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Version 1.4.19
Overview: This plugin allows players to mount their weapons to the bottom of their Minicopters and Scrap Transport Helicopters. Players can configure their weapons by simply inserting them into the corresponding inventory slots of a box on the back of the mini or scrap heli. Ammo for the weapons is also stored in this box with 5 ammo slots that are shared between all of the weapons. Players can also equip their copters with flares, a radar set, and other utilities which will be added in the future. Operation Using the plugin is very straightforward and intuitive: just drop weapons in the spots you want em, then go! The default key binds mimic the attack helicopter, so players don’t get confused: Fire Weapon: LMB Fire Flare: RMB Switch Weapon: Sprint Switch Ammo/Reload : Duck Switch Radar Target: Use Lock target/Activate Seeker: Reload Configuration The config is very long and can be confusing to navigate. The plugin will automatically create the default config when you first run it. The dictionary of weapons always gets written on top, so you will need to scroll to the very bottom in order to find the general plugin settings. Here are some of the settings that can be changed (this is subject to change as I plan to add much more functionality over the coming months): "DebounceTimeSeconds": 4.0, (The amount of time a button will be inactive after pressing) "DisplayOutOfAmmoMessage": true, "DisplaySelectedWeaponMessage": true, "UnlimitedAmmo": false, (Makes server projectile weapons not require ammo, but doesn’t work on most weapons. If you want an unlimited ammo version, please look for Minicopter Combat) "DisablePermissionCheck": true, (enables permissions for each weapon) "ApplyToScrapCopter": true, (Does a weapon box spawn on the back of all minicopters) "ApplyToMinicopter": true, "FlareFiredSfx": "assets/prefabs/weapons/grenade launcher/effects/attack.prefab", "SwitchWeaponSfx": "assets/prefabs/deployable/dropbox/effects/submit_items.prefab", "AlarmSfx": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.unlock.prefab", "ReloadSfx": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/reload.prefab", "CounterMeasureDespawnTime": 5.0, "WeaponSwitchDelay": 2.0, "AmmoSwitchDelay": 1.0, "FirePrimaryButton": 1024, (This is where you can set your keybinds. The values represent binarys for a facepunch Enum that represents each client input. Refer to the button table below.) "FireFlareButton": 2048, "SwitchWeaponButton": 128, "SwitchAmmoButton": 64, "RadarSelectButton": 256, "TargetLockButton": 8192, "EnableScrapcopterGibs": false, (turns off gib spawning for better server performance) "GibsDespawnTimerOverride": 0.0, "DisableFire": false, "HideUnauthorizedWeapons": true, (This option doesn’t quite work as intended yet. It will show players the weapons they don’t have access to due to not having the oxide permission for that weapon in the weapon selection menu while flying. Right now, setting this to false shows all weapons that exist for the plugin.) Buttons • FORWARD = 2, • BACKWARD = 4, • LEFT = 8, • RIGHT = 16 • JUMP = 32 • DUCK = 64 • SPRINT = 128 • USE = 256 • FIRE_PRIMARY = 1024 • FIRE_SECONDARY = 2048 • RELOAD = 8192 • FIRE_THIRD = 134217728$29.99- 3 comments
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Version V1.2
A small map centered around the newest monument, the missile silo. This map features an extended fishing village with all the amenities of both outpost and bandit camp. All the terrain on this map has been hand-made for the best experience. This map is also perfect for those who have potato PCs because of its high-fps design. The map features a full progression system, from greencard to redcard, allowing t1-t3 progression throughout the wipe without mods. "good things come in small packages" Monuments: Missile Silo Military Base Fishing Villages Lighthouse Mining Outpost Small Harbor Supermarket Sewer Branch Both Oilrigs Underwater Labs Map Size: 1500 Editable: Yes Beautiful: Yes$8.00 -
Version 1.0.0
1 download
