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Version 1.1.5
NoEscape stands out as a robust solution to control rust players raiding & combat actions. As an innovative plugin for Rust, offering a range of unique features along with a visually appealing overlay. It provides 10 different colors for customization and a visible dome adjuster, enhancing user interaction. This plugin is designed to deliver optimal performance while maintaining backward compatibility with the free NoEscape from umod ensuring a smooth transition. Features Twig Building Ignorance: The plugin intelligently ignores twig buildings, preventing griefers from exploiting the raid/combat block system during simple base construction. Door Shooting Logic: Shooting a door outside the predefined radius won't trigger a raid block, even if the door is destroyed. Reliability and Compatibility Reload Behavior: Reloading NoEscape clears all existing raid/combat blocks. Team and Clan Support: Compatible with Teams & Clans, especially beneficial when used with the Auto Team plugin(umod clans). Removal Tools Support: Fully compatible with remove tools within the game or plugins. Command Blocking: Offers optional command blocking. Commands can be specified to block only for raids ("shop": 1) or combat ("shop": 2), or both ("shop": 3). Health/Regen Logic for Raids: Optional feature to manage health and regeneration of building blocks during raids / base building. Sound Effects: Option to include sound effects for enhanced user experience. UI System: Implements a user interface specifically for raid & combat scenarios that includes complete customization support. Hud Preset Positions: ( 0 Left Top | 1 Left Bottom | 2 Right Top | 3 Right Bottom | 4 Custom ) Combat-Blocking Logic: Combat-blocking is only active when not in a raid-blocked state. This not only saves on performance but also improves the gameplay experience. Raid-Block Self-Ignorance: Prevents raid-blocking on one's own buildings. MLRS Support: Yes, but only the vanilla ones launched by the vehicle on the map are supported, 3rd party plugins are not. Fire Damage Logic: If a wooden (but not twig) base takes fire damage, it triggers a raid. Damage Source Ignorance: Ignores non-player damage and buildings set to owner ID 0 by third-party plugins. Visual Enhancements: Color Support for Spheres: Adds color customization options for the visible spheres. Visualization Level Setter: Allows users to set the level of visualization for easier navigation and interaction. In conclusion, NoEscape provides a comprehensive and robust solution for Rust players, offering a blend of unique features, compatibility, and visual enhancements to elevate the gaming experience. Permissions noescape.admin Allows you to use the console / F1 command "newcolor" for changing the Raid overlay settings in game. Also allows you to use the console / F1 command "noescape" for allowing to raid your self or trigger combat block on npcs. Command newcolor <1-10> <0-8> -- first number is the color setting, second number is the sphere darkness level. noescape or noescape steamID Need to trigger raids on your self or combat block for NPCs? For testing! Use the new noescape command! Example: F1 menu Type "noescape" in game to toggle for your self. Example: F1 menu or server-console Type "noescape steamID" to toggle for someone else. Requires the noescape.admin perm to use in game. Configuration { "Specify commands to block ( 3 = Block Both | 1 = Block Raid | 2 = Block Combat )": { "shop": 3, "tp": 3 }, "User Interface": { "Switch to sprite instead of Icon?": false, "Sprite string Default: assets/icons/explosion.png": "assets/icons/explosion.png", "Sprite Color Default: 0.95 0 0.02 0.67": "0.95 0 0.02 0.67", "Enable Raid UI": true, "Raid Icon (Item ID Default: 1248356124) 0 = None": 1248356124, "Raid Skin ID (Skin ID Default: 0) 0 = None": 0, "Enable Combat UI": true, "Combat Icon (Item ID Default: 1545779598) 0 = None": 1545779598, "Combat Skin ID (Skin ID Default: 0) 0 = None": 0, "Hud Preset Positions: ( 0 Left Top | 1 Left Bottom | 2 Right Top | 3 Right Bottom | 4 Custom )": 0, "Hud Transparency Default: #, 0.1f": { "Hex": "#", "Rgb": "0 0 0 0.1" }, "Text Color Default: #09ff00": { "Hex": "#46ff36", "Rgb": "0.0352941176470588 1 0 1" }, "Text Font Size Default: 13": 13, "Hex or RGB toggle (Default is Hex)": false, "Custom UI POS: Key is anchorMin | Value is anchorMax": { "Hud": { "Key": "0.345 0.11", "Value": "0.465 0.14" }, "Icon": { "Key": "0 0", "Value": "0.13 1" }, "Text": { "Key": "0.15 0", "Value": "1 1" } } }, "Combat Block": { "Enable Combat Block?": true, "Block