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About Me

Found 5 results

  1. Version 1.2.3


    A simple, minimalist, and modern hud with events, player counter, and other things for your server. Are you tired of using complex game panel plugins with an ugly interface? Now you can have a simple and minimalist interface on your server with just basic events and player counters, and you can configure it however you want. ★ Most native events. ★ Game time with overrides for day and night. ★ Simplified player counter. ★ Sleepers counter. ★ Excavator event. ★ Large Oil rig & Small Oil rig events. ★ Economics & IQEconomic integration. ★ Minimize & maximize button. /mhtoggle - Toggle between showing or hiding the UI (Needs admin perm or missionminimalisthud.toggle) GALLERY:
  2. Version 2.8


    This is a collection of icons for a various amount of events by various developers for the plugin Server HUD by AhigaO There are around ~30 or so events these can be used for! ICONS & HOOKS INCLUDED FOR: Airfield Events Airfield Event AirfieldEventStarted - called when the event starts AirfieldEventEnded - called when the event has ended Arctic Base Event OnArcticBaseEventStart – called when the event starts OnArcticBaseEventEnd – called when the event ends Boss Monsters - (I had fun with this because the possibilities are endless) ☆ Almost Every Monster Has It's Own Icon Plus Some ☆ OnBossSpawn - сalled when the event starts OnBossKilled- сalled when boss is killed Bot Purge Event OnBotPurgeEventStart - called when event starts OnBotPurgeEventEnd - called when event ends Eradication Event OnEradEventStart - called when event starts OnEradEventEnd - called when event ends Caravan OnCaravanStart - сalled when event starts OnCaravanStop - сalled when event ends Cargo Events Gas Station Event OnGasStationEventStart – called when the event starts OnGasStationEventEnd– called when the event ends Harbor Events Heavy Cargo Ship Event HeavyCargoShipEventStarted - called when event starts HeavyCargoShipEventStopped - called when event ends Heavy Excavator Event HeavyExcavatorEventStarted - called when event starts HeavyExcavatorEventStopped - called when event ends Heavy Oil Rig Event HeavyOilRigEventStarted - called when event starts HeavyOilRigEventStopped - called when event ends Heli Events Junkyard Event OnJunkyardEventStart – called when the event starts OnJunkyardEventEnd – called when the event ends Legendary Beasts BroadcastOnSpawn - called when event starts SendMessageOnDeath - called when Beast is killed Meteor Event OnMeteorShowerStart - called when the event starts OnMeteorsKilled - called when the event ends Missile Silo Events Military Airfield Event OnMilitaryAirfieldEventStarted - called when the event starts OnMilitaryAirfieldEventEnded - called when the event ends Mushroom Event OnMushroomEventStarted - called when the event starts OnMushroomEventEnded - called when the event ends Oil Rig Events HeavyOilRigEventStarted - called when the event starts HeavyOilRigEventStopped - called when the event ends Plane Crash Events CargoPlaneCrashStarted - called when the event starts CargoPlaneCrashCrashed - called when a cargo plane crashes OnEntitySpawned - called when the event starts (Chaoscode.io version) OnEntityKill - called when the plane crashes Power Plant Event OnPowerPlantEventStart – called when the event starts OnPowerPlantEventEnd – called when the event ends Shipwreck Event OnShipwreckStart - called when the event starts OnShipwreckStop - called when the event ends Satellite Dish Event OnSatDishEventStart – called when the event starts OnSatDishEventEnd – called when the event ends Sputnik Event OnSputnikEventStart - called when the event starts OnSputnikEventStop - called when the event ends Space Event OnSpaceEventStop - called when the event starts OnSpaceEventStart - called when the event ends Super Market Event OnSupermarketEventStart - called when the event starts OnSupermarketEventEnd - called when the event ends Train Heist Event OnTrainHeistStarted - called when the event starts OnTrainHeistFinished - called when the event ends Train Yard Events Triangulation Event OnTriangulationStart – called when the event starts OnTriangulationEnd – called when the event ends Tug Boat Pirate Event OnTugboatPiratesStarted - called when the event starts OnTugboatPiratesEnded - called when the event ends Tug Me EventTugStarted - called when the event starts EventTugStopped - called when the event ends Water Event OnWaterEventStart – called when the event starts OnWaterEventEnd – called when the event ends Empty Icon For Custom Use All Icons are 50x50 as per originals Style is kept in original style of the plugin Empty 100x100 icon for Custom Logo placement FOR DROPBOX LINKS MAKE SURE TO CHANGE =0 TO =1
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is 200 neon icons i made for my server to use with the HUD plugin by Ahiga0. The photo is just a small sample of whats inside the bundle. Customize the way your HUD looks and delight your players with this massive bundle of icons. If you enjoy, please leave a like and a review! How to use: Find the icon you like, host the image to a site like imgur. Copy the link image of the icon you uploaded, and add it to the correct place in the config of your HUD. Easy as 1,2,3.
  4. Version 1.1.11