Featuring two dynamic events, this plugin introduces cargo drones that spawn at random monuments and raid drones that patrol the island, targeting and destroying unprotected bases. Enhance your gameplay with these exciting drone encounters. This plugin also adds C4 Drones and Anti Drone Turrets to the game. Features: Raid Drone Event: Drones patrol the island and attack unprotected bases. Loot Drone Event: Drones with loot boxes appear at random monuments and can be shot down. Player controlled C4 Drone: Players can craft a bomb drone and detonate it remotely through a computer station. Anti-Drone Turret: Players can craft Anti-Drone Turrets to protect their bases from raid drones while offline. Fully customizable Anti Drone Turrets: Can be used to protect your base from raid drones and C4 Drones. They require homing missile ammo to function. C4 Drones: Can be controlled by players and used to raid player bases. They can be detonated from the computer station. Commands: raiddrones - Spawn raid drone swarm at current position lootdrones - Spawn loot drones at current position antidrone.give <?amount> <?player> - Give Anti Drone Turret to the specified player (player and amount can be omitted) bombdrone.give <?amount> <?player> - Give C4 Drone to the specified player (player and amount can be omitted) Permissions: droneraiders.admin - Required to use event commands droneraiders.give - Required to use give commands Items: Anti Drone Turret: Command: antidrone.give <?amount> <?player> Shortname: box.wooden ItemId: -180129657 SkinId: 1220840269 Bomb Drone: Command: bombdrone.give <?amount> <?player> Shortname: drone ItemId: 1588492232 SkinId: 3241799978 This plugin supports the Loot Api and Custom Items Api of$21.00 -
Version 1.0.0
Rocket Strike - the ultimate event that allows you to create missile strikes anywhere on the map, in any quantity, any radius and with all possible settings. A unique feature is the creation of nuclear charges that create radiation zones after the explosion. The following types of rockets are supported: regular, fire, high-speed, MLRS. The configuration file allows you to manage all aspects of the event: - projectile type for a missile strike - random projectiles - explosion radius - number of missiles in launch - nuclear charge - nuclear charge strength - radius and duration of the radiation zone - event frequency - markers on map - marker on map after explosion (different color) - sound siren - notifications in chat (for all or for nearby players) - damage multipliers - loot after explosion Permissions Requires: Chat commands /rs call (/rs - alias) - takes your position as the center point for launching rockets and using the "Default" preset /rs onme takes your position as the center point for launching rockets and using the "OnMe" preset /rs start - event start (the rocket strike will not start immediately, it will be scheduled according to the configuration settings) /rs stop - stops the event if it was started and scheduled Configuration Event settings "EventSettings": { "autoStart": false, // automatically schedule an event to run after the plugin is installed "startAtRandomTime": true, "randomTimeRangeFrom": 120, // minutes "randomTimeRangeUpTo": 180, // minutes "repeatTimeInterval": 45, // minutes "rocketsLaunchPreset": "Default", // selected launch preset "randomRocketsLaunchPresets": false } Presets 1 preset in the example below: "LaunchPresets": { "Default": { "soundAlarm": true, // play sound alarm on launch start "soundAlarmDuration": 11, // seconds "chatNotifications": true, // notify players "chatNotificationsForNeardbyPlayersOnly": false, // notify only nearby players "showMapMarker": true, // show markers on the map (both: red and orange) "mapMarkerLootingStageDuration": 10, // duration in minutes for the orange marker "noDamage": false, // turns damage off "dropLoot": true, // allows to control loot drop "dropLootMultiplier": 1.0, // multiplier for the loot amount dropped by each projectile "maxRadius": 350, // rocket launch zone max radius "minRadius": 250, // rocket launch zone min radius "maxRocketsAmount": 12, // max 12 rockets in one launch "minRocketsAmount": 7, // min 7 rockets in one launch "maxDuration": 120, // seconds "minDuration": 60, // seconds "damageMultiplier": 1.0, // global damage multiplier that affects each projectile "projectiles": [ "NuclearMLRSRocket" // projectile type ] } } Projectiles configuration 1 projectile in the example below: "Projectiles": { "NuclearMLRSRocket": { // name used in a launch presset "damageMultiplier": 3.0, // projectile damage multiplier for each damage type "explosionRadius": 45, // meters "minExplosionRadius": 25, // meters, minimum radius "gravityModifier": 0, // affects projectile velocity "velocity": 35, // projectile velocity "nuclearCharge": true, // if “true” a nuclear charge will be added to the projectile "nuclearZoneRadius": 50, // meters, radiation zone radius after the explosion "nuclearZoneRadiationAmount": 55, // radiation damage in the zone per second "nuclearZoneDuration": 5, // minutes "prefab": "ammo.rocket.mlrs", // game object used for this projectile "additionalDamageTypes": [ // additional damage type { "type": "Radiation", // types list is available in the plugin file "damage": 1000 } ], "itemOnLootDropSpot": "assets/content/structures/excavator/prefabs/diesel_collectable.prefab", // spawns this item on each explosion spot "dropLootList": [ // list of loot to spawn { "item": "metal.fragments", "min": 500, "max": 1000 }, { "item": "sulfur", "min": 300, "max": 1000 }, { "item": "lowgradefuel", "min": 250, "max": 500 }, { "item": "charcoal", "min": 500, "max": 1000 }, { "item": "explosives", "min": 3, "max": 12 } ] }}$22.00 -
Version 1.0.3
Cluster rockets - this plugin allows you to give unique cluster rockets to players. After rocket explosion it will create configured number of 40mm explosive grenades around it. WARNING! Plugin will work correctly only with rockets loaded into rocket launcher. Sam missiles or any other interaction with external plugins won't work. Plugin config variables { "SkinId": 3241394422, "AmmoShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic", "DisplayName": "Cluster Rocket", "GrenadesToDrop": 12, "Rocket explosion time after launch seconds Minimal": 5, "Rocket explosion time after launch seconds Maximum": 10 } Commands: clusterrockets.give <name or steamID> <amount> - give rockets to player How it works? Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------$9.99 -
Version 1.1.4
Allows players to call in a predator missile Configuration: { "Chat Icon Id": 0, "Permissions & values": { "predatormissile.use": { "Seconds required to call in a missile strike": 8, "Rocket explosion radius": 10, "Rocket height": 75, "Rocket lifespan (seconds)": 15 }, "": { "Seconds required to call in a missile strike": 6, "Rocket explosion radius": 15, "Rocket height": 100, "Rocket lifespan (seconds)": 20 }, "predatormissile.vip2": { "Seconds required to call in a missile strike": 4, "Rocket explosion radius": 20, "Rocket height": 125, "Rocket lifespan (seconds)": 25 } }, "Loot container prefabs & chance to spawn a predator missile": { "crate_normal": 20.0, "crate_normal_2": 10.0, "crate_elite": 50.0, "crate_basic": 1.0 }, "Announce predator missile on chat": false, "Global cooldown after predator missile usage (minutes) (Set 0 to disable)": 1.0, "Enable global sound broadcast (Sound Library API)": false, "Global sound broadcast file name (Sound Library API)": "SoundLibraryApiFileName", "Blocks": { "Safe Zone Block": true, "Mounted Block (Chair/Vehicles)": true, "Swimming Block": true, "Flying Block": true, "Cargo Ship Block": true, "Hot Air Balloon Block": true, "Lift Block": true, "Scrap Transport Helicopter Block": true, "No Building Privilege Block": true, "Raid Block": true, "Combat Block": true, "Oilrigs Block": true } } Language: { "TipMessage": "Hold <color=#acfa58>E</color> while having the predator missile in hand in order to activate it!", "NoPermission": "No permission!", "SyntaxError": "Use predatormissile.give playerName/Id amount!", "TargetNotFound": "Target not found!", "BlockedUsage": "You cannot initialize the predator missile! ({0})", "PredatorMissileUsed": "Someone launched a missile", "GlobalCooldown": "Someone already used a predator missile, there is a global cooldown for {0}!", "Blocked.Mounted": "Mounted", "Blocked.InSafeZone": "In Safe Zone", "Blocked.RaidBlocked": "Raid Blocked", "Blocked.CombatBlocked": "Combat Blocked", "Blocked.BuildingBlocked": "Building Blocked", "Blocked.Swimming": "Swimming", "Blocked.Flying": "Flying", "Blocked.OnCargoShip": "On Cargo Ship", "Blocked.OnHotAirBalloon": "On Hot Air Balloon", "Blocked.InLift": "In Lift", "Blocked.InScrapTransportHeli": "In Scrap Transport Heli", "Blocked.OnOilrig": "On Oilrig" } Permissions: predatormissile.use (Always grant this permission for usage, grant additional permissions for different values) predatormissile.admin (In order to use predatormissile.give command if used ingame) Commands: predatormissile.give playerName/Id amount (Console Command) - Gives players predator missiles Usage: Get the predator missile in hand (active item in hotbar) and hold E Skin Id of the Predator Missile Item: 2764775859$15.00