Forbidden Lands Rust's Wishlist
Events Manager
Discover the EventsManager plugin, a powerful and flexible tool crafted specifically for Rust game servers. Designed by senyaa & M&B-Studios, this plugin streamlines the management and scheduling of various in-game events, enhancing player engagement and server dynamics.
🌟 Features of Events Manager
Multi-Event Support: Seamlessly manage multiple events, each with customizable settings. Customizable Display: Assign distinct names, commands, and colors for UI buttons to each event. Scheduling Flexibility: Schedule events to run on specific days and at designated hours. Administrative Control: Utilize commands to launch events, providing server admins with ultimate flexibility. Enhanced Player Experience: Introduce regular events to boost player engagement within the Rust environment. Random Event Start: Introduce surprise elements by allowing the plugin to randomly select events from a pool. Integration of Facepunch Events: Enjoy a dynamic gameplay experience with popular Facepunch events now included in the plugin.
🎮 Commands
/em: Set up events, including start time and day. /newevent: Add new events tailored to your preferences, enhancing the versatility of the Event Manager. /newcreator: Easily add new creators to the event manager. eventmanager.convert.v2: Migrates V2 data to V3 (console only)
💬 Permissions
eventsmanager.use: This permission allows users to access the event management features and open the menu.
🎥 Video Overview
Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A: Config
Thanks to @_senyaa for their contributions!
- #eventmanager
- #manager
(and 5 more)
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Wipe Schedule
The ultimate solution for RUST server owners. Our plugin gives you complete control over scheduling server events, allowing you to create unique schedules that automatically adapt to your needs.
🌟 Features of Wipe Schedule
Handy built-in editor: Manage events directly in-game through an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Customizable calendar commands: Set up custom commands, so players can easily open the calendar and view upcoming events. Multi-language support: Localize the plugin for your audience by translating all interface text into any language. Customization flexibility: Add events with individual descriptions, dates, and times — perfect for wipes, tournaments, or special server events. Easy integration: Quick and easy installation with Server Panels. Recurring events: Say goodbye to the hassle of manually scheduling events every week! Create events that automatically repeat on a set schedule:|
☑️ Weekly events.
☑️ Repeats every X days.
☑️ Monthly and annual events. Complex combinations: Combine different repeat types to build unique and fully customizable schedules.
🎮 Commands
/wipe: Open the calendar interface (for players)
📬 Video Overview
🧪 Test Server
Join our test server to experience all our unique features firsthand!
Copy the IP address below to start playing!
Q: Where can I see an example of a config?
A: Config
- #wipe schedule
- #wipe
(and 4 more)
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Door Frames
Are you tired of the strict limitations on floor frames, where only ladder hatches are allowed? DoorFrames is here to change that! This plugin introduces the ability to place Wooden Double Doors, Metal Double Doors, Armored Double Doors, and Garage Doors on floor frames, giving players more creative freedom and practical utility in their base designs.
🌟 What Does DoorFrames Do?
By default, Rust restricts floor frames to only accept ladder hatches, limiting design possibilities. DoorFrames overrides this behavior, allowing players to place multiple door types on floor frames, seamlessly integrating them into existing structures.
🔧 Key Features
🚪 Support for All Double Door Types
Players can place the following doors on floor frames:
Wooden Double Doors
Metal Double Doors
Armored Double Doors
Garage Doors
🔒 Permission-Based Access
Control which players can place specific door types using permission system:
doorframes.all: Allows placement of all supported door types.
doorframes.wood: Allows placement of Wooden Double Doors.
doorframes.metal: Allows placement of Metal Double Doors.
doorframes.armored: Allows placement of Armored Double Doors.
doorframes.garage: Allows placement of Garage Doors.
⏲️ Cooldown System for Performance
To ensure smooth server performance, the plugin includes a 0.5-second cooldown for each frame. Additionally, a 100-frame limit is enforced to prevent excessive memory usage. The oldest cooldowns are purged as needed, ensuring stability during heavy server activity. (Those can be changed in the code for optimization.)
🔌 Custom Hook Integration
The FFDoorPlaced hook is triggered every time a door is successfully placed, enabling advanced customization for server developers.
🎮 How It Works
For Developers
Customization via Hook:
The FFDoorPlaced hook allows you to add functionality such as logging, rewards, or additional restrictions. It provides the following parameters:
BasePlayer player: The player placing the door.
