About BoxBattle Event
BoxBattle is an exciting and dynamic Event that brings a new level of interaction and competition to your server. This plugin transforms the simple act of looting into a thrilling competition, where players earn points by looting crates/boxes scattered across the map.
Console and /Chat = StartBoxBattle, permission: boxbattle.start
Default config
{ "Only Command Start Event": false, "Minimum Players To Start Event": 1, "Show Leaderboard": true, "Leaderboard Location (top right, top center, top left | left center, right center | bottom left)": "top right", "How long will Event last (seconds)": 180.0, "How often will the event be launched(Seconds)": 1200.0, "Show Event GameTip Notifications": true, "Shown GameTip Duration (seconds)": 7.0, "Show Event Chat Notifications": true, "Notification of Event Start(Chat and GameTip)": "<color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event has started! Open <color=#f7b731>Crates</color> to gain points!", "Notification When nobody participates in the event": "No one participated in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color>", "Notification Sound of Event Start": true, "Winner Multiple Announcements Delay(seconds)": 3.0, "Box Types and Points Amount": { "crate_elite": 1, "crate_basic": 1, "crate_tools": 1, "bradley_crate": 1, "heli_crate": 1, "codelockedhackablecrate": 1, "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig": 1, "crate_normal": 1, "crate_normal_2": 1, "crate_normal_2_food": 1, "crate_normal_2_medical": 1, "crate_food_1": 1, "crate_food 2": 1, "crate_fuel": 1, "crate_medical": 1, "supply_drop": 1, "vehicle_parts": 1, "crate_mine": 1 }, "Winner Rewards, make sure to change each value to your liking(1-6)": { "1": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "2": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "3": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "4": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "5": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "6": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" } } }