    HUD Panel System is the feature-packed HUD interface players can fully customize to their specific needs and play style. Display important server stats and ongoing events while enabling your players to create their own unique experience with the endless customization options this plugin provides! An API is included to make integration to other plugins seamless! Features: Beautiful HUD and other user interface Support for third-party plugins (you can modify your own and others' plugins) The player can customize the HUD (interface) Great customization options in the config All HUD titles can be changed Convoy plugin support Armored Train plugin support Showcase FAQ Q: How do I make the buttons hide when I click on the logo? A: In the logo settings, specify the command to hide the buttons (panelsystem.buttons). Example: https://pastebin.com/Ksggh718 Commands: /panel hide - hide panel /panel show - show panel API: private void OnEventChangeStatus(string key, bool spawned, bool ignorePlayers = false) Panel Anchors: UpperLeft UpperRight API Using Example: Plugin Code public class EmptyPlugin : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] private Plugin PanelSystem; private void OnServerInitialized() { EventChangeStatus("UserNotify", true); } private void Unload() { EventChangeStatus("UserNotify", false); } private void EventChangeStatus(string key, bool spawned) { PanelSystem.Call("OnEventChangeStatus", key, spawned); } } PanelSystem config { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/asflpJe.png", "Permission": "", "Type": 7, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "UserNotify" } Config: { "Work with Notify?": true, "Display type (Overlay/Hud)": "Overlay", "Panel Anchor": "UpperRight", "Logotype": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/eeuY1WI.png", "Command": "", "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "-100 -110", "OffsetMax": "-10 -20" }, "Players Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Ik9YSZS.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Ltn0Jr1.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Sleepers Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/J2QIswN.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/84eMeAq.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Time Settings": { "Updating the time every minute of game time (may cause performance issues)": false, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/ZI5vJk9.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/MhfhTLP.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Settings Button": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/zrGBH8Q.png", "Color": { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "20 -60", "OffsetMax": "55 -25" }, "Buttons Setting": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Commands for hiding/unhiding buttons": [ "panelsystem.buttons" ], "Buttons": [ { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/RScZfCg.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnShop", "Command": "chat.say /shop" }, { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/84ixNM9.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnStats", "Command": "chat.say /stats" }, { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/hIyouiW.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnBank", "Command": "chat.say /bank" } ], "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mJih52U.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 5.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 2.5, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 0.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Events": [ { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/kxeEFQG.png", "Type": 2, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "CH47" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/zjzI25y.png", "Type": 4, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 2, "Default Inactive Color ID": 3 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Bradley" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/PclffR9.png", "Type": 3, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 3, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Helicopter" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/NKNIqxz.png", "Type": 5, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Airdrop" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/lsEIGc5.png", "Type": 8, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "CargoShip" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Mkan1Ac.png", "Type": 10, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Convoy" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/LkmaOCm.png", "Type": 11, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "ArmoredTrain" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/GbJGvQM.png", "Type": 12, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "WipeBlock" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/CukDURt.png", "Type": 13, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Sputnik" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/p4rxub9.png", "Type": 14, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "SpaceEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mm8nhlg.png", "Type": 16, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "AirEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/asflpJe.png", "Type": 7, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "UserNotify" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/CukDURt.png", "Type": 13, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Sputnik" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/p4rxub9.png", "Type": 14, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "SpaceEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mm8nhlg.png", "Type": 16, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "AirEvent" } ], "Economics": [ { "ID": 1, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Q21Pwq9.png", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Font Size": 20, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 18, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 16, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Default Color ID": 6 }, { "ID": 2, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/DhSC8z0.png", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Font Size": 20, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 18, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 16, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Default Color ID": 7 } ], "Settings Interface": { "Icons On String": 4, "Size": 50.0, "Margin": 5.0 }, "Events Interface": { "Side Indent": 56.0, "Up Indent": 25.0, "Size": 35.0 }, "Hide Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Command": "panel", "Show Logo?": true }, "Colors": [ { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#000000", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 60.0 }, { "HEX": "#FF6060", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#DCDCDC", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } }
  5. Version 1.0.0


    An unrealistically beautiful UI that will decorate your server. Your players will definitely like it. The design is made in Figma. Full support is guaranteed from my side. I will help you change the pictures if you need it. This is a plugin design, not a ready-made plugin. My Discord: .spacex


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