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JeffG's Wishlist

  1. More information about "RoamTasks"



    "RoamTasks transforms Rust activities into competitive challenges with rewarding outcomes.
     All players face the same task."
    Plug n' play. 50+ preconfigured Tasks. Tasks automatically start based on Min-Max time interval. Start Tasks with console commands ("RoamTask"). Edit/Add/Remove Tasks and Rewards.  
    Useful console commands = "RoamTask List" and "RoamTask Rewards". Recommended to use along with free plugin "Simple Events", useful for starting tasks in specific order.
    Console Commands (use console command "RoamTask" for same info) !requires admin
    Usage: RoamTask <command> [options]
      Start (Hook) (TaskID) - Start random Task - Optionally, specify the Hook and TaskID.   Stop - Stop active RoamTask.   List - List all available Tasks with their Hooks and TaskIDs.   Stats - Display statistics such as most completed tasks.   StatsClear - Clear all recorded RoamTask statistics.   Rewards - List all reward tiers and their reward options.
    one Task is chosen at Random (use free plugin ''simpleevents'' for specific order of tasks) 50+ unique Tasks (each Task can be made into multiple Tasks with different configurations)   + Category(Hook): OnEntityMounted - Fly Attackheli - Use Parachutes - Ride Pedal Bikes - Ride Motor Bikes + Category(Hook): OnBigWheelWin - Win Gambling Wheel Rewards System
    RoamTasks has a reward system called RewardPool. RewardPool has different tiers, and each tier has a list of rewards. The rewards in each list have different probabilities of being chosen. When you complete a task, you are randomly assigned a reward from the tier that the task is aligned with. This ensures that the rewards are suited to the difficulty of the task, while also adding an element of luck. (Economics and ServerRewards supported)  
    + Extra rewards for fastest players who complete a task, default rewards for 1. 2. and 3. players.
    Task System
    One task is chosen at random from list of tasks. Each task has its own, requirements, time, player limit, rewards, etc. Player is rewarded when task requirements are met.

