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Everything posted by Somescrub

  1. Still running into an issue where apples are not dropping when spec'd into the woodcutter skill after the 1.7.6 fix.
  2. Somescrub

    HQM Output Bug

    It is doing it for both HQM specific and random - only producing 1 HQM in each output and then nothing beyond that while it runs. The other materials are working as intended. I even deleted the .cs and reloaded and it continues to happen. Below is my config: { "_Which loot table should this plugin use? 0 - Default, 1 - Alpha Loot, 2 - Other(Magic Loot, Better Loot)": 0, "Allow turrets to be looted if they are destroyed": false, "Broadcast start message to players?": false, "Controls how many NPCs will have the note on death (max 4).": 0, "How long should the event go on for?(minutes)": 120, "How many diesel should spawn in the engine on event start? (each diesel takes 2 min to burn. keep in mind total event time.)": 60, "If this is true auto turrets will target and kill NPCs as well as players in the excavator event area.": false, "Maximum time between events(minutes):": 360, "Minimum number of players before event will start": 1, "Minimum time between events(minutes):": 180, "Should players be allowed to loot the diesel from the engine during the event?": true, "Should the event start automatically(false if you only want manually start with HeavyExcavatorStart command": true, "Skip event if players are already at the excavator?": true, "Skip event if the excavator is already running?": true, "Skip event if there is loot sitting in the excavator(checks diesel and output piles)": true, "Start locations for AutoTurrets": [], "Start locations for Bradleys": [ { "x": -1.9, "y": -0.3, "z": 72.3 }, { "x": -135.6, "y": -1.9, "z": 54.5 } ], "Start locations for hackable Crates": [ { "x": -5.8, "y": 3.9, "z": -0.1 }, { "x": -5.1, "y": 3.9, "z": -4.5 } ], "Start locations for scientists": [ { "x": -2.2, "y": -1.6, "z": 91.5 }, { "x": -7.2, "y": -1.6, "z": 90.5 }, { "x": 7.1, "y": -1.5, "z": 90.9 }, { "x": 10.9, "y": -1.4, "z": 83.4 }, { "x": -22.6, "y": 2.4, "z": 82.2 }, { "x": -25.5, "y": 2.4, "z": 81.1 }, { "x": -128.2, "y": -1.8, "z": 54.4 }, { "x": -125.3, "y": -1.8, "z": 43.1 }, { "x": -116.8, "y": 2.3, "z": 60.4 }, { "x": -119.4, "y": 2, "z": 63.5 }, { "x": -50.8, "y": 4.6, "z": 100.7 }, { "x": -52.1, "y": 4.6, "z": 97.4 }, { "x": -4, "y": 3.9, "z": 5 }, { "x": -5.9, "y": 3.9, "z": 2.7 }, { "x": -4.7, "y": 3.9, "z": -2.4 }, { "x": -3.4, "y": 3.9, "z": -4.8 }, { "x": 2.4, "y": 2.4, "z": -6 }, { "x": 5.7, "y": 2.4, "z": 0.2 } ], "This is for special items you want added to the hackable crates outside of loot tables": [], "Which type of resource should the excavator mine during the event? 0 - HQM, 1 - Sulfur, 2 - Stone, 3 - Metal Frags, 4 - Random each event": 4 }
  3. I can confirm that it is conflicting with the FurnaceUpgrades plugin - it is working properly when I unload that and run the skill with just vanilla. You can go ahead and close this.
  4. Somescrub

    Crafting Counts Bug

    Currently the plugin is not recognizing crafting in stacks as individual crafts - if you queue up 100 gp as an example, it will count the completion of the entire craft stack as 1 item crafted, instead of 100 items crafted.
  5. Somescrub

    HQM Output Bug

    When configured for a random output event (4) the event is failing to produce HQM beyond 1 in each of the the two outputs. The other resources output correctly.
  6. Running into an issue where apples are not dropping when spec'd into the woodcutter skill.
  7. It must be conflicting with my oven upgrade mod then, as I did test it the same way you did with furnace ownership.
  8. The smithy skill does not appear to be rewarding bonus HQM at all. I tested with normal and high quality metal ore and got nothing from either in a normal furnace. I could only confirm the slower burn time and extra production of metal fragments. I am also running the oven upgrades mod, but I did not use an upgraded furnace for the test, as I know that smithy bonuses are not compatible with that plugin when furnaces are upgraded.
  9. Somescrub


    Is there any way to make the new menu UI scale larger? I am getting a lot of complaints from my community about how small the text is to read now, compared to before. Additionally, we are all missing the stat summary page as it was so easy to get a comprehensive view of your loadout from there. Now we have to go page by page and it just doesn't feel as intuitive - not sure if we could get a stat/skill summary view back again. Otherwise the plugin pages perform much better now, just needs some UX love.
  10. Somescrub

