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  1. More information about "AutoRestart UI"


    AutoRestart UI

    AutoRestart is an advanced and fully configurable plugin to facilitate automatic restarts of Rust servers, ensuring consistent performance and minimizing downtime through effective scheduling and notifications.
    The plugin has been tested in Pterodactyl and Wisp without problems. Windows could have problems due to how each administrator has configured their bat file and that may cause the plugin to not be able to start the server again.
    Main Features
    ✨ Interactive UI: Includes an interactive UI that allows administrators to modify all plugin settings easily. ⏰ Scheduled Restarts: Configures automatic server restarts at defined intervals using UTC timezone for uniform scheduling. 💬 Discord Integration: Sends notifications to designated Discord channels to keep the community informed about restarts and server availability. ⚠️ Player Alerts: Notifies in-game through both UI and chat, with configurable countdowns (e.g., 60, 30, 10 minutes), including a visible final-minute countdown. 🔊 Sound Alerts: Provides optional auditory notifications to accompany visual or chat alerts. 🔄 Manual Admin Restarts: Administrators can initiate manual restarts with the /restart [seconds] command, including real-time alerts. ❌ Cancel Restarts: Allows administrators to cancel or reschedule restarts using the /restartstop command. 🚫 Player Limit Protection: Prevents restarts during high player activity by setting a player count threshold. 🔄 uMod Update Support: Automates checking for and applying uMod updates, followed by a server restart. 🎁 Rewards System: Comprehensive reward system for players who connect after server restarts, supporting Economics, ServerRewards, and custom item rewards. 🌐 Multilanguage messages: English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, Portugues. Permissions
    🔑 autorestart.use: Grants administrative privileges to execute manual restarts, cancel scheduled or manual restarts, modify restart settings, and access the configuration UI. Chat Commands
    📋 /crestart: Opens the main configuration UI. 📋 /crestart rewards: Opens the main configuration rewards UI. 📋 /restart 30s/5m/1h: Initiate manual restarts. 📋 /restartstop: Cancel or reschedule both administrator made restarts or programmed restarts. Console Commands
    📋 restart.list: Shows upcoming scheduled restarts. Config
    { "Version": "2.5.0", "Restart": { "RestartTimes": [ "15:10" ], "AlertSound": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.lock.prefab", "UseSound": true, "UseChatAlerts": true, "UseQuitCommand": true, "SkipWipeDays": false, "WipeDays": [] }, "PlayerRestrictions": { "MaxPlayersBeforeCancel": 10, "RestrictPlayerCount": false }, "Alerts": { "InGameWarningTimes": [], "DiscordWarningTimes": [] }, "UpdateCheck": { "CheckForUpdates": false, "CheckInterval": 600 }, "UI": { "UseCustomUI": false, "UseRustUI": true, "CustomUI": { "AnchorMin": "0 0.5", "AnchorMax": "0 0.5", "OffsetMin": "10 -45.9695", "OffsetMax": "177.325 46.7435", "CheckIcon": "✓", "CrossIcon": "✗", "CheckIconColor": "0.5568627 0.7764706 0.1843137 1", "CrossIconColor": "0.7764706 0.5137255 0.4196078 1", "BackgroundColorHex": "#5095C4", "TitleFontSize": 12, "MessageFontSize": 10 } }, "Discord": { "WebhookUrl": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "ServerName": "Rust Server", "DiscordNotifications": false, "UseFullMinuteCountdown": false }, "DisableDiscordCountdownMessages": false, "Rewards": { "EnableRewards": true, "UseEconomics": false, "UseServerRewards": false, "ItemRewards": { "explosive.timed": 5, "rifle.ak": 1, "knife.bone": 4 }, "EconomicsAmount": 500.0, "ServerRewardsPoints": 0, "RewardTimeLimit": 300 } } Lang
    { "Version": "2.5.0", "ChatRestartAlert": "Server restart scheduled in {0}.", "ChatRestartCanceled": "The server restart has been canceled.", "ChatRestartNow": "RESTARTING...", "ChatRestartCanceledTooManyPlayers": "Restart canceled due to too many players.", "NoRestartScheduled": "No restart is currently scheduled.", "RustUITitle": "SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART", "RustUIMessage": "The server will restart in {0}.", "CustomUITitle": "SCHEDULED SERVER RESTART", "CustomUIMessage": "The server will restart in {0}.", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.", "Usage": "Usage: /restart <seconds>", "InvalidNumber": "Invalid number of seconds provided.", "UpdateDetected": "A uMod update has been detected. The server will restart to apply the update.", "DiscordRestartAlert": " **SERVER RESTART**\nServer will restart in {0}.", "DiscordRestarting": " **RESTARTING**\nServer is restarting now. Please wait 5 minutes for the server to be back online.", "DiscordOnline": " **SERVER ONLINE**\nServer is now online and ready to play!", "TimeMinute": "minute", "TimeMinutes": "minutes", "TimeHour": "hour", "TimeHours": "hours", "TimeSecond": "second", "TimeSeconds": "seconds", "RewardEconomicsReceived": "You received ${0} from Economics reward!", "RewardPointsReceived": "You received {0} RP from ServerRewards!", "RewardItemReceived": "You received {0}x {1} from Item rewards!", "RewardTimeLeft": "You received rewards for connecting during server restart. Rewards will be available for {0} more.", "RewardPeriodEnded": "The reward period has ended." }
  2. More information about "Wipe Schedule"