    { "GeneralConfig": { "Log Task Completion": false, "Automatically Add Latest Tasks": true, "Only Command Start Tasks": false, "Next Task Minimum(seconds)": 600, "Next Task Maximum(seconds)": 1800, "Start Sound": true, "Start Sound Vibration": true, "GameTip Notifications": true, "GameTip Reward Message": "<color=#8cc83c>You received: {rewardDisplayName}</color>", "GameTip Start Message": "Roam Available", "Chat Notifications": true, "Chat Announce Task Complete": true, "Chat Announce Task Complete - Message ": "{config.General.scientistName}Participant <color=#55aaff>{playerName}</color> has completed the roam.{RankReward}", "Chat Announce Task Complete - Max Players": 3, "Chat Player Limit Messages": [ "\nLimited to {selectedMaxComplete} participants!", "\nMaximum {selectedMaxComplete} participants allowed!", "\nOnly {selectedMaxComplete} participants allowed!", "\nMaximum {selectedMaxComplete} participants!" ], "Chat Icon | 0 = Disabled": 76561199350559937, "Chat Name": "<color=#aaff55>Scientist</color>: ", "Chat Reward Message": "{scientistName}You received {rewardDisplayName}.", "Chat Next Roam Notification": true, "Chat Next Roam Message": "{scientistName}Next roam in {NextRoamTime}.", "{RankReward} Text ": "\n+ {playerRank}{playerRankSuffix} participant bonus.", "Chat Start Messages": [ "Attention. Roam available.", "Alert. Roam initiated.", "Attention. Roam authorized.", "Warning. Roam initiated. Proceed with caution.", "Attention. Roam accessible.", "Alert. Roam authorized." ], "UI Location X": 0.5, "UI Location Y": 0.0, "Position Bonus Rewards": true }, "Position Bonus Rewards List": { "1": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "xmas.present.large", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, "2": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "xmas.present.medium", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, "3": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "xmas.present.small", "Item Amount": 3, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" } }, "RewardPool Configuration - Tiers and Rewards: Each Tier has a List of Rewards. Each Reward has multiple Types. One reward from set Tier's Rewards List is randomly selected based on configured Chance. (Add as many Tiers/Rewards as needed)": { "Tier1": { " -- Rewards List -- ": [ { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "pistol.semiauto", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 830255284 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.pistol", "Item Amount": 32, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "bandage", "Item Amount": 3, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "pistol.revolver", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.pistol", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "cloth", "Item Amount": 50, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "explosive.satchel", "Item Amount": 2, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "grenade.f1", "Item Amount": 2, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "metal.fragments", "Item Amount": 100, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15 } ] }, "Tier2": { " -- Rewards List -- ": [ { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "rifle.semiauto", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "syringe.medical", "Item Amount": 5, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "smg.2", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.pistol", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "lowgradefuel", "Item Amount": 30, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "hq.metal.ore", "Item Amount": 50, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15 } ] }, "Tier3": { " -- Rewards List -- ": [ { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "rifle.lr300", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle", "Item Amount": 128, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "largemedkit", "Item Amount": 3, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.5 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "rifle.bolt", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.hv", "Item Amount": 64, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "hq.metal.ore", "Item Amount": 100, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.35 }, { " -- Reward": { "Enabled": true, "Types - ( Items = 1, Command = 2, Eco = 3, SR = 4 ) - Usage - 1, 2, 3, 4": [ 1 ], "Items": [ { "Item Type": "ammo.rifle.explosive", "Item Amount": 128, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 }, { "Item Type": "explosive.timed", "Item Amount": 1, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Skin ID": 0 } ], "Command": "oxide.usergroup add {player.id} vip", "Command Custom Name": "VIP", "Command Reward Msg": "<color=#ffbf00>{customName}</color>", "Economics Amount (Plugin)": 420.0, "Economics Custom Name (Plugin)": "$", "Economics Reward Msg": "<color=#3e9c35>{customName}</color>{amount}", "ServerRewards Amount (Plugin)": 420, "ServerRewards Custom Name (Plugin)": "RP", "ServerRewards Reward Msg": "{amount}<color=#cd4632>{customName}</color>" }, " -- Reward Select Chance % (0.0 - 1.0)": 0.15 } ] } }, "Tasks Configuration: Tasks are categorized by Hooks. First Task = TaskID 1, increments per task. MaxComplete 0 = no players complete limit | (Tip) - useful console commands 'RoamTask List' & 'RoamTask Start (Hook) (TaskID)' ": { "OnEntityDeath": [ { "Name": "Destroy Barrels", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Barrels", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 15, "ShortName": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Barrels", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 30, "ShortName": [ "loot-barrel-1", "loot-barrel-2", "loot_barrel_1", "loot_barrel_2", "oil_barrel" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Roadsigns", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 4, "ShortName": [ "roadsign1", "roadsign2", "roadsign3", "roadsign4", "roadsign5", "roadsign6", "roadsign7", "roadsign8", "roadsign9" ] }, { "Name": "Destroy Roadsigns", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 9, "ShortName": [ "roadsign1", "roadsign2", "roadsign3", "roadsign4", "roadsign5", "roadsign6", "roadsign7", "roadsign8", "roadsign9" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Boars", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "boar" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Bears", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "bear", "polarbear" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Deer", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "stag" ] }, { "Name": "Hunt for Wolves", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "wolf" ] }, { "Name": "Kill