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Heavy Rig 1.6.7

$20.00 $16.00
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2 hours ago, INFINITY-Z said:

Kudos for the quick reply and update. 

No problem ..... any suggestions or questions always welcome



3 hours ago, NooBlet said:

No problem ..... any suggestions or questions always welcome

This comment right here is amazing. This is objective proof that you're a developer that cares about their users and your plugins ❤️

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One last thing, could you pls consider adding a config option to adjust the amount of hackable crates that spawn with each event? 
Five large crates for the large oil rig is a bit too much for my taste personally and others may think differently.
Just gives admins a little more freedom adjusting settings to their liking tailored to their server/s.



It's a great plugin, but I think the limitations are too small, sorry, I wish I could give you advice, first, this event can't change the process of generating events in other Monuments, it can only be limited to Oil Rig for now, which is a pity for using custom map points. It would be better if you could define a left landing site.Thank you for listening



Alternatively, you can set up a setting so that players in Oil Rig can trigger events by swiping open a normal door, which will reduce the hassle of buying additional activation event cards for many players.



Or you can set the event to activate the hacking lockbox when you open it at any monument, and it will be a different event experience!




please keep in mind the name of plugin . its intended for just the oilrigs ... and the card swipe is intended to only do event if you want not every time

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37 minutes ago, tomato7460 said:

It's a great plugin, but I think the limitations are too small, sorry, I wish I could give you advice, first, this event can't change the process of generating events in other Monuments, it can only be limited to Oil Rig for now, which is a pity for using custom map points. It would be better if you could define a left landing site.Thank you for listening

The plugin is called: "Heavy Rig Wave Event". The description and video show exactly what this plugin does. The price of this plugin is extremely low for the amount of fun it brings to players.

If you have a suggestion for another plugin, that would be fair. To criticise this one, is not.

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Can I make a suggestion please:

Would it be possible to add webhooks to the plugin so that I can see via discord when a player triggers an event please 🙂


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I second this. 
Sometimes the plugin randomly stops working on my server - players slide card but nothing happens.
Trying to find the cause of this and that may help and is a good idea in general.



There was an issue with spawned readers from facepunch side that prevented cards beeing picked up by then that seemed to pucked up . But seems to be fixed now . Im in the process of a change thats going to add config to use redcard reader to activate event rather than spawned ones and config to put out console messages for activation errors and sucseses .... and a couple of peerformance changes as been tested in my own server .... but like i always say ... dm me in discord NooBlet#1804 anytime . Im always willing to help ..... been away alot but can get code going quick if its an big issue . As im using 90% of my plugins in my own server so got ppl that depend on me there aswell .

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I'm having issues with the wave event again. I have to reload it several times a day in order for the card readers to work.
Something new that I encountered is that sometimes on large oil rig more than 5 waves are spawning, last night we had 9 chinook waves on large oil rig.

Papa Bear


CONFLICTS: Key Card Notify

Had a conflict with a plugin.  Thought I would report it here for anyone that couldn't get this working.  Still seems a bit buggy for me.  Going to do some more testing.  I did get an extra 2 crates (Large Oil Rig) and I did get extra guards, but the guards decided to come in all at the same time.  It was Total Chaos, but a ton of fun.  A real lag fest.  How far out are they supposed to come in (waves) because 55 at one time is a bit much for most players. And in my hurry to test, I hadn't even thinned out the NPCs first ... so, had them added to the mix, made for a real Shit Show!  LOL ... I know my players are going to love this, because we often spawn extras in from time to time when they least expect it.  Not at these numbers, but for a PvE server, my players are quite the Bot Killers.



@Papa Bear so can i ask when you say conflict do you meen with this plugin . bc you did not buy this? . is this why you post here and not support ticket???





so I gave the updated version a try. I could run it one time, then it broke again, I noticed this message in my console:

04/18 15:17:09 | [Heavy Rig Wave Event] cardreader has no id

So it is disabled again to the dismay of my players.
They're waiting for a fix asking almost daily.



im sorry .. but like i said .. we dont get these problems in my server . this happens like once a wipw maybe to us not everytime ... ill change the plugin to not use the card .... . when i get home again 

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The latest update says we now need to push a button. Do we need a card in our inventory or something for this to work? Will players be able to trigger the event at will now?



still need the card in inventory when pressing the button . button in same place as where card reader was . and if event starts  card get removed from inventory


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i have a button and a card reader on smoil, is this the way it should be?




no 😬 HTF did you get that right


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only way thats possible if the plugin didnt unload properly before update and didnot remove old reader .. should be gone either at next restart  or wipe


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6 minutes ago, NooBlet said:

no 😬 HTF did you get that right


I have a certain skill for breaking things lol. I ran the event and everything worked properly, setting a restart now lol





Posted (edited)

Players have reported that they've been unable to do the small oil rig. I've tested this and can confirm. Not even a plugin restart is fixing the issue for me. You click the button and hear the sound, but the event doesn't trigger.

This has been happening for the past 3 days at least. The small oil rig is barely visited now that the large event is here haha! 

Edited by ChristopherS

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