    $29.95 $21.95

    Wipe Schedule

    The ultimate solution for RUST server owners. Our plugin gives you complete control over scheduling server events, allowing you to create unique schedules that automatically adapt to your needs.

    🌟 Features of Wipe Schedule
    Handy built-in editor: Manage events directly in-game through an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Customizable calendar commands: Set up custom commands, so players can easily open the calendar and view upcoming events. Multi-language support: Localize the plugin for your audience by translating all interface text into any language. Customization flexibility: Add events with individual descriptions, dates, and times — perfect for wipes, tournaments, or special server events. Easy integration: Quick and easy installation with Server Panels. Recurring events: Say goodbye to the hassle of manually scheduling events every week! Create events that automatically repeat on a set schedule:|
    ☑️ Weekly events.
    ☑️ Repeats every X days.
    ☑️ Monthly and annual events. Complex combinations: Combine different repeat types to build unique and fully customizable schedules.  
    🎮 Commands
    /wipe: Open the calendar interface (for players)  
    📬 Video Overview
    🧪 Test Server
    Join our test server to experience all our unique features firsthand!
    Copy the IP address below to start playing!
    📚 FAQ
    Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
    A:  Config
  3. More information about "Events Manager"

    $21.95 $15.95

    Events Manager

    Discover the EventsManager plugin, a powerful and flexible tool crafted specifically for Rust game servers. Designed by senyaa & M&B-Studios, this plugin streamlines the management and scheduling of various in-game events, enhancing player engagement and server dynamics.

    🌟 Features of Events Manager
    Multi-Event Support: Seamlessly manage multiple events, each with customizable settings. Customizable Display: Assign distinct names, commands, and colors for UI buttons to each event. Scheduling Flexibility: Schedule events to run on specific days and at designated hours. Administrative Control: Utilize commands to launch events, providing server admins with ultimate flexibility. Enhanced Player Experience: Introduce regular events to boost player engagement within the Rust environment. Random Event Start: Introduce surprise elements by allowing the plugin to randomly select events from a pool. Integration of Facepunch Events: Enjoy a dynamic gameplay experience with popular Facepunch events now included in the plugin.  
    🎮 Commands
    /em: Set up events, including start time and day. /newevent: Add new events tailored to your preferences, enhancing the versatility of the Event Manager. /newcreator: Easily add new creators to the event manager. eventmanager.convert.v2: Migrates V2 data to V3 (console only)  
    💬 Permissions
    eventsmanager.use: This permission allows users to access the event management features and open the menu.  
    🎥 Video Overview
    📚 FAQ
    Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
    A:  Config
    Thanks to @_senyaa for their contributions!
  4. More information about "Server Hud"


    Server Hud

    You can add any plugin event in the UI (if it has hooks, usually specified in the plugin description) Has ingame UI menu for configure your Hud The time format is adjusted to the player (depending on his language in the game), it checks which time format is used for this language You can also enable an additional menu that opens on the arrow. You can add various buttons to this menu, for example, to open a store, your server menu, etc. Almost all elements are customizable [for example: visibility of each element, Logo, Icons, Color e.t.c (check config down below)]



    /h setup - open UI for ingame config

    /h - show all Server Hud UI commands
    /h open - open Server Hud UI
    /h events - open Events Bar
    /h close - close Server Hud UI
    /h hide - hide Server Hud UI
    Q: Where i can find a base icon for creating my events icons?
    A: Take a base icon below this message and using f.e photoshop for create you personal event icon!

