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Message added by Khan,

Important Announcement: Changes to Currency Pricing

Dear valued customers,

I want to inform you of a recent update regarding currency pricing on this platform. Due to the complexities and challenges associated with handling non-USD currencies, I have made the decision to implement a policy where transactions made in currencies other than USD will be charged more than the listed price in USD currency.

This decision comes as a result of the burden imposed by fluctuating exchange rates and the additional administrative tasks required for non-USD currency transactions as well as having to file federally due to having to deal with non-USD money. Unfortunately, the platform does not provide an option to opt out of multi-currency support, leaving me with limited alternatives.

To ensure the best pricing and streamline our operations, I strongly recommend using USD currency for your transactions moving forward. This will allow us to continue offering our products/services without the added complications of managing multiple currencies.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sincerely, Khan

9 Screenshots

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About NoEscape

NoEscape stands out as a robust solution to control rust players raiding & combat actions. As an innovative plugin for Rust, offering a range of unique features along with a visually appealing overlay. It provides 10 different colors for customization and a visible dome adjuster, enhancing user interaction. This plugin is designed to deliver optimal performance while maintaining backward compatibility with the free NoEscape from umod ensuring a smooth transition.


Twig Building Ignorance
The plugin intelligently ignores twig buildings, preventing griefers from exploiting the raid/combat block system during simple base construction.

Door Shooting Logic
Shooting a door outside the predefined radius won't trigger a raid block, even if the door is destroyed.

Reliability and Compatibility
Reload Behavior: Reloading NoEscape clears all existing raid/combat blocks.

Team and Clan Support:
Compatible with Teams & Clans, especially beneficial when used with the Auto Team plugin(umod clans).

Removal Tools Support:
Fully compatible with remove tools within the game or plugins.

Command Blocking:
Offers optional command blocking. Commands can be specified to block only for raids ("shop": 1) or combat ("shop": 2), or both ("shop": 3).

Health/Regen Logic for Raids:
Optional feature to manage health and regeneration of building blocks during raids / base building.

Sound Effects:
Option to include sound effects for enhanced user experience.

UI System:
Implements a user interface specifically for raid & combat scenarios that includes complete customization support.
Hud Preset Positions: ( 0 Left Top | 1 Left Bottom | 2 Right Top | 3 Right Bottom | 4 Custom )

Combat-Blocking Logic:
Combat-blocking is only active when not in a raid-blocked state. This not only saves on performance but also improves the gameplay experience.

Raid-Block Self-Ignorance:
Prevents raid-blocking on one's own buildings.

MLRS Support:
Yes, but only the vanilla ones launched by the vehicle on the map are supported, 3rd party plugins are not.

Fire Damage Logic:
If a wooden (but not twig) base takes fire damage, it triggers a raid.

Damage Source Ignorance:
Ignores non-player damage and buildings set to owner ID 0 by third-party plugins.

Visual Enhancements:
Color Support for Spheres: Adds color customization options for the visible spheres.
Visualization Level Setter: Allows users to set the level of visualization for easier navigation and interaction.

In conclusion, NoEscape provides a comprehensive and robust solution for Rust players, offering a blend of unique features, compatibility, and visual enhancements to elevate the gaming experience.


noescape.admin - Allows you to use the F1 command newcolor for changing the Raid overlay settings in game.



newcolor <1-10> <0-8> -- first number is the color setting, second number is the sphere darkness level.