    Rabies Issues

    Today one of my players ran into an issue when contracting the Rabies condition. He died from it, and upon respawn still had the effect. I gave him a pure healing tea (configured to 100% cure) and it removed the status indicator (custom framework), but he retained the symptoms. I ended up disabling rabies and reloading the plugin and that cleared his effects, but I wanted to make sure you were aware that there is an issue. I am running the latest version. "rabies": { "Enabled": true, "Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/38Wk5EV.png", "Damage Scale": 1, "Show Duration": false, "Show Indicator": true, "Cure Items": { "healingtea": 0.5, "healingtea.advanced": 0.75, "healingtea.pure": 1 }, "Interval Min Seconds": 18, "Interval Max Seconds": 20, "Duration Min Seconds": 360, "Duration Max Seconds": 600, "Infliction Entities": { "wolf": 0.05, "boar": 0.03, "bear": 0.03, "polarbear": 0.03 }, "Infliction Items": {} },
  11. Somescrub

    Juggernaut Settings

    Is it possible to somehow make it so the juggernaut will throw explosives just like the other NPCs, and put a limit on the amount that can be thrown?
  12. Somescrub

    Helicopter experience gains

    XPerience is not rewarding players for heli kills. I do use the CustomHeliTiers plugin and Convoy to customize the helicopter experience, but I would expect this would be recognized as any other helicopter. XPerience is currently not rewarding for kills for either of the plugin's events. XPerience has no problem recognizing customized Bradley's in Convoy or BradleyTiers plugins, and are providing experience upon kill. Considering the heli experience issues are occurring in different plugins, and Bradley is not being affected, I feel it may be an issue with XPerience itself.
  13. Somescrub

    Npc Random Raids

    Any chance you could add a config option to accept Skin ID'd items within the raiding NPCs inventory - specifically the thrown explosives? I've got a radical idea to incorporate the custom supply signals of the below mod, with the ability to be thrown by the raiding NPCs during a counter raid. For instance. It seems I could set the shortname of a supply signal in the config, but I would also need support for the SkinID to make it work right.
  14. Somescrub

    Craft Menu

  15. Somescrub

    Craft Menu

  16. Somescrub

    Craft Menu

    Enhancement Request: Is there a possibility that you could add a bit of functionality to be able to craft in bulk, versus needing to craft one item at a time? Or if this already exists can you inform on how to accomplish that? Specifically I am looking to enable players to craft Diesel barrels in bulk, so say 750 barrels for 500k low grade as a single craft, instead of needing to click 750 times in the menu to get a similar output as I believe it can only function currently.
  17. Thanks for the quick response - look forward to the fix!
  18. I am experiencing issues where upgraded boxes at monuments are not de-spawning after a mutation event has concluded, and in many instances stacking repeatedly if multiple mutations take place before items are looted. Additionally, some upgraded boxes appear to be floating if they were in the vicinity of a mutated monument (such as harbor event when I have cargo ship docking there for a period of time). Wondering if there is/can be a check put in place to trigger a de-spawn at the conclusion of a mutation event.
  19. Somescrub


    Awesome plugin - I was able to retire the gatheringclothes plugin and use this exclusively. I heavily modified Enchanting to provide craftable defensive enhanced attire, but I could see this potentially replacing that. Only problem I have right now is that Enchanting will overwrite an EpicLoot item. Any way you could add an enhancement for melee/projectile damage reduction to EpicLoot?
  20. When skilled for Might the radiation mitigation is not working for players. I increased the value to -3000% and tested with a metal kit, but still am incurring radiation accumulation/damage.
  21. yea I had tried that but for some reason the skins weren't loading in for me - as soon as I switched to horse dung the issue resolved itself, so I am making it work the same way but with dung instead.
  22. Sorry - you are correct... I had to revisit that for a moment as I was getting confused. In this particular instance I believe I was placing the item ID in the "skin" value for an item such as paper. Now that you say that it makes sense that it would not know what that number meant. I am assuming for items such as paper then, which have no skin ID, that the field would be left blank in the config to work properly then?
  23. Yes, the item ID of particular skins does not appear to work properly when they are a negative value
  24. Somescrub


    Would love to see support for static enchantments - specifically the ability to enchant things like repairable armor sets that permanently inherent the effects of an enchantment, without the need to "activate" the ability. Or just let me know what to remove in the plugin code to enable the plugin to ignore when something is switched from the hotbar (and thus not cancelling an active effect).


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