    Q: Where i can find a ready to use icons?
    A: Here some links to ready to use icons packs(1 free, 2 paid):
    string API_PlayerHudState(string id)
    CanHudChangeState(BasePlayer player, string currentState, strint nextState)
    { "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Main setup": { "Overall layer [you will see the hud in your inventory]": false, "Size ALL [0% - inf]": 100, "Logo [HUD interact button]": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455399756607549/logo.png", "Events background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Position": { "Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopLeft", "Left | Right - offset": 40, "Top | Bottom - offset": 25 }, "Server name": "Your Server Name", "Active players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395813965934/active.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Sleep players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395138670652/sleep.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Queue players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455393972654171/line.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Time": true, "Player position [hide permisson - hud.streamer]": { "Enable": true, "true - grid | false - x,z coordinates": true, "Color": "cyan" }, "Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]": { "Currency": "$", "Value color": "#10ff10", "Enable": true }, "Info messages": { "Update interval [in seconds]": 60, "Align [BottomCenter | TopCenter | TopRight]": "BottomCenter", "Width [in px]": 260, "Offset [top | bottom]": 0, "Offset [right]": 15, "Outline color": "#000", "Overall [you will see messages in your invenotory]": true, "Enable": true, "Messages": [ "Welcome to Your Server Name", "Good luck" ] }, "Additional menu": { "Auto close timer [seconds | 0 - disable]": 60, "Auto close after command use": true, "Open/Close button color": "yellow", "Commands background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Enable": true, "Commands": [ { "Background image": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png", "Icon [optional]": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395813965934/active.png", "Command": "chat.say Hello there", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": true }, { "Background image": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png", "Icon [optional]": "", "Command": "/shop", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": false } ] } }, "Base Events": [ { "Name": "Bradley", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455316654850049/bradley.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "PatrolHeli", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315073597530/heli.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "CH47", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455317485342803/ch47.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "Cargo", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455317086879794/cargo.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "AirDrop", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455316143161374/airdrop.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true } ], "Custom Events": [ { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnConvoyStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnConvoyStop", "Name": "Convoy", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455318030598154/convoy.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnSputnikEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnSputnikEventStop", "Name": "Sputnik", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315488854016/sputnik.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnArmoredTrainEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnArmoredTrainEventStop", "Name": "ArmoredTrain", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315841155173/train.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnHarborEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnHarborEventEnd", "Name": "Harbor", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455318332592219/harbor.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false } ] }
  5. More information about "Extra Boxes Plus"


    Extra Boxes Plus

    ExtraBoxesPlus is a Rust plugin that automatically spawns additional storage options (wooden boxes) on top of tool cupboards and workbenches when they are placed. It also provides configuration options to spawn a Pookie Bear on tool cupboards and manage wooden box behavior across different workbench tiers. The boxes are conveniently placed to maximize storage capacity and space efficiency.
    Automatic Wooden Box Placement: When a player places a tool cupboard or workbench, the plugin automatically spawns wooden boxes on top of them. These boxes are strategically positioned to ensure maximum storage capacity without obstructing other essential interactions. The number and placement of these boxes vary by the tier of the workbench, ensuring optimal use of space.
    Pookie Bear on Tool Cupboards: Optionally, a Pookie Bear can be spawned on top of tool cupboards as an additional feature.
    Customizable Skin: The plugin allows you to apply a custom skin to the spawned wooden boxes.
    Prevents Individual Box Pickup: Wooden boxes attached to workbenches cannot be picked up individually to ensure they stay in place. However, if a workbench is picked up, the attached boxes will be destroyed, and their contents will drop.
    The plugin includes a permission system to control which players can use these features:
    ExtraBoxesPlus.use: This permission is required for a player to place entities with attached wooden boxes. If a player does not have this permission, they will not be able to place tool cupboards or workbenches with the extra storage functionality.
    ExtraBoxesPlus comes with several configuration options that allow you to tailor the plugin's behavior to your server's needs:
    { "EnablePookieBearOnToolCupboard": true, "EnableWorkbenchBoxesByTier": { "Workbench Level 1": true, "Workbench Level 2": true, "Workbench Level 3": true }, "CustomSkin": false, "BoxSkinID": 3306209184 } Notes
    If a workbench has wooden boxes attached and contains items, the workbench cannot be picked up.
    The wooden boxes are placed to ensure maximum storage and space efficiency, allowing players to store more items without sacrificing valuable space around their tool cupboards or workbenches.


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