Time (Min)": 1, "Exclude Steam 64IDs": [] }, "Raid Block": { "Enable Raid Block?": true, "Raid Block player until death instead of distance checks or zones. + 'Optional' timer setting in seconds Default: 0.0 = disabled.": { "Die": false, "Time": 0.0 }, "Block Time (Sec)": 300.0, "Block Radius": 100.0, "Damaged Health Percentage on an entity to trigger a raid (0 = disabled)": 0, "Sphere Visibility (Recommend 3 or 5, 0 = disabled)": 3, "Sphere Color (0 = none, 1 = Blue, 2 = Cyan, 3 = Green, 4 = Pink, 5 = Purple, 6 = Red, 7 = White, 8 = Yellow, 9 = Turquoise, 10 = Brown)": 4, "Enable Random Sphere Colors? (Randomly selects a new color each time a raid block is triggered)": false, "Allow Upgrade or Block?": true, "Override facepunches default repair wait time after being attacked? Default: 30sec": 30, "Enable Base Building Block Features": true }, "Building (None = Doors, VendingMachine, ShopFront)": { "None": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 35, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Twigs": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 10, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 1.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Wood": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 20, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Stone": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 30, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 25.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Metal": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 40, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 30.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "TopTier": { "Raid Blocked Building Spawned Health Percentage": 50, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 40.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 } }, "Upgrading only works for BuildingBlocks": { "Twigs": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 10, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 1.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Wood": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 20, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 20.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Stone": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 30, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 25.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "Metal": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 40, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 30.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 }, "TopTier": { "Raid Blocked Upgrading Spawned Health Percentage": 50, "Health Regen Rate (Sets how fast it gens the health every x(Sec)": 1.0, "Regen Amount (0 = Disabled Sets how much to regen every x(Sec)": 40.0, "After Being Attacked Regen Time (Sec)": 30.0 } }, "Sound Effects": { "RaidStart": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/takedamage_hit.prefab", "CombatSart": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/kill_notify.prefab", "RaidEnd": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/effects/vault-metal-close-end.prefab", "CombatEnd": "assets/prefabs/building/door.hinged/effects/vault-metal-close-end.prefab", "Denied": "assets/prefabs/weapons/toolgun/effects/repairerror.prefab" }, "Message Responses": { "ChatIcon": 0, "RaidBlocked": "You are now <color=#00FF00>raid blocked</color>! For <color=#00FF00>{0}</color>!", "UnRaidBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>no longer</color> raid blocked.", "CombatBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>combat blocked</color> For <color=#00FF00>{0}</color>.", "UnCombatBlocked": "You are <color=#00FF00>no longer</color> combat blocked.", "CommandBlocked": "Access Denied: Cannot use <color=#FFA500>'{0}'</color> command during <color=#FFA500>{1}</color>: <color=#FFA500>{2}</color>", "ActionBlocked": "Denied: Cannot <color=#FFA500>{0}</color> while <color=#FFA500>raid blocked</color>", "RepairBlocked": "Unable to repair: Recently damaged. Repairable in: " } } API Hooks Useful to force quit 3rd party plugin actions when players trigger Combat/Raid Blocks. private void OnCombatBlock(BasePlayer player) private void OnRaidBlock(BasePlayer player) Useful for checking commands, etc, before allowing a player to do something private bool IsCombatBlocked(BasePlayer player) | IsCombatBlocked(string player) | IsCombatBlocked(ulong player) private bool IsRaidBlocked(BasePlayer player) | IsRaidBlocked(string player) | IsRaidBlocked(ulong player) private bool IsEscapeBlocked(BasePlayer player) | IsEscapeBlocked(string player) | IsEscapeBlocked(ulong player)$24.99 -