Door door: The door entity being placed.
string doorType: The type of door being placed (e.g., door.double.hinged.metal).
For Players
Select a Door: Equip one of the supported doors in your hotbar.
Aim at a Floor Frame: Point at a valid floor frame within a 5-meter range.
Place with a Click: If permissions are granted, the door will automatically align to the frame.
Players who lack the required permission will receive a message in chat, preventing placement.
⚠️ Important Considerations
Performance First: The cooldown system and frame limit ensure no unnecessary server lag or memory usage.
Backup Recommended: Always back up your server before installing new plugins or making major changes.
For Developers:
using Oxide.Core; using UnityEngine; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("FFDoorLogger", "Hakan", "1.0.0")] public class FFDoorLogger : RustPlugin { void FFDoorPlaced(BasePlayer player, Door door, string doorType) { Puts($"{player.displayName} placed a {doorType} on a floor frame."); } } }
Functionality The FFDoorPlaced method is a hook that gets called whenever a door is placed using the DoorFrames plugin. When triggered, it:
Takes three parameters:
player: The BasePlayer who placed the door
door: The Door entity that was placed
doorType: The type of door placed (e.g., wooden, metal)
- #floorstack
- #floorframe
- (and 13 more)
Nade Plus
NadePlus adds a few custom Grenades to the world for more Tactical Gameplay
Fair warning ....All Players with IsAdmin tag are exempt from nade effects (but in fairness Admins should not play, Right?)
Custom Nades
Radiation Nade (spreads radiation and kills NPC's) ** Requires ZoneManager*** WaterBomb (Puts out fire's also works on Bradley and patrol and removes radiation effect to players in radius) Medical Nade (heals players within radius) DropNGo Nade (drops nearby players Hotbar items to give you a chance to run away) Sleeper Nade (Forces players to sleep for a set time) Gravity Nade (pulls players /animals and scientist to explosion position) Ping Nade (Pings players and Scientists in blast radius) F15 Nade (spawns a F15 Jets to taget npc or player in radius) Wall Nade (spawns Walls for defense) Boogie Nade (makes players dance for set time) DroppedLoot Nade (pings loot that was dropped from list) Turret Nade (Spawns 2 turrets armed and active. Team and self will be authed) Landmine Nade (spawns landmines in radius) Yeet Nade (Yeets players and scientist away from explotions)
Console Commands
givenade <playername> <type> // 0 = Radiation 1=Waterbomb 2 = Medical 3 =DropNGo 4=Sleeper 5 = Gravity 6 = Ping 7 = F15 8 = Walls 9 = Boogie 10 = DroppedLoot // 11 = Turret //12 = Landmine //13 = Yeet givenades <playername> // gives all nads to player
Admin Ingame Commands
/getname - Puts to console prefab name admin is looking at
Video examples
{ "Use F1 grenades?": true, "Grenade SkinID's": { "RadiationNade": 810239244, "WaterNade": 1104350225, "HealNade": 830797289, "DropAndGoNade": 1806709625, "SleepNade": 1052763402, "GravityNade": 879489202, "PingNade": 3139713369, "F15Nade": 2425947331, "WallNade": 3263974252, "BoogieNade": 2206463709, "DroppedLootNade": 830792231, "TurretNade": 1262374789, "LandmineNade": 3282943077, "YeetNade": 817317634 }, "NPC names to Exclude": [ "conversationalis", "shopkeeper", "missionproviders" ], "Nade Config's": { "Radiation Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "MaxRadiation": 60.0 }, "Water Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0 }, "Medical Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "Maxheal": 75.0 }, "DropNGo Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "NPCDropChance": 30.0, "AffectTeammates": false, "TimeNPCShootDisabled": 15.0 }, "Sleeper Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "TimeToKeepSleeping": 20.0 }, "Gravity Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "PullScientists": true, "PullAnimals": false }, "Ping Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 40.0, "PingScientists": true, "PingTeam": false }, "F15 Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 40.0 }, "Wall Nade": { "WallAmount": 4, "TimetillKill": 10.0 }, "Boogie Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "TimeToKeepBoogie": 10.0 }, "DroppedLoot Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 150.0, "Includeditems": [ "rifle.ak", "rifle.bolt", "rifle.l96", "rifle.lr300", "rifle.m39", "rifle.semiauto", "smg.2", "smg.mp5", "smg.thompson", "crossbow", "bow.hunting", "bow.compound", "shotgun.waterpipe", "shotgun.spas12", "shotgun.pump", "shotgun.double", "shotgun.m4", "pistol.revolver", "pistol.python", "pistol.eoka", "pistol.m92", "pistol.nailgun", "pistol.semiauto", "rocket.launcher", "lmg.m249", "multiplegrenadelauncher", "", "hmlmg", "pistol.prototype17", "snowballgun", "minigun", "military