Scientists", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "scientistnpc_cargo", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "scientistnpc_excavator", "scientistnpc_heavy", "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol", "scientistnpc_oilrig", "scientistnpc_patrol", "scientistnpc_roam", "scientistnpc_roam_nvg_variant", "scientistnpc_full_any", "scientistnpc_full_lr300", "scientistnpc_full_mp5", "scientistnpc_full_pistol", "scientistnpc_full_shotgun", "scientistnpc_arena" ] } ], "OnEntityTakeDamage": [ { "Name": "Damage Patrol Heli", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "patrolhelicopter" ] }, { "Name": "Damage Bradley APC", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "bradleyapc" ] }, { "Name": "Damage Tugboats", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 300, "ShortName": [ "tugboat" ] } ], "OnDispenserGather": [ { "Name": "Gather Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1000, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4500, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4500, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4000, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 4000, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Gather Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 10000, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] } ], "OnCollectiblePickup": [ { "Name": "Pickup Wood", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "wood" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Stone", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "stones" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Metal Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "metal.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Sulfur Ore", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 400, "ShortName": [ "sulfur.ore" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Hemp", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 50, "ShortName": [ "cloth" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Mushrooms", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "mushroom" ] }, { "Name": "Pickup Berries", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "black.berry", "blue.berry", "green.berry", "red.berry", "white.berry", "yellow.berry" ] } ], "OnLootEntity": [ { "Name": "Open Normal Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 8, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "crate_normal_2", "crate_normal_2_food", "crate_normal_2_medical", "crate_normal_2", "crate_tools" ] }, { "Name": "Open Foodboxes", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "foodbox" ] }, { "Name": "Open Military Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 5, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 2, "ShortName": [ "crate_normal" ] }, { "Name": "Open Military Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 3, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 4, "ShortName": [ "crate_normal" ] }, { "Name": "Open Elite Crates", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 2, "ShortName": [ "crate_elite" ] }, { "Name": "Open Supply Drops", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "supply_drop" ] }, { "Name": "Open Locked Crates", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "codelockedhackablecrate" ] } ], "OnFishCatch": [ { "Name": "Catch Fish", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "fish.anchovy", "fish.catfish", "fish.herring", "fish.minnows", "fish.orangeroughy", "fish.salmon", "fish.sardine", "fish.smallshark", "fish.troutsmall", "fish.yellowperch" ] } ], "OnItemCraftFinished": [ { "Name": "Craft Eokas", "Enabled": false, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 5, "ShortName": [ "pistol.eoka" ] } ], "OnCardSwipe": [ { "Name": "Swipe Green Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "keycard_green" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Green Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "keycard_green" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Blue Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "keycard_blue" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Blue Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 3, "ShortName": [ "keycard_blue" ] }, { "Name": "Swipe Red Keycards", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1, "ShortName": [ "keycard_red" ] } ], "OnEntityMounted": [ { "Name": "Drive Modular Cars", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3000, "ShortName": [ "modularcardriverseat" ] }, { "Name": "Fly Minicopters", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3000, "ShortName": [ "miniheliseat" ] }, { "Name": "Fly Scrapheli", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 5000, "ShortName": [ "transporthelipilot" ] }, { "Name": "Drive Submarines", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 3200, "ShortName": [ "submarinesolodriverstanding", "submarineduodriverseat" ] }, { "Name": "Sail Tugboats", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 4, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 3200, "ShortName": [ "tugboatdriver" ] }, { "Name": "Sail Normal Boats", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 2600, "ShortName": [ "smallboatdriver", "rhibdriver" ] }, { "Name": "Sail Kayaks", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 12, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 800, "ShortName": [ "kayakseat" ] }, { "Name": "Drive Trains", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3200, "ShortName": [ "workcartdriver" ] }, { "Name": "Ride Horses", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1200, "ShortName": [ "saddletest" ] }, { "Name": "Use Ziplines", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 600, "ShortName": [ "ziplinemountable" ] }, { "Name": "Fly Attackheli", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 5000, "ShortName": [ "attackhelidriver" ] }, { "Name": "Use Parachutes", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 6, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 1500, "ShortName": [ "parachuteseat" ] }, { "Name": "Ride Pedal Bikes", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 1200, "ShortName": [ "bikedriverseat" ] }, { "Name": "Ride Motor Bikes", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 3000, "ShortName": [ "motorbikedriverseat" ] } ], "OnBigWheelWin": [ { "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 600, "RewardPool": "Tier1", "RequiredAmount": 50, "ShortName": [ "scrap" ] }, { "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 800, "RewardPool": "Tier2", "RequiredAmount": 150, "ShortName": [ "scrap" ] }, { "Name": "Win Gambling Wheel", "Enabled": true, "MaxComplete": 0, "RoamDuration": 1200, "RewardPool": "Tier3", "RequiredAmount": 250, "ShortName": [ "scrap" ] } ] } }
  2. More information about "Better Medicine"