Version 1.5.37
Introducing a feature-rich plugin that will take your in-game building experience to new heights - Build Tools! This plugin is not just a tool, it is the key to creating incredible builds and will make the processes of upgrading, removing and even downgrading buildings easy and fun! !ATTENTION! After the last update of the game, the additional slot does not work ️ Features of Build Tools Beautiful user interface: Our plugin has a lovely and easy-to-use interface that makes building tasks smooth and functional; Bar progress display: Keep track of your building progress with a clear progress bar, so you can see your upgrades easily; Upgrade of the entire building at once: You can make them stronger and more secure quickly; Interface customization: Personalize the user interface to match your preferences and workflow. Returning an item to remove: Don't worry about losing items when removing structures; our plugin ensures you get them back; Returning items with condition as in the game: Items are returned to the same condition as in the game, with the option to set their condition as a percentage; Blocked list items for remove: You can specify which items should not be removed for precise construction control. Ability to use icons both from the game and your own Work with Clans/Friends/NoEscape Building Skins (+ automatic parsing command) Downgrade: Make structure downgrades simple and adapt your base to changing needs with just a few clicks Edit config via in-game interface (no JSON editing required) Commands /up [1-4] - enable upgrading mode /up all - allows you to upgrade the entire building at once /remove - enable removing mode /remove all - allows you to remove the building at once /down - enable downgrading mode /down all - allows you to downgrade building at once buildtools.parse.skins – allows parsing new building skins from the game + images to them /bskin – open settings menu Permissions buildtools.all – allows you to upgrade/remove the entire building at once – allows you to upgrade buildings for free buildtools.edit – allows you to enable edit mode – allows you to toggle the remove mode on in the vision mode Video Hooks object canDowngrade(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) object canRemove(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) object CanBuildToolsGiveRefund(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity) FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config$21.95- 295 comments
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- #gredable bases
- #grade rust bases
- #build system
- #upgrade buildings
- #remove structures
- #downgrade structures
- #base customization
- #best grade plugin
- #build plugin by mevent
- #reskin
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- #building skins
Version 1.3.5
Multifunctional and advanced RaidBlock plugin It includes all the necessary functions for this plugin and an extended configuration that will allow you to fully customize the plugin to the requirements of your server. Introduce your players to a truly functional plugin with a beautiful and modern UI interface, optimization, and new features that your players will appreciate. List of features: (The description briefly outlines the functionality and includes screenshots.) Visual Dome System: This is a new feature for RaidBlock's plugins, the visual dome system, offering a choice of two possible domes - standard and BattleRoyale. The dome can be disabled or configured in the configuration file. Sphere BattleRoyale The ability to set colors for the Battle Royale dome: List of supported colors Blue Green Purple Red Modern and optimized UI design of the plugin: We offer a choice of 3 UI design options, which can be fully customized and changed using settings in the configuration. It blends well with the game design and looks compact on the players' screens. 