flamethrower", "largebackpack", "smallbackpack", "rifle.sks", "t1_smg", "explosive.timed" ] }, "Turret Nade": { "TimetillKill": 30.0 }, "Landmine Nade": { "Landmineamount": 10, "SpawnRadius": 10.0, "TimetillKill": 120.0 }, "Yeet Nade": { "SpawnRadius": 20.0, "YeetPlayers": true, "YeetScientist": true } }, "Enable Nade world spawns?": true, "Nade world spawns Options": { "RadiationNade": true, "SleeperNade": true, "GravityNade": true, "PingNade": true, "F15Nade": true, "WallNade": true, "DropNGoNade": true, "BoogieNade": true, "MedicalNade": true, "WaterBombNade": true, "DroppedLootNade": true, "TurretNade": true, "LandmineNade": true, "YeetNade": true }, "Drop Settings": [ { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_elite", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 7.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "codelockedhackablecrate", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 9.0 }, { "Object Short prefab name": "crate_ammunition", "Minimum item to drop": 1, "Maximum item to drop": 1, "Item Drop Chance": 20.0 } ] }
Known Conflict's
any plugin that modifies stacks
Future plans
Add more nades add more custom setting per nade in config more screenshots and videos
Forbidden Lands
Year 2030 epidemy spread across our island. Most of the population died, how ever others was not so lucky and experienced awful mutations.
Present day:
Year 2047, all this time there was no one who could take care of the infrastructure of the island. Because of that nature started to take over wat belongs to her. Factories became huge piles of rubble, dam that was main electricity supplier for island was destroyed and flooded nearest town. Those who managed to survive divided themselves into two groups: Gaja tribe, peaceful people that tried to rebuild wat was lost and Raja tribe, marauders who banned Gaja people from they’re lands installed security cameras and declared themselves as saviours of the land.
But something unexpected happened, Infected started to hunt survivors. They started making heartbeat sensor traps in largest cities and monuments, because of it its easier to track human pray. Those areas are called "Forbidden Lands" and are deadly for those who dear to enter it. Your main goal is to unite both tribes and defeat undead. Good luck soldier !
Size: 4500 Prefab Count: 75k Now about the map: It was long 2 month period of hard non stop work. Lots of people asked for a bigger map so I decided to make it in 4500 size, so all standard monuments, rail road, simple roads part of the ocean could find its place on the map. Landscape is separate work of art made in high accuracy, because of that standard and custom monuments are laying in harmony with each other.Map have around 26 different size custom monuments, that has security cameras installed. You can find 12 different custom places for base building, plus there is some places for building you can find inside of monuments and bridges for better atmosphericall feeling. Map is highly detailed like crossroads that have traffic lights, all kind of signs with the names of security cameras so you could connect to them and follow custom monuments. I marked all custom monuments by the colour, from green (easy) to red ( hard ).You can also find some tunnels, one of them is going from central lake all the way to ocean.I hope you will like this creation, follow my works and stay Rust! This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
How can I view the map?
You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
Custom Monuments:
Oroville City New Hope City Destroyed Dam Oil Paradise Hotel Maelstrom Rad Town Diesel Storage Mining Camp Railway Post Fallen Hotel Raider Base Rocky Ridge City Crossroads Bunker 707 Farm Hermit Warehouse Market Plane Crash Road Beacon Destroyed Market Pumping Station Ruin Station Garage Gas Station Gas Station 2 Crossing 12 place to build (X) Custom Zipline Water tunnel Road tunnel Many Bridges Monument Facepunch:
Launch Site Nuclear Missile Silo Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satelitte Dish Airfield Giant Excavator Pit Train Yard Power Plant Outpost Bandit Camp Water Treatment Plant Military Tunnel Abandoned Military Base The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch 1 and 2 Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway Underground tunnel Road Ring HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Radtown Water Well
- #gruber
- #mad mappers
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