    Better Medicine

    Change your survival experience on Rust with BetterMedicine! This comprehensive plugin introduces a range of medical items including injection guns, defibrillators, syringes, first aid kits, and bandages. Imagine a scenario where you can strategically lift and heal a teammate from a distance, administer special syringes, or even perform a life-saving resurrection with a defibrillator. BetterMedicine is your key to improving medical gameplay and increasing survivability in the harsh environment of Rust.
    Default configuration file composition:
    Customized defibrillator 3 levels of injection syringes 3 levels of syringes, includes quality icons for each level 3 levels of bandages, includes quality icons for each level 3 levels of first aid kits, includes quality icons for each level For each item there are already ready-made crafts for the SimpleCraftSystem plugin. This is just what comes by default, you can create bandages, syringes and first aid kits with any effects you want, as well as other injection gun configurations.
    Injection Pistols: Heal and lift teammates from a distance. Lifting and healing are accompanied by effects. Customizable working distance, treatment volume, magazine capacity, and crafting options. Defibrillator: Resurrect fallen players. Start the resurrection animation by pointing at the corpse and holding down the LMB (Left Mouse Button). Keep focus on the corpse during the resurrection process. Customizable resurrection time and crafting options. Syringes, first aid kits and bandages: Create different syringes, first aid kits and bandages with a different set of effects. Available effect types:
    Demo Video:

    Installation Instructions:
    Download the CustomItemDefinitions dependency library from here. Place the library in the plugins directory of your server. Wait for it to load on your server. Download the plugin you purchased. Place the plugin in your server's plugin directory. Configure the settings to your liking using the provided examples in the configuration file. Enjoy!
      Instructions for use (Permission and Commands):
      The plugin does not need permissions as it provides a variety of medical items. 
      You can give out items using the standard command give {shortname}.
    Injection gun - pistol.injection.{configuration name} Example from the default config: give pistol.injection.level2 Defibrillator - give defibrillator Syringes - give syringe.medical.{configuration name} Example from default config: syringe.medical.level3 Medkit - give largemedkit.{configuration name} Example from default config: largemedkit.level1 Bandage - give bandage.{configuration name} Example from default config: bandage.level1
    Default Config:
    { "General": { "Effects": { "Number of electric balls when lifting an wounded player": 3, "Syringe effect": true }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft Page Settings": { "Title": "<color=#00FF91><b>MEDICINE</b></color>", "Command to open": "medicine", "Permission to open (simplecraftsystem.*)": "medicine" } }, "Defibrillator config": { "Name": "Defibrillator", "Description": "A device that delivers an electrical charge to the heart to resurrect a dead player.", "Icon SkinId": 3141788438, "Seconds to resurrect": 3.0, "Electic skeleton at the end": true, "Become wounded after the resurrect": true, "Use item after the resurrect": true, "Heal amount after the lift": 0.0, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "electric.battery.rechargable.small", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "wiretool", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "electric.teslacoil", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "fuse", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 50, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "Injection gun configs": { "level1": { "Name": "Injection Gun (Level 1)", "Description": "A cutting-edge tool designed to heal and lift wounded players swiftly in critical situations. This compact device administers precise healing injections while enabling the levitation of injured comrades, ensuring rapid aid and transport on the battlefield.", "Capacity": 1, "Icon SkinId": 3132962420, "Weapon SkinId": 2512906636, "Ability to lift a wounded player": true, "Heal Amount": 10.0, "Operating distance": 10.0, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 100, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level2": { "Name": "Injection Gun (Level 2)", "Description": "A cutting-edge tool designed to heal and lift wounded players swiftly in critical situations. This compact device administers precise healing injections while enabling the levitation of injured comrades, ensuring rapid aid and transport on the battlefield.", "Capacity": 3, "Icon SkinId": 3132962420, "Weapon SkinId": 2512906636, "Ability to lift a wounded player": true, "Heal Amount": 10.0, "Operating distance": 20.0, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 4, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 100, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level3": { "Name": "Injection Gun (Level 3)", "Description": "A cutting-edge tool designed to heal and lift wounded players swiftly in critical situations. This compact device administers precise healing injections while enabling the levitation of injured comrades, ensuring rapid aid and transport on the battlefield.", "Capacity": 5, "Icon SkinId": 3132962420, "Weapon SkinId": 2512906636, "Ability to lift a wounded player": true, "Heal Amount": 10.0, "Operating distance": 50.0, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 10, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 5, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 100, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "admin": { "Name": "Injection Gun (Admin)", "Description": "A cutting-edge tool designed to heal and lift wounded players swiftly in critical situations. This compact device administers precise healing injections while enabling the levitation of injured comrades, ensuring rapid aid and transport on the battlefield.", "Capacity": 1000, "Icon SkinId": 3132962420, "Weapon SkinId": 2512906636, "Ability to lift a wounded player": true, "Heal Amount": 10.0, "Operating distance": 1000000.0, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "admin", "Ingradients": [] } } }, "Bandage configs": { "level1": { "Name": "Bandage (Level 1)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141443625, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -5.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Bleeding", "Amount": -60.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 10.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "bandage", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "gunpowder", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level2": { "Name": "Bandage (Level 2)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141443298, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -10.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Bleeding", "Amount": -70.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 15.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "bandage", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "gunpowder", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 5, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level3": { "Name": "Bandage (Level 3)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141443691, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -15.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Bleeding", "Amount": -80.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 20.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "bandage", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 5, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 5, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "gunpowder", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 10, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } } }, "Syringe configs": { "level1": { "Name": "Medical Syringe (Level 1)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141445760, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -10.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Radiation", "Amount": -20.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 25.0 }, { "Effect Type": "HealthOverTime", "Amount": 20.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "healingtea", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "radiationresisttea", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level2": { "Name": "Medical Syringe (Level 2)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141445205, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -15.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Radiation", "Amount": -30.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 50.0 }, { "Effect Type": "HealthOverTime", "Amount": 30.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 4, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "healingtea.advanced", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "radiationresisttea.advanced", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level3": { "Name": "Medical Syringe (Level 3)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141445599, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -20.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Radiation", "Amount": -40.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 100.0 }, { "Effect Type": "HealthOverTime", "Amount": 35.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 4, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "healingtea.pure", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } } }, "Medkit configs": { "level1": { "Name": "Large Medkit (Level 1)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141443942, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -20.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Bleeding", "Amount": -100.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 20.0 }, { "Effect Type": "HealthOverTime", "Amount": 100.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "largemedkit", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "rope", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level2": { "Name": "Large Medkit (Level 2)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141444145, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -30.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Bleeding", "Amount": -100.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 30.0 }, { "Effect Type": "HealthOverTime", "Amount": 100.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "largemedkit", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "rope", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 1, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } }, "level3": { "Name": "Large Medkit (Level 3)", "Description": "", "Icon SkinId": 3141444029, "Effects": { "[Read Only] Type Identifiers": "Calories/Hydration/Heartrate/Poison/Radiation/Bleeding/Health/HealthOverTime", "List of Effects": [ { "Effect Type": "Poison", "Amount": -40.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Bleeding", "Amount": -100.0 }, { "Effect Type": "Health", "Amount": 40.0 }, { "Effect Type": "HealthOverTime", "Amount": 100.0 } ] }, "[SimpleCraftSystem] Craft": { "Permission": "", "Ingradients": [ { "Shortname": "largemedkit", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 2, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "tarp", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null }, { "Shortname": "rope", "SkinID": -1, "Amount": 3, "Name": null, "Description": null } ] } } } }  
  3. More information about "Sky Wars"


