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Everything posted by XAVIER


    Add From Inventory

    Hello. I didn't understand the message of your problem. Could you paint it better?
  2. Hello. The problem is really strange, is it possible to get a video with a technical problem of the plugin? so that I understand what the problem is


    In the new version of the plugin, this button has already been added. There will be a global plugin update soon.

    Console Error

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed

    Loot Editor

    I'll take a look today.

    Loot Editor

    Version 1.0.8


    This plugin will help you change the standard loot to a newer one! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple and user-friendly design The speed and convenience of the plugin Setting up each item in the date file Setting up absolutely every loot box Support for custom items Blueprint item support Huge functionality of the plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Review: ( The video shows the main functionality of the plugin! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration: { "Permission to use the command": "looteditor.use", "Use Notify ? ( https://codefling.com/plugins/notify )": false, "Verison Configuration": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } } Configured date file ( configured for demo ) { "crate_normal": { "PrefabName": "crate_normal", "Minimum number of dropped items": 5, "Maximum number of dropped items": 7, "_itemsList": [ { "ShortName": "techparts", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 2, "Max amount": 4, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "metalblade", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 3, "Max amount": 4, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "metalpipe", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 3, "Max amount": 6, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "carburetor3", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 140.0, "Max Condition": 140.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "crankshaft3", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 140.0, "Max Condition": 140.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "piston3", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 140.0, "Max Condition": 140.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "sparkplug3", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 140.0, "Max Condition": 140.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "valve3", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 140.0, "Max Condition": 140.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "hammer", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "sewingkit", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "sheetmetal", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "smgbody", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "riflebody", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "roadsigns", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "rope", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "semibody", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "glue", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "gears", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.engine", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 300.0, "Max Condition": 300.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "vehicle.1mod.flatbed", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 250.0, "Max Condition": 250.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "vehicle.2mod.fuel.tank", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 325.0, "Max Condition": 325.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 } ] }, "crate_basic": { "PrefabName": "crate_basic", "Minimum number of dropped items": 3, "Maximum number of dropped items": 6, "_itemsList": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.m39", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "lmg.m249", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 500.0, "Max Condition": 500.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.lr300", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 4, "Max amount": 7, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 150.0, "Max Condition": 150.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "gun.water", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 6, "Max amount": 7, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 50.0, "Max Condition": 50.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "smg.thompson", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.python", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.revolver", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "rocket.launcher", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 200.0, "Max Condition": 200.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "hammer", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": false, "Condition": 0.0, "Max Condition": 0.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 150.0, "Max Condition": 150.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.ak.ice", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 150.0, "Max Condition": 150.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.semiauto", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.semiauto", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "DisplayName": "", "Min amount": 1, "Max amount": 2, "SkinID Item": 0, "IsCondition": true, "Condition": 100.0, "Max Condition": 100.0, "Blueprint": false, "Chance": 25 } ] } }

    Kits Menu

    Yes, there is. Today I think I'll fill in the update


    Today I will take a look about your mistake

    Trading Platform

    Very soon, at the moment, a new design for the plugin is being created.
  10. XAVIER

    Console Error

    Hmm. Strange, try to clear all the pictures with the command: refreshallimages
  11. Changed Fixed In to 1.0.3
  12. Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  13. Fixed.
  14. XAVIER


    Slightly delayed, but updated)
  15. XAVIER


    Of course you can! I will update the plugin within 2 hours!
  16. XAVIER


    hahaha, It's just that almost all plugins are made in dark colors - I don't like it any more, and decided to do it in white and light colors)
  17. XAVIER

    Trading Platform

    Hi! I am preparing a huge plugin update, and I have already fixed this problem in this update! Everything will be soon!
  18. XAVIER


    Version 1.0.3


    This plugin will immerse the player in the dark market, where you can buy various goods for various coins! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: A unique, minimalistic, one-of-a-kind plugin design! A good idea of the store! The plugin is made with musical accompaniments when downloading and purchasing the product! When buying a product, the player will still need to find it! Convenient and easy configuration setup Optimized plugin operation! Discounts on products! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Review: ( The video shows the main functionality of the plugin! ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration: Main Settings: "Permission to use the command": "dkmarket.use", "Save logs ?": true, "Spawn radius of the box": 150, "SkinID Box": 1545613264, "Use Notify ? ( https://codefling.com/plugins/notify )": false, "Commands": [ "market", "darknet" ], Setting up a discount ( discounts) for privileges: "Personal discount for privileges": { "dkmarket.vip": 10, "dkmarket.premium": 20 }, Setting up text loading stages: "Stages of text loading": [ "ASUS P5KPL ACPI BIOS Revision 0603", "CPU: Intel (R) Core(TM) i5-3470 @ 3.20GHz", "Speed: 3.20 GHz", "Initializing USB Controllers", "Checking RAM storage", "Validating HDD", "Detecting IDE drivers", "Memory Frequency 8024MHz", "Validating complete", "Immortal (C) 2022 Codefling, Inc" ], Setting up your economy plugin: "Settings Economy": { "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance" }, Basic setup of categories and items that will be in the category: "Settings Category and Items": [ { "Category name": "Weapon", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.bolt", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.l96", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.m39", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "rifle.semiauto", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "smg.2", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "smg.mp5", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "smg.thompson", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.eoka", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.nailgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 } ] }, { "Category name": "Ammunition", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "ammo.shotgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 10, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "ammo.shotgun.slug", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 20, "Price": 35 } ] }, { "Category name": "Medical", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.nailgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 } ] }, { "Category name": "Food", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.nailgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 } ] }, { "Category name": "Resources", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.nailgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 } ] }, { "Category name": "Other", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.nailgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 } ] }, { "Category name": "Rockets", "Items that will be sold in this category": [ { "ShortName": "pistol.m92", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 }, { "ShortName": "pistol.nailgun", "SkinID": 0, "DisplayName": "", "Image ( Leave an empty field if you don't need to upload a picture for this item )": "", "Amount": 1, "Price": 50 } ] } ], Configuration version: "Verison Configuration": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 }
  19. XAVIER

    Trading Platform

    Hi! In the configuration, you can configure how the trading platform will open: 1 - Either through the command. 2 - Either via computer
  20. XAVIER

    Kits Menu

    Hello everyone. I didn't give up on plugins, there were just problems for which I couldn't sit down at the PC and solve problems with the plugin. I will post updates within a few days. Sorry for the delay!
  21. XAVIER

    Trading Platform

    Hello everyone. I didn't give up on plugins, there were just problems for which I couldn't sit down at the PC and solve problems with the plugin. I will post updates within a few days. Sorry for the delay!
  22. XAVIER

    Trading Platform

    Specify the bot ID in the configuration of the Trading platform plugin
  23. XAVIER

    Trading Platform

    This is simply not possible)
  24. XAVIER

    Trading Platform

    It is possible that there is a skin on the item that is not approved in the game. I will try to solve this problem in the next updates.


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