  "Specify commands to block ( 3 = Block Both | 1 = Block Raid | 2 = Block Combat )": {
    "shop": 3,
    "tp": 3
  "User Interface": {
    "Switch to sprite instead of Icon?": false,
    "Sprite string Default: assets/icons/explosion.png": "assets/icons/explosion.png",
    "Sprite Color Default: 0.95 0 0.02 0.67": "0.95 0 0.02 0.67",
    "Enable Raid UI": true,
    "Raid Icon (Item ID Default: 1248356124) 0 = None": 1248356124,
    "Raid Skin ID (Skin ID Default: 0) 0 = None": 0,
    "Enable Combat UI": true,
    "Combat Icon (Item ID Default: 1545779598) 0 = None": 1545779598,
    "Combat Skin ID (Skin ID Default: 0) 0 = None": 0,
    "Hud Preset Positions: ( 0 Left Top | 1 Left Bottom | 2 Right Top | 3 Right Bottom | 4 Custom )": 0,
    "Hud Transparency Default: #, 0.1f": {
      "Hex": "#",
      "Rgb": "0 0 0 0.1"
    "Text Color Default: #09ff00": {
      "Hex": "#46ff36",
      "Rgb": "0.0352941176470588 1 0 1"
    "Text Font Size Default: 13": 13,
    "Hex or RGB toggle (Default is Hex)": false,
    "Custom UI POS: Key is anchorMin | Value is anchorMax": {
      "Hud": {
        "Key": "0.345 0.11",
        "Value": "0.465 0.14"
      "Icon": {
        "Key": "0 0",
        "Value": "0.13 1"
      "Text": {
        "Key": "0.15 0",
        "Value": "1 1"
  "Combat Block": {
    "Enable Combat Block?": true,
    "Block Time (Min)": 1,
    "Exclude Steam 64IDs": []
  "Raid Block": {
    "Enable Raid Block?": true,
    "Raid Block player until death instead of distance checks or zones. + 'Optional' timer setting in seconds Default: 0.0 = disabled.": {
      "Die": false,
      "Time": 0.0
    "Block Time (Sec)": 300.0,
    "Block Radius": 100.0,
    "Damaged Health Percentage on an entity to trigger a raid (0 = disabled)": 0,
    "Sphere Visibility (Recommend 3 or 5, 0 = disabled)": 3,
    "Sphere Color (0 = none, 1 = Blue, 2 = Cyan, 3 = Green, 4 = Pink, 5 = Purple, 6 = Red, 7 = White, 8 = Yellow, 9 = Turquoise, 10 = Brown)": 4,
    "Enable Random Sphere Colors? (Randomly selects a new color each time a raid block is triggered)": false,
    "Allow Upgrade or Block?": true,
    "Override facepunches default repair wait time after being attacked? Default: 30sec": 30,
    "Enable Base Building Block Features": true
  "Building (None = Doors, VendingMachine, ShopFront)": {
    "None": {
      "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 35,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Twigs": {
      "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 10,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Wood": {
      "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 20,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Stone": {
      "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 30,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 25.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Metal": {
      "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 40,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 30.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "TopTier": {
      "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 50,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 40.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
  "Upgrading only works for BuildingBlocks": {
    "Twigs": {
      "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 10,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Wood": {
      "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 20,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Stone": {
      "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 30,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 25.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "Metal": {
      "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 40,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 30.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
    "TopTier": {
      "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 50,
      "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0,
      "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 40.0,
      "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0
  "Sound Effects": {
    "RaidStart": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/takedamage_hit.prefab",
    "CombatSart": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/kill_notify.prefab",
    "RaidEnd": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/effects/vault-metal-close-end.prefab",
    "CombatEnd": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/effects/vault-metal-close-end.prefab",
    "Denied": "assets/prefabs/weapons/toolgun/effects/repairerror.prefab"
  "Message Responses": {
    "ChatIcon": 0,
    "RaidBlocked": "You are now <color=#00FF00>raid blocked</color>! For <color=#00FF00>{0}</color>!",
    "UnRaidBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>no longer</color> raid blocked.",
    "CombatBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>combat blocked</color> For <color=#00FF00>{0}</color>.",
    "UnCombatBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>no longer</color> combat blocked.",
    "CommandBlocked": "Access Denied: Cannot use <color=#FFA500>'{0}'</color> command during <color=#FFA500>{1}</color>: <color=#FFA500>{2}</color>",
    "ActionBlocked": "Denied: Cannot <color=#FFA500>{0}</color> while <color=#FFA500>raid blocked</color>",
    "RepairBlocked": "Unable to repair: Recently damaged. Repairable in: "

API Hooks

Useful to force quit 3rd party plugin actions when players trigger Combat/Raid Blocks.

private void OnCombatBlock(BasePlayer player)
private void OnRaidBlock(BasePlayer player)

Useful for checking commands, etc, before allowing a player to do something

private bool IsCombatBlocked(BasePlayer player) | IsCombatBlocked(string player)
private bool IsRaidBlocked(BasePlayer player)   | IsRaidBlocked(string player)
private bool IsEscapeBlocked(BasePlayer player) | IsEscapeBlocked(string player)


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