    Sky Wars

    Welcome to a immersive world inspired by the epic voyages of Star Trek Discovery! Our meticulously custom map is a futuristic playground teeming with spaceships, cutting-edge robots, awe-inspiring historical monuments, and puzzles. We've diligently tested it since January with small population, continuously enhancing the experience for our vibrant community of explorers.
    The map is a canvas for your creativity, offering custom building zones that invite you to design and live out your sci-fi dreams. Throughout the landscape, you'll uncover intriguing monument puzzles and hidden treasures tucked away in every corner. Among our many monuments, 'Oil Smuggling' and 'Station X' have captured the hearts of players, becoming beloved landmarks.
    Explore a compact yet richly detailed world, with each monument housing 1-10 heavy scientists to challenge your skills. Embark on an adventure and leave your mark on this unique gaming realm.
    Map size is 3000 ~ 50k prefabs Puzzle monuments Custom buildings Sky adventures Launch Post (replacement for Launch Site with Bradley) Station Z (replacement for Outpost and Bandit) Ziplines. Custom monuments:
    USS Enterprise Oil Smuggling Station Z Tower of Insolence MC Rental Rocket Factory Titan's Rift Launch Post Battlefield Crashed Ship Raid Boss Island Metal Production Sulfur Production NCC-1701 Zone 1, 2, 3 2x Heli Tower Dish Shogun Monuments:
    The Dome Satellite Dish Fishing Village Large Fishing Village Lighthouse Ferry Terminal Mining Outpost Oxum's Gas Station Abandoned Supermarket Airfield Water Treatment Plant Arctic Research Base Harbor Missile Silo Underwater Lab Underground Railway Military Tunnel Oil Rig Large Oil Rig My Discord: MichuX#7469
    The map will undergo continuous updates and to align with the latest Rust developments too. There are no download restrictions and you are welcome to freely modify and personalize it to your liking.
    (Password is attached to the map).
  4. More information about "Parkour Pro"


    Parkour Pro

    Introducing Parkour Pro, the ultimate tool to elevate your server experience! What's better than a heart-pounding challenge? Bragging rights, of course. Engage your players with a thrilling parkour adventure that not only tests their skills but also lets them flaunt their victories.
    With Parkour Pro, setting up a captivating parkour area on your server is a breeze. Define the starting point, the exhilarating path, and the sweet taste of victory at the end—all at your fingertips. This plugin empowers you to craft unique parkour courses tailored to your server's theme and vibe.
    Why should you consider adding a parkour element to your server? Because it's the perfect recipe for increased player engagement and server popularity. As players tackle these dynamic courses, your server's metrics will soar, creating an environment that's not only fun but also competitive.
    To kickstart your parkour revolution, Parkour Pro comes complete with a demo prefab. Brace yourself—this challenging yet conquerable course is ready to captivate your players. Take the first step in transforming your server into a realm of excitement, skill, and, most importantly, epic bragging rights. With Parkour Pro; the thrill is in your hands!

    Video Walkthrough

    parkourpro.use - Required to run any parkour courses

    Console Commands

    pk_close_ui - Close the UI
    pk_leaderboard - Show the leaderboard UI
    pk_courses - List all the courses

    pk_clear_course_data - Clear the course data for the given course (Admin Only)
    pk_clear_all_course_data - Clear all course data. (Admin Only)

    Chat Commands

    /pk_close_ui - Close the UI
    /pk_leaderboard - Show the leaderboard UI
    /pk_courses - List all the courses
    /pk_end - End your current Parkour Run

    /pk_clear_course_data - Clear the course data for the given course (Admin Only)
    /pk_clear_all_course_data - Clear all course data. (Admin Only)

    For any issues please Reach out to me on Discord:  http://discordapp.com/users/233662340179034112
  5. More information about "Gotham"



    Gotham is based on the fictional city, home to Batman. It is the largest known cityscape in rust with many key areas from the DC Universe.
    Custom Monuments
    Wayne Tower
    Wayne Manor
    Bat Cave
    Iceberg Lounge
    Botanical Gardens
    Arkham Asylum
    Amusement Mile
    Blackgate Prison
    Ace Chemicals
    Port Authority
    Crime Alley
    Gotham Police Department
    Monarch Theatre
    Facepunch Monuments
    Oil Rigs
    Underwater Labs
    Sewer Branch
    Military Base
    Train Yard
    Fishing Village
    83K Prefabs


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