0 option 1 option 2 option Map Markers: A wide selection of markers for displaying raid blocks on the map. Fully customizable markers. Type 0 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Conveniences for Administrators: Implemented a black and white list system for raid block triggers, we have added for convenience 2 items that will help easily configure these lists directly from the game. To obtain these items, use the commands described in the "Commands" tab. Don't forget to grant yourself the necessary permissions. Black List White List Permissions: raidblock.ignore - with this permission, the player will have immunity to raid blocking. raidblock.toolgun - with this permission, the player can obtain a "Toolgun" for configuring the blacklist and whitelist of items. Command: Chat commands: /rbtest - allows testing raid block (simulates a raid at your position) (available only to administrators). /rb.white - obtain the Toolgun to add items to the whitelist. / - obtain the Toolgun to add items to the blacklist. Api: API: // Returns whether the player is raid blocked bool IsBlocked(BasePlayer player) bool IsRaidBlocked(string playerId) bool IsRaidBlocked(ulong playerId) bool IsRaidBlocked(BasePlayer player) bool IsRaidBlock(ulong userId) // Returns the remaining time of raid block for a player int ApiGetTime(ulong userId) Hooks: CanRaidBlock(BasePlayer player, Vector3 position) OnRaidBlock(Vector3 position) OnRaidBlockStopped(BasePlayer player) OnRaidBlockStopped(Vector3 position) OnCreatedRaidZone(Vector3 position, BasePlayer initiator) OnEnterRaidZone(BasePlayer player) OnExitRaidZone(BasePlayer player) Configuration: An excellent addition to this plugin:$13.99- 66 comments
- 3 reviews
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- #no escape
- #no escape rust
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Version 1.1.1
CombatBlock is a classic plugin that serves as a great addition to the RaidBlock (NoEscape) plugin. This plugin features extensive settings and several types of modern design. It has a cohesive style and pairs excellently with the RaidBlock plugin. Provide your players with an optimized and stylish plugin that will operate quickly and seamlessly. List of features: UI Interface Variations: Perfectly complements the RaidBlock plugin. 0 option 1 option 2 option Configuration of Additional Triggers: You set the triggers for the plugin yourself. Attacking an NPC Receiving damage from an NPC Inflicting damage on a sleeping player Deactivating combat-block upon death Configuration of Restrictions During Combat-Block: Blocking teleportation Blocking trade Blocking the use of kits Blocking commands (Supports chat and console commands) Permissions: combatblock.ignore - with this permission, the player will have immunity to combat blocking. Api: Object CanCombatBlocked(BasePlayer player) Object CanCombatBlock(BasePlayer player) void OnCombatBlockStarted(BasePlayer player) void OnCombatBlockStopped(BasePlayer player) Configuration: An excellent addition to this plugin:$9.11- 20 comments
- 1 review
- 2
- #combat
- #combat block
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Team Score Track your players with points, in style. Commands /team help - Displays this help message /team ui <enable|disable> - Shows or removes Score UI /team score <teamName|teamID> - Shows score for a team /team info <teamName|teamID> - Show info for a team /team set name <teamName> - Set a team name /team set maintc - Sets a main TC for a team /team clear <teamName|teamID|all> - Reset score data (Requires teamscore.admin permission) Permissions teamscore.admin - Used for /team clear command Config { "UI update frequency [s]": 60.0, "Main team command": "team", "Team leave temp period [s]": 3000.0, "No point warning message cooldown [s]": 60.0, "Amount of values in scoreboard": 5, "Max team name characters": 10, "Wipe data on map change": false, "Points": { "door.hinged.toptier": 3.0, "door.double.hinged.toptier": 3.0, "wall.frame.fence": 0.5, "wall.frame.fence.gate": 0.5, "floor.grill": 1.0, "floor.triangle.grill": 1.0, "wall.frame.garagedoor": 2.25, "wall.external.high.stone": 2.5, "wall.external.high.wood": 1.5, "gates.external.high.stone": 2.5, "gates.external.high.wood": 1.5, "floor.ladder.hatch": 1.0, "shutter.metal.embrasure.a": 3.25, "wall.frame.shopfront.metal": 4.5, "shutter.metal.embrasure.b": 3.25, "wall.window.bars.metal": 3.25, "wall.frame.cell": 1.25, "wall.frame.cell.gate": 1.25, "wall.window.bars.toptier": 3.0, "door.hinged.metal": 1.0, "door.double.hinged.metal": 1.0, "": 2.25, "cupboard.tool.deployed": 1.0, "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch": 1.0, "door.double.hinged.wood": 0.5, "wall.window.bars.wood": 0.5, "door.hinged.wood": 0.5, "crate_normal": 2.0, "crate_normal_2": 2.0, "crate_elite": 3.0, "supply_drop": 3.0, "codelockedhackablecrate": 4.0, "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig": 5.0, "bradley_crate": 5.0, "heli_crate": 5.0, "player": 5.0, "patrolhelicopter": 15.0, "bradleyapc": 15.0 } } Tracked Player Kills Bradley Takes Heli Takes Military Crate Loots Elite Crate Loots Raided Teams (MainTC destroyed) Building Blocks Destroyed Video$27.50- 3 comments
- #scoreboards
- #score
(and 5 more)
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