will not apply if you are in noclip

i did my tests in playermode only



36 minutes ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

i did my tests in playermode only

@nivexAnd of course we saw this issue before we Admins tested it by ourself. This is a log from a Player:



Posted (edited)

4 hours ago, nivex said:

@Dr.D.Bugthe raidablebases.allow permission and admin cooldowns are set to 0 so the cooldowns won't apply to you since they are 0. even more importantly, they will not apply if you are in noclip

@aimacakif you set Always Maintain Max Events to false then it's not going to spawn them 😛 

Time To Wait Between Spawns is how long it waits before it consecutively spawns another base

it sounds like you should be using Scheduled Events if you want to space them out more, and configure Max To Spawn At Once to 1 and the Min and Max times to the amount of time you want them spread out to.

I could add your request but I think Scheduled Events is better suited for what you're describing 

thanks 😉
1) the only thing I didn’t understand is what the "Time To Wait Between Spawns" parameter does .. because. appearance adjustable by "Every Min Seconds",  "Every Max Seconds".
2) And I have another problem, weapons and tools, both, new and repaired, for some players break in a few shots / hits, I do not have any plugins for these items, except for NeverWear, now I turned it off and will test the situation.
3) And I already wrote about reloading turrets, yesterday a person noticed the same behavior with m249 in turets (no reload), before that it was only with semi-automatic rifles, which I changed to assault rifle and the problem was gone .. but now it really looks like a bug. I tried deleting the config, please think about it.

4) And semi-pistol with accuracy 20 kill players with 2 hits, i can change this? its imba 🙂
its settings for npc damage or damage to npc?
    "Damage Multipliers": {
      "Explosive Damage Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Gun Damage Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Melee Damage Multiplier": 1.0

Edited by aimacak

Posted (edited)

1 hour ago, aimacak said:

thanks 😉
1) the only thing I didn’t understand is what the "Time To Wait Between Spawns" parameter does .. because. appearance adjustable by "Every Min Seconds",  "Every Max Seconds".
2) And I have another problem, weapons and tools, both, new and repaired, for some players break in a few shots / hits, I do not have any plugins for these items, except for NeverWear, now I turned it off and will test the situation.
3) And I already wrote about reloading turrets, yesterday a person noticed the same behavior with m249 in turets (no reload), before that it was only with semi-automatic rifles, which I changed to assault rifle and the problem was gone .. but now it really looks like a bug. I tried deleting the config, please think about it. Thank you 🙂

@aimacak To 2) We experienced the same thing with tools and weapons that break after a few shots. We have server convars set like this, but it doesn´t seem to work with RaidableBases or seems to be 10x (?) times higher than normal : 
conditionloss.damagemultiplier "0"
conditionloss.armorhealthmult "0"

I think it has to do with the Zones over the RB, but either i´m dumb or blind...didn´t found an option to change it...  😕

Edited by MaxxxEdge

Posted (edited)

Hello, I bought some building packages on the website, but when generated in the PVE server, the outpost turret will be generated underground. Can I ask him to prohibit the generation, because he can kill the playerimage.png.0c385cef689e2d19f50db964a5f4df77.png   plugins is true pve

Edited by CM1234


7 hours ago, Dr.D.Bug said:

i did my tests in playermode only

check for the raidablebases.buyraid.bypass.cooldown permission. i just tested for you and everything appears to work in 2.6.7


1. the time starts after a base has spawned and is how long in seconds until the next base can spawn. minimum of 1 second.

2. Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss tries to force all items to take condition loss, but it's not going to break an item in 3~ hits UNLESS there's a conflict with something else.

which plugins are you two using for condition loss? there is NeverWear and NoDurability that I'm aware of. @MaxxxEdge these are not convars, where are they from?

conditionloss.damagemultiplier "0"
conditionloss.armorhealthmult "0"

3. I will look again for you.

4. gun damage modifier is for every gun. there is no setting to adjust individual gun damage modifiers. i suggest removing pistols as some are wicked OP and a modifier isn't going to do it justice imo

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@CM1234 you can remove the turret from the copypaste file by using /paste and then recopy it with /copy

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