DeutscherRitterPlatz's Wishlist
Home Marketplace
Adds a marketplace terminal to each tool cupboard. This way, players can buy items without leaving home. The plugin is easy to install on your server; no additional settings are needed. You can also change the delivery fee (but the player must still have an additional 20 scrap in their inventory)
This plugin uses the permission system
homeMarketplace.use - required to be able to use the marketplace
To assign a permission, use: oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> homeMarketplace.use
To remove a permission, use: oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> homeMarketplace.use
{ "Terminal offset": { "x": 0.42, "y": 0.68, "z": 0.3 }, "Delivery fee": 20 } -
Setup Furnaces
permission for use UI - setupfurnaces.use
/fsetup - open UI /fadd - you can add new furnace /fremove - you can remove added furnace FEATURES:
Reoganize button in UI Work without fuel Output multiplier Melting speed
{ "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Oven setup for players": { "setupfurnaces.default": { "furnace": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": false, "Cook without fuel": true }, "furnace.large": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "electricfurnace.deployed": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 2, "Output multiplier": 5, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "refinery_small_deployed": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "campfire": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "bbq.deployed": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true } }, "": { "furnace": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "furnace.large": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "electricfurnace.deployed": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "refinery_small_deployed": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "campfire": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true }, "bbq.deployed": { "Quick smelt multiplier": 1, "Output multiplier": 1, "Reorganize items": true, "Cook without fuel": true } } } } -
Multifunctional and advanced RaidBlock plugin
It includes all the necessary functions for this plugin and an extended configuration that will allow you to fully customize the plugin to the requirements of your server.
Introduce your players to a truly functional plugin with a beautiful and modern UI interface, optimization, and new features that your players will appreciate.
List of features:
(The description briefly outlines the functionality and includes screenshots.)
Visual Dome System:
This is a new feature for RaidBlock's plugins, the visual dome system, offering a choice of two possible domes - standard and BattleRoyale.
The dome can be disabled or configured in the configuration file.
BattleRoyale The ability to set colors for the Battle Royale dome:
List of supported colors
Modern and optimized UI design of the plugin:
We offer a choice of 3 UI design options, which can be fully customized and changed using settings in the configuration.
It blends well with the game design and looks compact on the players' screens.
0 option
1 option
2 option
Map Markers:
A wide selection of markers for displaying raid blocks on the map.
Fully customizable markers.
Type 0
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Conveniences for Administrators:
Implemented a black and white list system for raid block triggers, we have added for convenience 2 items that will help easily configure these lists directly from the game.
To obtain these items, use the commands described in the "Commands" tab. Don't forget to grant yourself the necessary permissions.
Black List
White List
raidblock.ignore - with this permission, the player will have immunity to raid blocking. raidblock.toolgun - with this permission, the player can obtain a "Toolgun" for configuring the blacklist and whitelist of items. Command:
Chat commands: /rbtest - allows testing raid block (simulates a raid at your position) (available only to administrators). /rb.white - obtain the Toolgun to add items to the whitelist. / - obtain the Toolgun to add items to the blacklist. Api:
API: // Returns whether the player is raid blocked bool IsBlocked(BasePlayer player) bool IsRaidBlocked(string playerId) bool IsRaidBlocked(ulong playerId) bool IsRaidBlocked(BasePlayer player) bool IsRaidBlock(ulong userId) // Returns the remaining time of raid block for a player int ApiGetTime(ulong userId) Hooks: CanRaidBlock(BasePlayer player, Vector3 position) OnRaidBlock(Vector3 position) OnRaidBlockStopped(BasePlayer player) OnRaidBlockStopped(Vector3 position) OnCreatedRaidZone(Vector3 position, BasePlayer initiator) OnEnterRaidZone(BasePlayer player) OnExitRaidZone(BasePlayer player) Configuration:
An excellent addition to this plugin:
- #no escape
- #no escape rust
- (and 6 more)
By Cobalt Studios in Plugins
ChestModifier is a plugin that adds customization options for various crates in the game, as well as their contents.
- Enhance player gameplay diversity with new crates! You can customize banned items and categories, distributing crates accordingly!
- Players can easily know what their crate contains - the plugin features a UI that informs the player about prohibited storage items!
- Configure drops of modified items from corpses/crates.
chestmodifier.give - permission to give crates
chestmodifier.helpmenu - permission to view the plugin UI
[CHAT/CONSOLE] /cm.give 'key' 'player (leave blank to give to yourself)' - give a crate
ChestModifier - Make the gaming experience on your server unique with new loot distribution options!
{ "Chests": { "test": { "Shortname": "box.wooden.large", "Skin id": 5, "Item name": "Large test box", "Capacity": 3, "Blacklisted items": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Skin id": 0 }, { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin id": 0 } ], "Allowed categories (still empty if allowed all)": [ "Attire", "Misc", "Items", "Component", "Ammunition", "Construction", "Traps", "Electrical", "Fun", "Food", "Weapon", "Resources", "Tool", "Medical" ], "Spawn chances": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab": 5.0, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab": 100.0, "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientist_corpse.prefab": 100.0 } }, "test1": { "Shortname": "box.wooden", "Skin id": 6, "Item name": "Small test box", "Capacity": 35, "Blacklisted items": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.lr300", "Skin id": 0 }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin id": 0 } ], "Allowed categories (still empty if allowed all)": [ "Attire", "Misc", "Items", "Component", "Ammunition", "Construction", "Traps", "Weapon", "Resources", "Tool", "Medical" ], "Spawn chances": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab": 100.0, "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_elite.prefab": 5.0, "assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientist_corpse.prefab": 50.0 } } } }
Custom Backpacks
By Cobalt Studios in Plugins
Create custom backpacks with varying capacities and properties Save on Death - Allow players to keep backpacks on death Item blacklist - Blacklist items from being placed in the backpack Lootspawns - Add custom backpacks to any loot spawn
Admin Commands:
/cb.give 'Backpack-Name' 'Player-Name/ID' - With this command, administrators or players with the appropriate permission can give a specific backpack to another player.
Admin Commands:
cbackpacks.give - allows the use of the cb.give command
{ "RemoveDefaultBackpacks": true, "Backpacks": { "rucksack": { "Shortname": "largebackpack", "SaveContentsOnDeath": true, "Capacity": 8, "ItemBlackList": [ "rifle.ak", "sulfur.ore", "lmg.m249" ] } }, "Command Names": { "give": "cb.give" }, "LootSpawns": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab": { "rucksack": 100.0 } } }
Credit to M&B Studios the original author of this plugin.
- #backpacks
- #backpack
(and 3 more)
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