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Found 3 results

  1. Whispers88


    Version 1.1.3


    Drop Bags tracks items dropped into the rust world. When there are high-volume drops, they are combined into a single “drop bag.” This method enhances performance by streamlining the handling of item drops and reducing item physics. Stop server stalls and freezing from item spam Works on craft spam, dropped item spam, gutted shark spam and horse dung! Light weight and easy to use Easy config DropBags uses one light weight hook to track dropped items. Dependent on how many items are dropped in a given radius those items get placed into a drop bag. This stops mass item spam effecting your server performance. { "Area Size - How far away items can be moved into a container": 7, "Max drops before moving items to container": 36, "Time to wait before moving items": 5.0, "Vischeck - checks items are visable before moving to container": true, "Calculate despawntime from drop bag items": true, "Reset dropbag despawn time on loot": false, "Override drop bag despawn time (seconds), 0 = false": 0.0 }
  2. Version 2.0.2


    EarlyQ allows players to join prematurely the server while it is still starting. By default the server needs to fully start (which takes ~5 min, depends on map/specs) and after all that time its finally time for players to join, but they still have to wait warming prefabs & download the world. EarlyQ optimizes the process of players joining & startup of the server and minimizes wait times because its splitting the work in parallel. Features Allows players to load faster by initiating Asset Warmup as they are waiting for the server to start up! The world data is sent to the player as soon as its ready, so when the server is ready they can join right away without waiting! The steam server is started only after ~10 seconds when you launch the rust server! This means players can see it in the global server list even while it is loading! Increases your server uptime metrics! Custom messages that show the current loading progress of the server! You can customize said messages Demo (the demo is older & does not start loading the world after its ready, so im waiting a bit longer in the video. This is already implemented in EarlyQ) Custom message If you need to customize the message your players get when waiting for the server, you have to specify the message as a launch option on the server +earlyq.loading_msg - The loading message shown when the server is loading and the client is waiting for the server to load the world +earlyq.loading_icon - The icon shown +earlyq.ready_msg - The loading message shown when the client finishes loading fully and is waiting for the server +earlyq.ready_icon - The icon shown Default messages (Example): +earlyq.loading_msg "<color=#c47070>PLEASE WAIT (alot of spaces here) SERVER IS STILL STARTING: {progress}" +earlyq.loading_icon "Server" +earlyq.ready_msg "<color=#59a358>YOU ARE READY (alot of spaces here) WAITING FOR THE SERVER: {progress}" +earlyq.ready_icon "CheckCircle" You can see all the icons you can use here You can use some unity rich text components in the message: "color", "u", "b" and "i". If you want to add a new line currently the only way I found out is to spam a bunch of spaces since it will wrap to the next line, max is 3 lines At the time of writing this, these are all the limitations, they might change in the future. You can also use a config file if you prefer The config file needs to be created in a folder of the root of the server called "EarlyQ" and in the folder a file needs to be created called "config.json", it should look like "EarlyQ/config.json" The content of the config.json file need to be: { "loading_msg": "your custom msg", "loading_icon": "your custom icon", "ready_msg": "your custom msg", "ready_icon": "your custom icon" } Installation As this is a Harmony mod you need to place the EarlyQ.dll file in HarmonyMods folder, after that restart the server. (do not use harmony.load command with EarlyQ!) EarlyQ works for Linux & Windows EarlyQ works with the newest networking update EarlyQ works with RakNet and SteamNetworking EarlyQ works with Vanilla, Oxide and Carbon Note Facepunch confirmed this Harmony mod is not allowed on official servers, if you want to use it on official, do it at your own risk. Contact You can contact me on discord: turner1337
  3. DezLife


    Version 4.0.7


    Friends Plugin for Rust Server "Friends" is a robust and flexible plugin designed to enhance the in-game friends system in Rust. It will help streamline the interaction between friends, simplify the process of authorization, and access to important game elements, and manage damage between friends. Key Features: Damage Control: An integrated feature of damage blocking among friends helps prevent accidental damage. This feature can be easily enabled or disabled by command. Enhanced Friends Authorization System: The plugin allows activating friends' authorization for a wide range of elements, including: Turrets SAM site Code locks Key locks Cupboards Upon removal from the friends' list, the player will automatically be deauthorized from all the listed elements. Remote Friend Invitation: With a special command, you can invite a player to be friends, even from afar. Authorization Settings Flexibility: Choose between two authorization methods for code locks - guest authorization ("guestPlayers") or full authorization ("whitelistPlayers"). Compatibility and Optimization: The "Friends" plugin is optimized for maximum performance and is compatible with many other plugins. Extensive API: The plugin offers a comprehensive API for developers, providing flexibility and the possibility of further customization. Detailed Logging System: "Friends" includes a logging system, providing transparency and control over activities. Optimize your gameplay with the "Friends" plugin for Rust server. It will help improve your gaming experience, simplify interactions with friends, and make your server safer and more manageable. Commands: /team - Additional info /team invite/add <Nickname> /team ff - Friendly fire Default Configuration: { "Chat commands": [ "team", "ff", "friend" ], "Maximum number of friends": 3, "Time to accept team invite (in seconds)": 20.0, "Enable friend authorization for turrets?": true, "Enable friend authorization for SAM sites?": true, "Enable friend authorization for code locks?": true, "Enable friend authorization for key locks?": true, "Enable friend authorization for cupboards?": true, "Authorization method for code locks (guestPlayers - guest authorization, whitelistPlayers - full authorization)": "guestPlayers", "Enable logging system ?": false, "Chat prefix (IQChat)": "<color=#5cd6skykey>[Friends]</color>\n" } API for Developers HasFriend(ulong playerId, ulong friendId) //Checks if the specified user is a friend of the player. HasFriends(string playerS, string friendS) //Checks if the player has friends by their string identifiers. IsFriend(ulong playerId, ulong friendId) //Checks if the specified user is a friend of the player. AreFriends(ulong playerId, ulong friendId) //Checks if the specified players are friends. AreFriends(string playerS, string friendS) //Checks if the specified players are friends by their string identifiers. IsFriends(string playerS, string friendS) //Checks if the player has friends by their string identifiers. GetFriends(ulong playerId) //Returns the player's friends list. GetFriendList(string playerS) //Returns the player's friends list by the string identifier. GetFriends(string playerS) //Returns the player's friends list by the string identifier. IsFriendOf(ulong playerId) //Returns a list of players who are friends of the specified player. IsFriendOf(string playerS) //Returns a list of players who are friends of the specified player by the string identifier. GetFriendList(ulong playerId) //Returns the friends list of the specified player.


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