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0g.Ghost.7373's Wishlist

  1. More information about "Bind Looting"


    Bind Looting

    What is “Bind Looting”? 🤔
    “BindLooting” is a powerful tool for Rust players who want to loot crates quickly. Whether you’re an admin on a community server or a player, this plugin allows you to control your gaming style.
    🎮 Main Features 🎮
    Easy Looting: Just bind the /bindlooting command and then just press the bind key! All items in the container you're looting will move to your inventory instantly!
    No UI: Say goodbye to complicated user interfaces – everything happens through bind!
    Optional settings:
    Allowing a player to use a bind if they have "building privilige". Allow only "box.wooden.large" and "woodbox_deployed" (or other entities as desired) to be looted. 🔑 Permissions 🔑
    bindlooting.use: Grants access to the /bindlooting command.
    ⚙️ Assign According to Your Preferences ⚙️
    bind <key> "chat.say "/bindlooting""
    Enhance your Rust experience today with “BindLooting” – the ultimate tool for quick looting! 🚀
  2. More information about "AutoFarm"



    Auto plant and pick crops in planter. Also auto water or require a water hookup to water.

    When crops become ripe it will auto pick them if they have seeds in the box it will replant them in the open space.

    The plant and the checks are on timers it can take anywhere from 1 to 10 min before it gets picked / planted.

    There are 2 small stashes mounted to the box one will not accept items and that is where the picked items will go.. the other is to place your seeds in.

    Permission = "autofarm.allow" - Perm needed to place down a autofarm.
  3. More information about "F1 Tiers"


    F1 Tiers

    Create new levels to the old F1 Grenade with F1 Tiers!
    With F1 Tiers, you can customize just about every aspect and make grenades to your liking.
    Customize Spawn Container for each Tier, amount to go into that container, Name, SkinID and much more!
    F1Tiers.use - Allow you to use the altered grenades, without this perm, the item cannot be equipped into hotbar.
    F1Tiers.admin - Allow you to view debug info if toggled in config, and spawn in all your tiers for Testing if needed.
    /givetiers - Will send all Tiered Grenades to your inventory. - Req. Admin Permission
    /f1info - Will Print info on all Tiered Grenades to Chat - Req. Use Permission
    { "Debug Tiers in console for admin?": true, "Enable Crate Spawns?": true, "Amount of grenades to spawn on command?": 5, "F1Tiers": [ { "Tier Name": "Tier 1 Grenade", "Skin ID": 3005050493, "Explode On Impact?": true, "Make Grenade Sticky?": false, "Splash Damage": 2, "Explosion Radius": 3, "Explosion Damage": 100, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into Container": 3, "Chance out of 100 Percent To Spawn into Container": 50, "Container to Spawn Into": "crate_normal" }, { "Tier Name": "Tier 2 Grenade", "Skin ID": 917828833, "Explode On Impact?": false, "Make Grenade Sticky?": true, "Splash Damage": 4, "Explosion Radius": 6, "Explosion Damage": 200, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into Container": 2, "Chance out of 100 Percent To Spawn into Container": 50, "Container to Spawn Into": "crate_elite" }, { "Tier Name": "Tier 3 Grenade", "Skin ID": 896773854, "Explode On Impact?": false, "Make Grenade Sticky?": false, "Splash Damage": 5, "Explosion Radius": 7, "Explosion Damage": 300, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into Container": 1, "Chance out of 100 Percent To Spawn into Container": 50, "Container to Spawn Into": "bradley_crate" }, { "Tier Name": "ADD ANOTHER TIER HERE", "Skin ID": ANOTHER SKIN HERE, "Explode On Impact?": false, "Make Grenade Sticky?": false, "Splash Damage": 5, "Explosion Radius": 7, "Explosion Damage": 300, "Minimum Amount To Spawn into Container": 1, "Maximum Amount To Spawn into Container": 1, "Chance out of 100 Percent To Spawn into Container": 50, "Container to Spawn Into": "bradley_crate" } ] }  
  4. More information about "Semtex"



    This plugin converts the boring old F1 Grenade into a powerhouse!  But... you can scale the Damage output, Splash Damage, And Range, So you are always in control.
    Give your players a new tool to Raid (or blow themselves up) with, The plugin checks the Semtex item, and adds the custom properties. 
    Stick feature and Beeps that increase in speed on stick until Detonation to simulate the "Semtex" Grenade.
    The Semtex can be setup to be spawned in whatever crate you choose, I have it set to elite in default config. 
    Spawn Chance, and Min Max Spawn can be set as well.
    Every Server has different tastes and settings so feel free to make this Grenade yours Via Config.
    Perms to use need Semtex.Use Permission, Commands either require Admin Auth or Rcon Access.

    { "Explosion Damage": 500, "Splash Damage": 200, "Explosion Radius": 2, "Crate To Spawn In": "crate_elite", "Crate Chance (Out of 100%)": 50, "Minimum In Crate": 1, "Maximum in Crate": 3 }  

    /spawnsemtex - Will deposit semtex to your inventory. - admin only 
    /givesemtex "player" amount - Will send that player the specified amount of semtex. -admin only
    givesemtextto "player" amount - Will send that player the specified amount of semtex.
    3031605679 - SKINID


    If help is ever needed and I am off site feel free to reach me on discord - WrecksOnTheBeat
    Thank you for viewing!
  5. More information about "AMAZON (custom map)"


    AMAZON (custom map)

    The map partially follows the landscape of the Amazon River. A new unusual gaming experience, since almost the entire central part of the map is forest and water. It’s easy to get lost in this forest, but it’s also easy to hide your base. The water that surrounds many islands allows you to use a boat as a means of quickly moving around the map. On the river, just like on the edges of the map, heaps of trash appear that can be looted. Also on the sides of the river there are large islands on which the main prefabs are located. The road and railway cross the river on bridges and run along the perimeter of the island. A zipline will help you quickly move from one bank to another if there is no transport. Ore stones spawn in the forest. Custom locations that help create a jungle atmosphere near the river.

    Size: 4000 Prefab: ~13к All locations are connected with the road Ring railway Ring road Unique custom locations Magnificent and realistic landscape Lot of  places to explore Subway and train are connected by tunnel Advanced subway network Custom Monuments:
    Paradise Beach Fishermen`s House Abandoned village Radio tower Main Bridge Fallen rocket Monument Rust:
    Harbor 1 and 2 Ferry Terminal Trainyard Abandoned MIlitary Base Launch Site Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish+ Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost Giant Excavator Pit Junkyard Military Tunnel The Dome  Lighthouse Ranch Large Barn Water Treatment Fishing Village 1,2,3  Underwater Lab Oil rig and Large Oil Rig Railway Sewer Branch HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry  Roadside Monument  Mining Outpost  Supermarket Gas Station Please rate ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐  the map. Thank you!
    The map is password protected, if you want to make changes or you have any questions please write to me in discord.
    Litum on - 


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